Why Do We Always Lose Control of Our Emotions?

When a life force is particularly joyful, you will find that the people around them are also happy. This is actually the energy that drives the field.

Why do we all love children?

Because their energy is particularly pure, and their laughter and happiness infect many people around them. During the Spring Festival Gala, a large group of children will run up, giving a cute feeling. At some places, a huge party will start, and the children will come out to warm up the scene. Why is that?

It’s because the magnetic field and vibration of their presence is full of happiness and joy. Using them to warm up the atmosphere immediately creates a sense of energy and relaxation, where people can be in tune with the children and experience their happiness, without any expectations or criticism.

When I was doing a case, a sister came to me and said, “Teacher, my body is not very good. Can you see what’s wrong?” After examining her, I said, “It’s because you often want to cry but can’t. You’re too sad, so there’s a cyst in your abdomen and liver, and you’ll feel uncomfortable. It’s because you’re too aggrieved.”

After I said this, she immediately burst into tears. She said, “What you said is so right. For the past 20 years, I’ve been thinking every day that if I’m so aggrieved, will I get sick? And sure enough, I really got sick. There’s a cyst on my liver. When she said this, she had no pity for herself. She was just numb after the pain. She said, “I’m so painful because I’m too aggrieved.”

In our consciousness, one person’s anger and sadness will cause energy blockage. The blockage of thoughts leads to the blockage of consciousness, which in turn leads to the blockage of energy. Energy is ultimately transformed into our bodies, forming a material blockage. What is the source of this? The source is our emotions, our consciousness.

Our emotions and consciousness are related to our feelings:

At this moment, I feel insulted, so I feel particularly angry;
At this moment, I feel disrespected, and I feel particularly angry and sad;
At this moment, I feel frustrated because I can’t get what I want;
At this moment, I feel happy and fulfilled because I have achieved my goal.

All of these come from our feelings towards the world, and this feeling is what we call the six senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch, and thought.

How our emotions and consciousness are formed?

Our emotions and consciousness are closely related to our feelings. At any given moment, we feel insulted and become angry, disrespected and feel frustrated and sad, hopeful and feel happy, and fulfilled and satisfied with our desires. Our logic and judgment are used to evaluate and synthesize what we see, hear, and perceive in our mind. Our brains use all of these experiences, including the experiences of others, to derive rules and regulations that we use to determine our actions and behaviors.

For example, when a boss gives us a salary, we know exactly how much we will get paid for that month. But when we hear that there may be a bonus, we begin to anticipate and feel hopeful, thinking that we might receive a substantial amount. However, when the bonus is finally given, and it’s only a small amount, we may feel disappointed and frustrated, thinking that we had hoped for more.

Our consciousness often focuses on what we haven’t received rather than on what we have. This leads to negative thoughts, emotions, and energy. We tend to overlook the resources and feelings we already possess because we believe that we deserve them, and we focus on what we lack. This is the root cause of human suffering and creates a fertile ground for negative thoughts.

Comparing and measuring is another factor that leads to human suffering. We have a self-evaluation process in our minds that involves analyzing our five senses. We generate constant judgments, which lead to comparisons and measurements, creating unnecessary stress and pain in our lives.

In conclusion, our thoughts and emotions are generated by our evaluations and synthesis of what we experience through our senses. Our consciousness often focuses on what we don’t have rather than what we do have, leading to negative thoughts and energy. Comparing and measuring also contribute to human suffering.

However, you believe that it’s not worth it. The conflicts between people arise from the fact that we don’t understand each other, and we both speculate about our position in each other’s hearts. We wonder about our position in society, in a team, and even in life itself.

If you were a boss, you might think, “How come I’m the worst boss?” If you were a woman, you might wonder if there’s anyone worse off than you, thinking that other women are more gentle, prettier, and better at pleasing their husbands. You would compare yourself to others, wondering why you’re not as good as they are. If you were a mother, you might ask yourself if you’re a good enough mom.

Our painful awareness comes from the position we want to compare ourselves to and the feelings we desire. And these feelings are actually the thoughts in our consciousness.

The goal of cultivation is to have a calm and harmonious state of mind, to stop comparing ourselves to others in the mundane world. True freedom is to compare ourselves to ourselves. Real happiness does not come from comparing ourselves to others, but from comparing ourselves to ourselves. I feel content, grateful, and happy.

Instead of comparing ourselves to others, we should compare our current feelings. Life is a process of experience, and when we continuously incorporate our own insights and rules into this process, we are constantly judging this mundane world.

As we get further away from our true selves, it’s because our minds are too cluttered with things. We make too many assumptions about others and the world, leading to misunderstandings that rebound on ourselves like a ping-pong ball, causing us pain and self-blame. Why?

Because you are fighting against your entire consciousness, including your self-evaluation and criticism. Under all these lashes, you will find that you are never good enough. In the pain of life, there will be many self-evaluations that say, “I am not good enough,” “I am not perfect enough,” “I don’t do well enough,” and other self-evaluations.

When we evaluate ourselves and don’t accept ourselves in public, some people are particularly prone to losing control because they are too nervous. They think, “I’m definitely not good enough, I definitely can’t do it as well as others. How do others see me?” When we have this kind of comparison and cognition, our energy and aura are chaotic, and all the energy is concentrated in the upper half, in the brain.

When we completely relax and experience joy and happiness, the energy flows through us, and the whole energy becomes golden, so we can see joy, love, and happiness in our entire consciousness map. It is high energy.

Many people feel that they cannot have high energy because they have a lot of debt, are entangled in emotional relationships, and suffer a lot. They wonder how they can be happy. Some people even say, “My body is not good, I can’t even eat. I feel very uncomfortable. How can I be happy?”

These are all our current results. If we trace back to the causes, it is because we have been unhappy for too long, so today’s results have been formed. However, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, or in the future, our current results will only be magnified, not reduced.

So when we want to change our current results, we need to find the causes, which is to change our consciousness. Feeling unhappy is all because of our positioning and internal comparison issues.

When we are filled with self-acceptance, we don’t need to compare ourselves with others. I feel much better than I did ten years ago, and I am grateful that I am not freezing, hungry, or missing a meal compared to the people around me. I feel grateful and joyful. When you see what you have, you will feel a lot of happiness inside. When you generate a blessing energy within you, you will find that your energy is once again rising.

Contented and satisfied people have very few troubles. If we compare ourselves to others, we will have too many troubles.

Actually, I am very grateful inside;
Grateful for the opportunity you gave me to bless;
Grateful for the opportunity we have to accompany each other;
Grateful for letting me feel the warmth, love and joy of the world;
Grateful for the opportunity you gave me to bless you.

Wishing that each and every one of you is abundant and prosperous, and that your soul awakens and becomes enlightened, so that you can truly become light and love, and understand the essence and meaning of life, so that you can be truly happy and joyful. The opportunity you gave me to bless you gave me the chance to slowly open the door and understand what kind of frequency this world is truly about.

I am very grateful to all of you for giving me this opportunity to spread this light and love to you, to let us walk hand in hand together, and to give me the opportunity to love and bless you deeply. This is my blessing.

I feel particularly touched because I have done what I love the most, what makes me most satisfied, and what I am most willing to connect with. Every day I am immersed in this happy energy. When there is contentment and gratitude in this consciousness, you will find that the speed of manifesting your desires becomes faster.

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