How come you’re not making money despite your hard work?


During a “level one and two course” at Wudang Mountain, when interpreting the mandala of a boy, I said, “You have relaxed too much and love yourself too much!”

When I said this, all the students in his group started applauding and said, “Teacher, you are absolutely right! We were waiting for you to say this. We said the same thing, but he didn’t believe us. Your interpretation is too accurate.”

Then I said, “Great master, please gather your power because you have relaxed too much in this world. You have relaxed to the point of no return!”

Then everyone burst out laughing. Maybe my description doesn’t convey the feeling of being there, but it was truly a happy moment.

This joy and happiness is our experience in this world, our purpose for coming to this world, to experience joy and happiness.

Regarding wealth, material freedom is not just material freedom, it is also the result of spiritual and energy transmission. Many people in pursuit of wealth seek results in material things, and it’s hard to find results in spirituality and energy. This world is divided into two, Tai Chi generates two principles, the two principles generate four phenomena, and the yin and yang are divided within these two principles.

In the yin energy, there are our energy waves, including our brainwaves and conscious energy waves, while material things are just formed by positive material. In other words, the reflection in the yin energy is how you think, and your material world will present accordingly. In the presentation of material things, emotions and consciousness, or impurities such as fear, anxiety, anger, and panic, are also added.


During a client session, a student said to me, “Teacher, please take a look at my wealth energy.”

Upon examining his energy, I noticed that he had a lot of resistance and fear towards wealth. Despite being just as capable as others, he was unable to earn money.

“It is true,” the student said. “Isn’t it?”

“It’s because you first had this kind of consciousness, and then gradually became so stubborn,” I responded.

The root of this issue lies in the deep layers of our consciousness. How do you view this problem at the core of your consciousness? The way you approach this problem will determine the outcome.

In other words, what kind of image is projected in the material world?

In the material world, the external form of matter is formed based on our brainwaves and consciousness. Within the form of matter, we have many material needs, such as wanting more money because we have expenses to pay off, credit card debts to settle, and dependents to care for.

However, in the state of the entire energy wave, what happens when we generate more material needs and want more?

The result is that we experience panic, anxiety, sadness, and even fear within our consciousness. As a result, we find that our debt becomes increasingly severe, our outstanding payments pile up, and our overall financial situation worsens. Debt doesn’t simply accumulate overnight. For many, it starts with a few thousand dollars in debt, and then it increases to tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars.


Nowadays, many post-90s individuals turn to online loans, borrowing hundreds of thousands of dollars with just a single ID card. They constantly rob Peter to pay Paul, struggling to make ends meet in a vicious cycle.

What is the root cause of this problem? It’s fear and anxiety.

In other words, a whirlpool, or a black hole, of consciousness is formed in your mindset, trapping you in a situation that feeds off your fear and anxiety. The more anxious and fearful you become, the deeper you sink into the trap of debt.

Our consciousness determines the vibrational energy we emit, which in turn determines the material reality we experience.

However, consciousness is the most difficult thing to control. We may understand that we should have a positive outlook, that we should not be afraid, and that we should change our mindset. But for many, it is easier said than done. As for me, whenever I think about credit cards, I feel scared. I understand that I shouldn’t have these fears, but I just can’t help it.


How can I turn my talents and skills, including my craftsmanship, into tangible results? How can I truly transform them into money?

One of my students told me: “Teacher, I manifested 2 million within 50 days, and I am very, very happy.”

I said: “You are amazing. Follow the instructions and I have noticed that the students who do their assignments manifest better results than those who don’t. So, please take out a pen and paper and write it down slowly. You will find that when you write it down, your consciousness starts to focus, and your energy begins to gather.”

We talked about energy gathering earlier, and when your consciousness and energy start to gather, you are beginning to manifest material things. So, it is essential to write it down. Whether it is the universe’s order or manifestation, writing it down is always the best option. I have found that in the early morning classes on wealth, many people manifested very well when they wrote things down.

Here’s your homework. Take out a pen and paper and write down:

  • What is your current job?
  • What are you best at?
  • What is your area of expertise in your field?
  • In this business area, how much do you think your colleagues earn compared to you?
  • How much do you earn?

As human beings, we have a system of comparison. Look at how you compare with your peers, are you above or below average? Write down what you have that they don’t, and vice versa. In terms of material things, how did you achieve this?


Why am I earning more than others?

I have a friend who works in human resources and earns relatively more than his colleagues in the same industry. His reasons are that he has been in the field for a long time and is more experienced in recruitment, staff management, and talent development. He also has strong connections with various recruitment platforms and headhunting companies, as well as good personal relationships that make it easier for him to solve the company’s problems.

After analyzing his situation, I summarized the following reasons for his higher income: First, his years of experience in the industry have allowed him to establish a strong network within the company. Second, his external connections and relationships allow him to easily solve the company’s problems and ensure that the HR department runs smoothly. Third, his expertise in fine-tuning details, especially in creating and managing HR-related documents and processes, has allowed him to excel in his field.

Overall, his salary is higher by around 10,000 to 20,000 yuan per month compared to his colleagues, excluding bonuses.


So let’s talk about how you can make more money than others. Nowadays, many classmates are doing e-commerce. Some people ask me, “Teacher, you see, many people make money from e-commerce, but I don’t. What am I doing wrong?”

“I sell face masks, fresh fruits, dried fruits, and so on,” he said. “Others who do e-commerce can still make money, but I can’t.”

