5 Easy Steps to Create a Flawless Base Makeup (Complete Guide)

In our previous article, we discussed contouring techniques for different face shapes. In this article, we will provide a detailed guide on creating a flawless base makeup.

Step 1: Apply Primer

Apply a generous amount of primer to your face using a brush. Primer helps to brighten your complexion, moisturize your skin, and make it easier to apply makeup.

step1 apply makeup primer

Step 2: Concealer

  1. Before applying foundation, examine your skin for any blemishes such as pimples or redness. Conceal these blemishes before applying foundation. If the blemishes are not very noticeable, you can skip this step and proceed directly to applying foundation.
  2. For bright red pimples, use a green concealer to neutralize the redness. Apply the concealer using a concealer brush, gently tapping it onto the blemish.
  3. Apply green concealer to any areas of redness on the sides of the nose or where visible blood vessels are present.
  4. Use a yellow concealer to correct purplish under-eye circles.
  5. After adjusting the overall makeup, set it with a makeup setting spray.
step2 color correcting concealer palette

Tips for choosing concealer color

Concealer colors use the principle of complementary colors to create a flawless base makeup.

  • Red areas: Use green concealer
  • Purple areas: Use yellow concealer
  • Puffy under-eyes: Use pink concealer
  • Dark circles: Use yellow concealer

Step 3: Foundation

  1. Use a beauty blender to apply a small amount of foundation to the blemishes. Since we have already applied concealer, we should not use a brushing motion. Instead, apply the foundation to the entire face using a tapping motion, applying a small amount multiple times.
  2. Use the amount of foundation applied to the blemishes as a reference to apply foundation to other areas, ensuring that the skin tone is even and the foundation adheres well. If the foundation is too thick, you can use a clean beauty blender to tap it again to remove excess foundation.
step3 apply foundation

Tips for foundation

  • Choose a foundation shade that matches your skin tone.
  • Don’t worry about your entire face being too white after applying foundation. The overall makeup should look okay in the end.
  • After applying foundation, if there are still blemishes or other imperfections, you can continue to use concealer to correct them to ensure that the final base makeup is flawless.
  • The outer contours of the face do not need to be overly modified with foundation, as the outer contours should be darker to accentuate the inner contours.

Step 4: Facial contouring

Highlight the area from the vertical line of the eyebrow peak to the triangular area under the eyes, making the cheekbones appear narrower and the apples of the cheeks more plump.

Highlight the bridge of the nose in segments, the chin, and the temples to make the outer contours fuller. Refine the details to achieve a balanced face and create the perfect oval face shape.

step4 facial highlight

Step 5: Contouring of the external structure

To achieve an oval face shape, you need to define your outer contours. Apply shadow along the outer contour from the ears to the jawline, and you can also add a bit of shadow to the prominent cheekbones.

Then use a brush or beauty blender to blend the edges to create a seamless, natural, and clean look. Next, outline your eyebrows and recheck the overall base makeup.

step 5 Contouring of external structure

Once you are satisfied, you can set the makeup with a setting spray or loose powder. Use a brush to apply the loose powder using a tapping motion.

The entire base makeup is translucent, natural, and clean, and voila! You have achieved the perfect base makeup! Have you learned it? Let me know in the comments!

Further Reading:
Chinese Retro Makeup: 6 Steps Tutorial with Images
French Makeup: 5 Steps Tutorial with Images
Japanese & Korean Makeup: 6 Steps Tutorial with Images
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