Your Wealth Will Remind You in Countless Unnoticeable Ways

I see some people asking how to overcome the fear of dealing with money and not becoming the God of Wealth. Today, we’ll discuss the three types of money and how to eliminate the fear in our subconscious, how to start saving money, and how to remove the fear of money and truly become wealthy.

Cost-effectiveness: Suitable or not, worth it or not

Let’s first talk about cost-effectiveness. Those who focus on cost-effectiveness are always asking whether something is worth it or not, including comparing products from different stores, predicting price hikes, and determining suitability.

Today, they suggest having a pillow with my photo on it, so that you can absorb my wealth and energy every day by hugging it when you wake up and before going to sleep at night.

They also enthusiastically debated how much it should cost, with some suggesting over 200, some suggesting over 50, some suggesting over 30, and everyone bargaining in the group. This discussion was full of joy and cost-effectiveness, whether it was suitable or not, worth it or not, feasible or not. Come on, can you lower the price a bit?

Therefore, those who focus on cost-effectiveness generally have a state of mind: Is it suitable or not, is it worth it or not, which is quite interesting. So what is the state of mind of those who focus on cost-effectiveness?

They are naturally insecure about money and always fear losing it, so this fear prompts them to instinctively save money. They feel secure only when they see that number in their bank account.

What’s the point of saving money? Nothing, just want to sentence the money to death in the bank, and if possible, life imprisonment. If you offer 2 million dollars to someone who focuses on cost-effectiveness and let them put it in their bank account, they would be thrilled to give it a life sentence. They will calculate the fixed interest rate, how much to save, etc. on the spot.

Actually, I’m not purely focused on cost-effectiveness. Today, I said in a voice message: “Look at how much money you saved!” Immediately, a classmate who focuses on cost-effectiveness came up with a table, calculating how much money was saved in terms of time cost. Over the past three months, it amounted to over 400,000. When I saw this number, I was dumbfounded. Was it really that much? But for them, it seems like a lot of money.

Cost-effectiveness: Taking risks and gambling big


Those who focus on cost-effectiveness still feel very insecure about money even if they have saved a lot. Why is that? They always feel that their money could disappear at any moment.

For example, I have a student who already has 160 million yuan, but he told me that he still doesn’t feel secure and can’t bring himself to buy luxury goods, eat good food, or even fly first class. I laughed and said that I only have 200,000 yuan in my little savings account, which is much less than him, but I’m happy every day. With over 100 million yuan, how could he still think of himself as poor? Are poor people sitting in first class now?

What is this related to? It’s related to mentality, not the amount of money. It’s related to our inner sense of security. Those who focus on cost-effectiveness come from humble beginnings and can never relax about money, always feeling like they don’t have enough. Therefore, they often get cheated and taken advantage of.

What kind of scams do they fall for? Money scams. They believe they can get rich quick and make huge profits by investing, so they get cheated not because they’re not smart or because they’re stupid, but because they’re too greedy, always wanting more.

I have a student who has lost a lot of money, with nearly 100 million yuan in debt. He slowly started to recover, but then lost three or four million again. When I asked him why this happened, he said, “I was too greedy. There was a project that promised a return of ten times the investment, like a Ponzi scheme. If I invested three or four million, I could get back thirty or forty million. I was tempted because that would help reduce my debt.”

Do you see the pattern here? Many who focus on cost-effectiveness are willing to take risks and gamble big. Some people are unwilling to spend money on themselves, even for necessities like food and clothing, because they think money is precious and they need to save it. But when someone tells them that there’s a bigger return on their money, they become fascinated because they believe that there’s even more money waiting for them down the road.

Money does come to us, but we need to analyze the situation carefully before taking action.

Cost-effectiveness: Longing to become rich

In this world, thoughts determine consciousness, and consciousness determines energy, which in turn determines material reality. So, what is consciousness when thoughts determine energy? We call it “intention.”

The entire system of identification is different, and the thoughts generated are different. Just like we talked about cost-effective people and people with different feelings, it all comes from their different persistent thoughts. Therefore, their entire consciousness and the resulting energy and outcomes are different, leading to different levels of insecurity and financial losses.

Cost-effective people, as we just said, always long to become rich. What does it mean to be rich? Everyone has a different definition of what it means to be rich or poor based on the people around them.

If they come from particularly impoverished families or those around them are poor, they may feel that having one or two million is already considered rich. But I have a friend whose friends all have billions, and he only has 1 billion, and he still feels particularly inferior. He thinks of himself as just a small business owner.

He said that 1 billion yuan is not even enough to be called a millionaire in the United States, where it takes 1 billion US dollars to be called a billionaire. So, 1 billion yuan is still far from being a billionaire. He said, “I’m so poor and far behind my friends. When can I become a truly rich person and get rid of the label of a small business owner?”

I laughed at the time, thinking, “You have so much money, what more do you want?” You can eat, wear, and play whatever you want. What more could you be thinking? But he felt that my view of wealth was too narrow. Is 1 billion considered a lot?

So, we find that the amount of money you have is not related to how much you have. It is related to your surroundings, your magnetic field, and frequency, and the people around you. There is no real measure of quantity or comparison of more or less. So, even if you have a lot of money, if you compare yourself to truly rich people, you are still far behind.

