Japanese & Korean Makeup: 6 Steps Tutorial with Images

Characteristics of People Suitable for Japanese and Korean Cute Style Makeup: Individuals with moderate facial volume, delicate bone structure, and a charming, youthful aura are well-suited for the captivating allure of Japanese and Korean makeup.

This comprehensive guide will unveil the secrets to achieving this adorable aesthetic, step by step. Embark on this journey of beauty transformation with me!

Step One: Base Makeup

The foundation of flawless makeup lies in mastering the application technique. Using a brush, sweep the foundation upwards from the chin to effectively conceal pores.

Next, employ a beauty blender to gently press the foundation into the skin, ensuring even distribution and absorbing excess powder. For dry skin, dampen the beauty blender slightly for a smoother, seamless finish.

Japanese Korean base Makeup

Step Two: Concealing

Camouflage imperfections and red blemishes with the aid of green concealer. For unruly eyebrows, utilize yellow concealer to define the natural brow shape, avoiding harsh lines to maintain a natural appearance.

step2 color correcting concealer palette

Step Three: Contouring

Japanese and Korean makeup typically embraces a soft, rounded contouring style, emphasizing the inner features. Begin by highlighting the bridge and tip of the nose, accentuating its delicate structure.

Next, apply blush to the apple cheeks, imparting a youthful fullness. Subsequently, illuminate the triangular area above the lips and the chin, enhancing facial definition. Remember to blend the contours seamlessly to avoid stark lines.

Japanese Korean Contouring

Step Four: Eyeshadow

Sculpt the eyes with eyeshadow:

  1. Employ earthy tones (purple-pink hues) using a wide eyeshadow brush to deepen the eye sockets. Blend the color generously across the upper eyelid, extending the application to the outer corners of the lower eyelid.
  2. Next, utilize concealer to create a natural gradient, blending from the inner corner of the eye towards the center. This technique mimics the appearance of double eyelids, adding depth and dimension for an enhanced charming look.
  3. Apply a darker eyeshadow along the lash line for a natural tightlining effect. Avoid excessive application; aim for a subtle definition covering approximately two-thirds of the eye.
  4. Layer a shimmering eyeshadow over the concealer in the inner corner of the eye. (Powder on powder tends to lack adherence, while cream paired with powder offers superior blendability and longevity.)
  5. Fill the waterline with a very light concealer pencil to enlarge the appearance of the eyes. Finally, outline the eye details with a brown eyeliner pencil. Brown tones lend a softer, more endearing touch to the eyes.
Japanese Korean eye shadow

Step Five: Eyebrows

Enhance the brows with a clear mascara, imparting a glossy, dimensional appearance. For sparse eyebrows, employ an eyebrow pencil to meticulously draw individual hairs, creating a youthful, natural aesthetic.

Korean Eyebrow shape

Step Six: Eyelashes and Lips

Complete the look with black mascara, adding a touch of blush to the cheeks for a long-lasting, radiant finish. For adorable lips, utilize a matte pink lip pencil to define the shape, followed by a hint of lip gloss for a moisturized, supple appearance. Strive for a balanced, comfortable application that avoids heaviness or tightness.

korean makeup look

Key Points

Inner Eyeliner: For larger-looking eyes, use a light-colored inner eyeliner pencil. For smaller-looking eyes, use a darker shade.

Texture Combination: When layering makeup products, consider the texture combination. Powder on powder may lack adhesion, while cream paired with powder offers better adherence to the skin.

Overall Look: Japanese and Korean cute makeup exudes a youthful, dewy allure, characterized by subtle refinement and endearing sweetness.

Further Reading:
Chinese Retro Makeup: 6 Steps Tutorial with Images
French Makeup: 5 Steps Tutorial with Images
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