Why Your Orders Are Not Manifesting?

“Everyone wants to have right thoughts, manifest wealth, manifest good relationships, and manifest a healthy body; I really want it too, I’ve been thinking about it for a long time, but he still hasn’t given it to me.”

Some classmates ask: why haven’t I manifested a really good man? I’ve manifested men who already have families. I want to manifest someone who’s really wealthy. I have money myself, but why haven’t I achieved it?

17 seconds is equal to 2000 hours. We analyzed what thoughts are and why they can affect our entire material world.

Where do our feelings come from?

Everyone begins to understand this principle, to focus on manifestation, and to have a process of practical application and true skills.

Thoughts actually come from our feelings, which come from our eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and body. There is a process to it.

We first have a feeling, a sensation from our eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and body (even looking with our eyes is a form of contact), and then it triggers our instinctual feeling. When this instinctual feeling is presented to us, our consciousness categorizes and chooses: this is what I like, that is what I don’t like, and that is what I can generally accept but not really willing to.

Then it enters into our brain’s consciousness of interests, which is whether this is useful to me or not, if it’s useful and I like it, then I’ll do more of it. If it’s not useful, even if I like it, I’ll decide to give it up. Finally, there is a logical check, which forms that aspect. From thought to aspect, there is such a process in between. What is this aspect?

This aspect is material. If you want to manifest a good and equal relationship, a marital relationship, or improve your marital relationship, this is also an aspect. If you want to manifest more money and you talk about manifesting daily orders of 100,000 dollars, isn’t this also an aspect? For example, manifesting 100,000, the process of it becoming a reality from your thought to this aspect in your hand.

In this axis, there is actually an organic process from our eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and body, to our entire instinctual feeling, to our choices, and to our logic.

Why can’t you manifest what you want?

The crucial issue is why you are unable to manifest your desires. Because you are only operating at your highest level, analyzing and judging in your logical brain where there is utility and benefit.

You skip over the earlier processes where you should be feeling, and go straight to using your logical brain to say “I want to manifest 100,000 dollars.”

“No, 100,000 dollars is not enough, I want to manifest 200,000, why? Because with 100,000, I want to buy this and that, give some to my parents, repay loans, pay off credit cards, and finally I still need to deposit 30,000 to 50,000 dollars in the bank. So $200,000 is what I need, $100,000 is not enough.”

Why is $200,000 not enough? It’s because your logical mind thinks it’s not enough! Relying on logical analysis alone cannot lead to successful manifestation.

How can we manifest?

What can be manifested?

This is a manifestation of vibration, which means that there are peaks and valleys in your life. From the perspective of the entire universe and the folded space, it is actually impossible to distinguish between peaks and valleys.

From a two-dimensional perspective, we see peaks and valleys, but from a folded space perspective, there is no difference. Your joy, fear, and the energy frequency of the entire universe have no difference. The more you fear something, the more it will appear. This is the state of your consciousness focusing on your fear, helplessness, and sadness.

Your inner emotions, whether they are fear, excitement, happiness, or sadness, the more you focus on them, the more they will come. That’s why some people who were in debt for tens of thousands of dollars quickly turned it into hundreds of thousands, then millions, and eventually tens of millions or even hundreds of millions.

How Long Will It Last?

No one is borrowing money anymore, and the money keeps going down and down.

Why? Because the focus is on debt, the fear of debt. Many people focus on why they are afraid. Because they are afraid of losing credibility, being blacklisted, and being chased by the bank.

Is fear a focused thought? Yes, will you get what you fear? Yes, so many people are afraid of being blacklisted, what is the result? They end up being blacklisted.

The more you fear, the more your negative thoughts are focused on.

What are pure thoughts and distracting thoughts?

Pure Thoughts

It means single-mindedness, without ever thinking of any other thoughts. This is called pure thought.

Distracting Thoughts

For example, “I want to buy a car. When I go to buy a car, I think I want to buy a BMW. I see the BMW X5 and it’s nice, but in my heart, I think X5 isn’t good anymore. Now there’s X6. X5’s dashboard is made of plastic and isn’t worth the price. Also, X5 is said to be fragile and difficult to repair. X5 is only driven by nouveau riche, and it’s not suitable for me. I want to buy one with a better price-performance ratio. After thinking about it, I decided to eliminate X5.

