Hair Wash Mistakes You’re Making (Everyone Does!) & Hair Care Secrets

Designing a hairstyle that suits us is directly related to our hair quality. The quality of our hair will affect the texture of the hairstyle. How to maintain hair quality is the focus of our article.

First, you need to analyze what kind of hair quality you have? Is it naturally curly (frizzy hair), naturally wavy, or naturally very good hair quality, but the hair has changed over time, with problems such as hair loss and scalp sticking? Today we will solve these problems.

What kind of problem hair do you have?

Dandruff: Washing your hair too quickly can lead to insufficient rinsing and incomplete removal of lather. It can also be caused by excessive sebum production, clogged hair follicles, and improper cleaning techniques.

Dryness: Lack of or loss of nutrients, staying up late affecting scalp metabolism, frequent dyeing and perming, leading to damage to hair follicles, hair roots, etc.

What kind of problem hair do you have

Oiliness: Staying up late is the main culprit of oily hair, body endocrine and hormonal imbalances; or not choosing the right shampoo, scalp metabolism disorder, increased sebum secretion, resulting in particularly oily hair.

Itching: Washing your hair every three or four days does not clean your scalp thoroughly; or your scalp is inflamed, irritated, and bacteria multiply, causing itchy scalp.

What is the purpose of washing your hair?

The real purpose of washing your hair is not to wash your hair but to wash your scalp. The scalp is like the soil for hair.

Only by nourishing our scalp can the hair that grows from this soil be black and shiny. The purpose of washing our hair is to clean the scalp with shampoo.

structure of hair


How to wash and condition your hair correctly? 3 Tips

TIP #1: Do not rub the shampoo directly on your hair to create lather and wash, because the foaming agents in shampoo contain surfactants, and these surfactants can clog pores.

Similar to the principle of skin care, surfactants can remove dirt, but they will also remain on the scalp, clogging the scalp pores.

After accumulating, it will lead to the situation that nutrients cannot enter and oil cannot come out. Just like the skin, it will be oily on the outside and dry on the inside.

hair problems

TIP #2: First analyze whether your scalp, this soil, is healthy, and then choose a shampoo that suits you.

Choose a shampoo that does not contain silicone, as silicone can clog pores.

Only choose shampoos with fine foam, because the more foam, the more surfactants, which are also easy to remain on the scalp and clog pores.

TIP #3: Do not use 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner, because shampoo is slightly alkaline, while conditioner is slightly acidic.

The slightly alkaline shampoo will reduce the effect of the slightly acidic conditioner, so it cannot be used at the same time!

How to wash and condition your hair correctly? 5 Steps

1. After rubbing the shampoo into foam in the palm of your hand, wash your scalp in a circular motion. From front to back, from the middle to the outside, the focus of cleaning is the scalp, and the hair follicles of the scalp must be thoroughly cleaned.

2. Then rinse the excess foam along the hair, do not repeatedly rinse the excess foam on the scalp, because hair dirt is easy to wash off, and the scalp is the key to cleaning. The cleaning time is 3-5 minutes.

(The number of hairs that each hair follicle on the scalp grows is directly related to the secretion of adrenal hormones in our body and whether the hair follicles are clean.)

hair structure

3. Make sure your hair and scalp are completely clean before using conditioner to repair hair cuticles and replenish lost hair nutrients. Apply conditioner to the ends of the hair first and then work your way up. Do not apply it to the scalp.

(Applying conditioner directly to the scalp can clog the scalp due to the protein content in it, putting a burden on the scalp. The scalp is the second skin that needs protection after the eye area, and it is fragile and needs our gentle care.)

4. Do a hair mask at least once a week. Leave the hair mask on the hair for at least 20-30 minutes. After the hair cuticles are fully absorbed, it penetrates into the hair core to achieve the effect of nourishing the hair cortex.

5. Hair needs deeper care after perming and dyeing, reaching the hair medulla through instruments.

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