Let’s analyze this. I asked him, “Why aren’t you making money?”

“The reason I’m not making money is that I don’t have enough friends, and I don’t know enough people. Friends bought my products out of kindness, but they don’t buy them anymore.”

E-commerce, Taobao, Jingdong, and other online shopping platforms have undergone significant changes in consumer behavior. What do we want from these changes?

First of all, we want convenience. Secondly, we want high-quality and affordable products. So, e-commerce must be authentic. But how can we see authenticity?

Many people in the authenticity aspect would continuously post on their friends’ circle or send group texts and advertisements. In this case, I would like to say that most people do not pay attention to these advertisements. Many people are immune to ads. Why is that?

Because there are too many people posting advertisements. Most people assume that they may not be true or false. How can they believe them easily? Isn’t that a bit foolish?

Therefore, in this situation, e-commerce is relatively difficult to do. Whether it’s selling cosmetics, fruits, or other products, the ones who sell the most during the same period are in a certain state because the sales of each product are related to its quality and reputation.

What about the ones who sell poorly? Are you the worst?

If you are the worst, it means that your skills have problems. If you are not the worst, but everyone is selling poorly, it means that there is a problem with the product, and your choice is wrong.


In this exercise, everyone should list their strengths in a table to identify whether they are sales-oriented or service-oriented. Sales-oriented individuals focus solely on sales, and once the sale is made, they no longer want to provide service. Service-oriented individuals, on the other hand, are patient and willing to answer questions, providing excellent after-sales service.

It is not possible for one person to excel in both sales and service. It is best to form a small team where some members focus on the sales aspect, while others focus on after-sales service.

By identifying your weaknesses, you can improve your overall performance. When creating the table, rate yourself on a scale of 0 to 10 for each aspect of your business, such as product quality, marketing strategy, and customer service. Every point you lose decreases your revenue since consciousness and energy affect material outcomes.

When assessing your marketing strategy, consider whether you have effectively communicated your product’s authenticity and reliability to your customers. In this world, value, rather than price, is the key factor in determining worth. If your product is not genuine or reliable, it is not worth any amount of money.

To attract and retain customers, your marketing strategy should include personal connections and effective communication. However, if you lack interpersonal skills, you must identify your weaknesses and address them. It is essential to write down your strengths and weaknesses, assess your performance against others in your industry, and determine your partner’s strengths and weaknesses to create a successful team.

By completing this exercise, you will develop a clearer understanding of yourself, identify your weaknesses and strengths, and begin to address them. For example, if you are a sales-oriented individual, you must know your products very well like a product expert and understand the nuances of human nature to enhance your skills.


I often divide people into three types: value-oriented, emotion-oriented, and intuition-oriented. These three types have different shopping needs, and within them, you can study faster sales methods to increase your strengths and even make it easier for people to accept and approach you.

As for your weaknesses, if you can improve them, then do so. Otherwise, focus your energy on your strengths. Of course, if you can improve your weaknesses, your sales will definitely double.

What if you can’t improve? It means you may lack patience and find it difficult to connect with people, even after several attempts. In this case, we suggest building a team mechanism and finding someone willing to do the service-oriented, customer-service sales. In the later stages, they will communicate with customers patiently and carefully, leading to a second sale during the conversation.

When service-oriented people communicate with strangers, they often feel unfamiliar and cannot find common ground or a sales point immediately. This is their weakness. Their strength is that once the person becomes a customer, they have common topics to talk about, and they can use their patience, attention to detail, and energy to soothe them, thus creating more purchasing power. We call this a second sale.

If you are a salesperson, you should find a service-oriented salesperson to compensate for your lack of patience.

If that’s not possible, keep adding to your strengths, and don’t criticize yourself too harshly for your weaknesses. For sales, a person’s style and type are very obvious. You can make them an all-around salesperson who can do both front-end and customer-service sales, which is not easy for salespeople.

If you can make up for your weaknesses, your wealth will double. If you can’t, focus your firepower on your strengths.


I once worked on a case where a guy said to me, “Teacher, I have a big flaw. I’m not good at socializing with people and building relationships with colleagues. I find it particularly troublesome. What should I do?”

I asked him, “What are you good at? What do you do in the company?”

He said, “I specialize in technical work on the computer.”

I said, “Then just focus on your technical work.”

He said, “But I still want to have good relationships with my colleagues.”

I said, “Is it working out for you?”

He said, “No, it’s getting worse. Every time I try to please them, it seems to backfire. They end up ignoring me and it’s really frustrating.”

In this case, we can see that he lacks confidence in building relationships with others, right?

So I gave him a suggestion. I said, “If you want to have more confidence and earn more respect from others, here’s some advice: People connect through fate, and even if you try hard to please others, it doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll like you. However, in the work environment, your skills and abilities speak for themselves.

Instead of trying to please your colleagues, focus on continuously improving your technical skills. Make yourself indispensable to the company, to your colleagues, and to your boss. You’ll find that they will try to adapt to you.

Plus, your nature is not bad, and everyone knows you’re a kind person. Over time, everyone will become friends with you and even understand you.”

Even if you work in technical work, you are still selling yourself. What are you selling? Maybe your character, temperament, technical skills, or even your loyalty to the company. Regardless of what you are selling, you need to identify your strengths and weaknesses.

Focus on your strengths first and try to make them stronger. Then, when you have the energy, you can work on improving your weaknesses. If you don’t have the energy, find a partner to complement you because in this world, no one can do everything alone, and no one can earn all the money alone.

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