Then I looked again and still really like this X5. Maybe I should look for another car! I want to buy a Land Rover, but it looks a bit clumsy and its reputation isn’t good recently. I want to buy a Mercedes-Benz, but there are many domestic models at different prices from 300,000 to over 600,000. People think I’m rich, but it’s not like that if I have to buy domestic cars. But if it’s pure import, it’s too expensive.”

You’ll find that you’re conflicted with yourself, right? Yes, this is what we call “zanian” (mental chatter). When you want to buy something, you’ll find yourself arguing with yourself. Many opposing thoughts will appear.

One day, a girl told me, “Teacher, I hate myself. I don’t know why, but when I see a handsome boy, I can’t help having evil thoughts. I feel embarrassed, so I move away from him. But as soon as I see a boy approaching me, I have all sorts of adult thoughts.”

She said, “I have a husband, so I don’t really think that way, but I don’t know why these strange thoughts come to me. It makes me afraid to talk to guys, because I’m afraid the thoughts will become even worse.”

She asked me, “Teacher, what do you think is going on with me?”

When this girl asked, everyone burst out laughing.

Then I said, “I really appreciate your honesty and the question you brought up. Can I ask you one thing? Did you take any action in the end? Did you rape that guy? “At that time, everyone laughed again.

She said, “How could I do that?”

She said, “I’m married. And just thinking about it makes me feel so ashamed. How could I do such a thing?”

I said, “Well, that’s good! So why do you feel guilty?”

She said, “I just feel guilty. Why do I have these kinds of thoughts?”

I said, “Why do you have these thoughts? This isn’t just your problem, it’s everyone’s. The more you try to calm down and focus on pure thoughts, the more distractions you’ll have. You’ll be more vulnerable to attacks.

Once you try to be a good person, bad thoughts come up. Once you try to be a bad person, good thoughts come up. Why is that?

It is here to mess things up, to tell you the opposite of this world, because we live in a world of binary opposition.”

Later on, I asked the girl, “You didn’t take any action, but just had some thoughts that you thought were messy. Isn’t it just an imaginary world? What can you do by just thinking about it?”

In fact, it is not because you come into contact with this man that you have these thoughts, but because you cannot accept why you suddenly came under attack from these thoughts. You cannot accept why you have such thoughts, and you think you are too dirty, right?

She said, “Of course, don’t you think I’m dirty? I think I’m particularly dirty.”

I said, “I don’t think so, because there are 84,000 thoughts in a single breath of a person, each forming a world with many thoughts. This is normal, not just you, but everyone has them.”

Even some people, when passing by a bank, would think, “It would be great if all this money belonged to me.”

And then they will walk past, why? Because it is just a thought.

The more you care about this thought, the more you feed it, and you empower it with what?

With your judgment, because you have right and wrong in your mind.

How to practice pure thoughts?

Your thoughts lack the first step, which is the judgment of right and wrong. First, you need to let go of your own judgments, the dualistic thoughts of right and wrong.

There is no right or wrong, you have never said a wrong word or made a mistake, you are simply experiencing and feeling the universe in a better way!

So don’t ask what’s right or wrong, all your thoughts are like shooting stars in the sky, let them pass by. You are just too concerned with them. When you don’t care, you will find that your thoughts slowly disappear, why?

Because you don’t care.

I remember five or six years ago, I had a lot of debt. At that time, there was a lot of fear when I was in debt. But I had a deep sense of awareness at that time. I knew that I was being taken away by fear. Every day, I was in debt and guilt. Every time I tried to make money, I found a feeling of powerlessness. Why?

Because I was in a deep judgment. On one hand, I felt very inadequate, feeling that my relatives and friends trusted me so much, but I still owed them money. I felt very inadequate, and attacked myself a lot. Every time I tried hard, I felt a lot of pressure. On the other hand, I thought my ability was enough, but I felt too weak, like I had no ability.

I also attacked myself, feeling like I was an untrustworthy person, promising to return the money in two months, but still not having done so. In all of this, I realized that I had a very big awareness, what was it?