We have many students who are really rich, with companies worth hundreds of billions and net worth in the tens of billions. But they don’t consider themselves rich, thinking that there are still many risks and opportunities, and if they invest, they could lose billions. Therefore, their risk resistance is weak, and they think this way.

Of course, this is how they think, and ordinary people definitely won’t think that way. So, here we have analyzed the amount of money and what “more” or “less” means. It’s just a thought, not an actual measure. It’s not like passing a test with a score of 60, where the passing score is the same for everyone.

Cost-effectiveness: Happiness is always within reach


Let’s talk about value for money again. The sense of security for people who pursue value for money has always been lacking, even if one day it exceeds the original pass rate. For example, my friend used to have debts and said that if he could repay his debts and have a savings of 200,000, he would feel extremely happy. Later, he did repay his debts and had 1 million in savings. What did he say then? He said he would be happy if he could have 10 million in savings. Later, he had 10 million, and what did he say? He said he wanted 50 million or even 100 million.

When he told me this, I couldn’t help but laugh and said, “Why is your happiness always out of reach?” It’s like Afanti and his donkey, always sitting on top of the donkey and dangling a carrot in front of it. Every step forward is always one step away, and happiness is always ahead of the donkey. I ask you, are you that donkey??

This is the thinking pattern of people who pursue value for money. They will never be satisfied and always set a goal in front of them: “I can’t be satisfied. If I’m satisfied with everything, I will lose my momentum and sense of direction. I can’t let up, so I must set another goal for myself that I can reach on tiptoe or maybe even can’t reach, but it is definitely my pleasure.”

Cost-effectiveness: Using human resources with caution

So, we can understand from the concept of cost-effectiveness that it has a self-torturing pattern. I constantly set goals for myself while using this feeling of insecurity to push myself forward: I am still far from achieving my goals, so I need to save more money. This feeling of insecurity is a key point in cost-effectiveness. What does it use more of? Human resources.

In fact, I have met many wealthy bosses, including my students and my previous experience running a business. One common trait among wealthy people is that they don’t rely solely on their own human resources. We may advertise their diligence and hard work to the outside world, but many times their first pot of gold, and even the turning point in their lives, comes from what?

It comes from their inspiration, intuition, and that inner sense of direction, which is a kind of guidance, meaning that they actually rely on something beyond human power, something that can be described as fate or destiny. Many times, intuition is directly close to the answer.

Therefore, for people who focus on cost-effectiveness, what does this feeling of insecurity create? The illusion of constantly running. I must keep moving forward, I must make myself work hard. If I don’t work hard, I feel like I am useless to society and my family. Therefore, people who focus on cost-effectiveness must keep themselves running.

But I have always believed that people who focus on cost-effectiveness have made a very significant contribution to the economy. Because only people who focus on cost-effectiveness can clarify the numbers and truly control the entire cost.

Because people who focus on cost-effectiveness need to be in control, they have a strong desire for control. They want to control money, people, things, and materials. They need a very strong sense of control in order to achieve the results they want.


Advice: Tap into divine inspiration and operate with dual systems

People who focus on cost-effectiveness often feel very tired, have a strong sense of responsibility, and tend to complain and control things. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but my advice is to tap into divine inspiration and operate with both your human and divine systems.

I can open myself up to inspiration and let it come in, even let go of all control and allow inspired people to come in, and I can support them. Let those inspired people make contributions, and I will support them.

Similarly, in terms of financial security, we need to eliminate greed and the mentality of taking risks for big gains. After analyzing all the situations over the past year, I can calculate that this is feasible and can make money.

Therefore, sometimes success or failure hinges on one’s state of mind. When you keep thinking about dependencies in your mind, you will often lose money when you have more money. The insecurity of cost-effectiveness stems from the fear of money, which cannot be relaxed and cannot tap into divine inspiration, not just using brainpower and human power.

It’s not that brainpower is not important, but it’s about dual system operation. When you operate with both systems, you will find that your money will at least double or even multiply many times over. Why?

Because people who focus on cost-effectiveness have many plans and blueprints in their hearts, and they are usually diligent. If they can tap into divine inspiration, the channel of wealth will have an even greater opportunity for success. People who focus on cost-effectiveness are usually very cautious when saving money, afraid of losing it; very careful when spending money, also afraid of losing it; and very reluctant to give money to others, as if their hearts are bleeding, and they are afraid of losing it.

Teacher’s message to the “cost-effectiveness babies”:

There is always a fearful trembling around money, fearing that it will be lost suddenly and what to do then? Start over from scratch. Many cost-effectiveness people often go through a cycle: letting others spend their money, then saving up again, as if they are saving money for others. Many cost-effectiveness people would agree with me, “Teacher, what you said is so true. Because of your fear, your money comes from fear, and it will inevitably leave because of fear.”

Therefore, when you enter into a state of greater trust and joy, rather than a state of mind, which is the state of what I called “天力” earlier, you will find that your money will come to you more and more easily and lightly.

You are a very hardworking person, and when the money comes to you, you will find it very joyful and increasingly easier, just as we say, you used to chase after money, and now money is chasing after you.

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