I found that I couldn’t really manifest the money I wanted, it came from the inner struggle within myself, from my impure thoughts, and from my own judgments.

We talk about the unity of body, mind, and soul, where the heart is our appearance, the body is our feelings, and the soul is what we desire. They are disconnected in three directions, even four directions, including one uncertain direction.

I cannot be the master of my own life, what I want and what I feel are completely different things.

When you are in fear, you will find that your thoughts are more focused. For example, if there is a tiger or a dog chasing you from behind, don’t you have a thought to run as fast as you can and not let it bite you?

You will find that your physical strength is much better than usual when we focus on fear, the entire energy will be elevated. Not because your fear will elevate your energy, but when you focus on your energy, it will elevate. But what is the biggest function of fear? Why does it arise? Do we call it stress or motivation? Why does stress and motivation arise?

It is because it is focused, not fear itself. Fear itself reduces the entire energy, but at the same time, its function is focused. This is what we call 17 seconds equals 2000 hours.

I have always been in a particularly focused state, why? Because I cannot bear the consequences of failure, cannot bear the consequences of loss. So what is difficult for us? You need positive energy, happiness, or joy. Many people even gain a sense of joy by spending money on themselves.

But this joy cannot be sustained for more than two seconds, and there is always self-blame: “My family is not wealthy. Look, I spent this money. The people at home don’t have such good treatment. Am I selfish? Am I doing something wrong?”

This is the difficult process of forming pure thoughts for ourselves, and this is why the 17 seconds are not easy to achieve.

Steps to Focus on Manifestation

The first step to focus on manifestation is to eliminate self-judgment from within oneself. What is the second step?

The second step is to use the data collected from one’s senses (eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind) and invoke one’s feelings. To manifest something better, such as a perfect lover, one needs to transform their current lover into the ideal state by influencing or transforming them.

For instance, in the case of emotions, one sees the best qualities of their partner through their eyes and smells the pleasing fragrance from their body. In fact, our sense of smell and scent is what helps us perceive our partner’s essence. Many studies have shown that becoming a couple isn’t solely about love, but also about accepting each other’s fragrances that make one feel comfortable, leading to a better understanding of each other’s character, or rather, a match of energy vibration.

One can begin to regulate their breathing or internal feelings to adjust to a particular person, and when one feels particularly good, that person will begin to change. This applies not only to a romantic partner, but also to anything else. When you focus on a good feeling in your body, your entire magnetic field will begin to vibrate, and the change will begin to explode geometrically, altering the people and things around you. You’ll notice that the law of attraction begins to work, drawing a particularly positive state towards you.

When it comes to manifesting wealth, it’s important not to focus on fear, as fear attracts fear. Instead, focus on the happiness and joy that comes with having money. However, the feeling of happiness and joy from having money has nothing to do with others but rather resonates with oneself.

We have a group where we share red envelopes, and some classmates used to have orders worth millions but were too afraid to take them. Recently, because of the high energy vibration, they’ve started using these methods and manifested orders worth billions. Some classmates have manifested orders worth 4 million. In short, many people have achieved successful manifestation.

Focus, what to focus on?

Focus on the feeling of inner joy, not fear.

In the feeling of joy, do you hear a voice in your head asking if it’s real? Can I do it? Can I do what others can do?

This is the noise in your head, the opposite side coming out again.

So the first step is to ignore it;

The second step is to directly enter the visualization process, especially when I visualize money. I often practice this kind of visualization.

For example, in today’s order list, there is one item that I want someone to give me a box of facial masks, and the universe will deliver it for me. It’s a way of expressing and showing love for me.

Actually, I don’t lack facial masks, but I always practice like this. In the afternoon, my sister gave me two facial masks. I have never seen her use them, and they are two different ones.

How did I do it?

When it hadn’t manifested yet at noon, I started to find the facial masks at home, found two, and put them on my face. Then I began to feel grateful and joyful for the facial masks. The feeling of the mask sticking to my face was really good, because I wanted the kind of water-based mask, not the paste-type one. I felt my face was moisturized.

I got very tan when I was in Europe some time ago, but I feel my face is getting better and better. What does this trigger?

It triggers the feeling of touch in our body. I think each mask smells fragrant and good, and I really enjoy them. I even put on two masks and felt thankful and joyful for each mask.

In the afternoon, my sister said that there was a mask that was especially good, and she brought two for me. I have two and you have two. You can try them, and if they’re good, I’ll buy more for you.

I know the angel came to deliver the goods for me. Why?

It started from me focusing on that feeling. I didn’t know who would deliver the goods, but I knew the universe would deliver them for me. I knew my universe wouldn’t let me down. Why?

Because I didn’t have the self-attacking or judgmental stage at the beginning. I directly entered the stage of gratitude. I had already felt the wonderful feeling of the mask on my face, and I had already felt the feeling of being loved and cared for. The feeling of “ask and you shall receive.”

In the process of practicing, pure intention is when your consciousness directly enters a state of good feelings and begins to vibrate and manifest into reality. How to manifest and who will bring it to you is not your concern. In your pure intention, there should be no doubts or hesitation.

Sometimes when the thought of becoming rich pops up in your mind, and you start meditating, reciting affirmations of wealth, there may be some interference in your mind. You may feel it is impossible. However, you must have a stronger affirmation of wealth. You know you are wealthy, and you believe it. You have a greater affirmation that supports you.

The third step is to relax your whole body. When your whole body is relaxed, your eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind, and every cell in your body are all enjoying being nourished and already in a state of joy. It is not about escaping reality by imagining something better.

Instead, you enter a state of joy, just like when you place an order, and you know it will be delivered to you. You have already included gratitude and joy every day in your thoughts and actions, and you have started to focus on the result you want.

When you get what you want, you will feel happy and fulfilled. This is why it is essential to include joy and gratitude in your intention, and not just think about it without taking action.

When you focus on your intention for at least 17 seconds or even a few minutes, you will notice the power of manifestation growing stronger. Your intention will begin to manifest into reality more quickly and smoothly, just like driving a car. You become better and better at it.

I will give you an assignment to practice what you have learned today. When you practice and refine your skills, you will become richer, have better relationships, and feel better physically.


Regarding your wealth, emotions, health, career, relationships…

  1. Recall: What kind of distractions did you have before that manifested unwanted things? Or did not manifest the results you wanted? (Do not write)
  2. What positive thoughts did you have before that manifested the results you wanted? (Write)
  3. What wishes do you have that you have noticed your thoughts have been off track?
  4. Please convert the off-track thoughts into positive ones! Write down your thoughts and maintain your focus on them for a long time! (For example: I’m very worried that my house won’t sell. Positive thought: My house has a warm and cozy feeling from my living in it! It’s so comfortable! Everyone on the street is rich! Everyone on the street is competing to buy my house! Eventually, my house sold at the price I wanted! The customer loves my house so much, it’s like finding a treasure!)
  5. What actions will you take to manifest your thoughts? Write down the steps you will take: 1, 2, 3… (For example, if I want to sell my house, I believe in my thoughts that my house can sell for a good price, but I can’t just wait for someone to ask me. I need to go to a real estate agency, find out the price, and list it. Then the universe knows I’m serious, and sends customers to me or neighbors to help me sell it. I need to take some action.)
  6. It is best to write it down.

When you write it down, you will find that your thoughts become more pure. I found a miraculous thing: people who do homework manifest wealth super fast. Why? This is what we talked about today, the focus of your thoughts, which is generated by your 17 seconds of pure thoughts because you have something unfinished.

You have a thought, for example, today I want a face mask. I wrote it down. I don’t need just one or two boxes of face masks. I have several at home, but I wrote it down, and it became my responsibility. So I found myself swirling around it like a vortex until it was completed and delivered to me.

So please write it down and follow the steps. You will find that with each step, your entire thought becomes stronger and stronger. Your manifestation also starts to appear in your pure thoughts, manifesting good health, happy relationships, and wealth.

Because the difference between form and emptiness in this world is just the distinction between thoughts. If it is a distraction, it will not have a result. If it is a pure thought, it will eventually become form. This form is the material world. This is the secret of manifestation in this world. I wish everyone can have abundant wealth and elevated emotions.

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