Why Don’t You Have Money? Because You Don’t Allow Yourself to Have It!

Logic of the Brain

What are the differences between our conscious mind (brain), subconscious mind, and intuition?

They use different energies, and the energy used to obtain money is also different.

Using the brain for analysis can lead to self-doubt, self-judgment, evaluating goals, outcome-oriented thinking, and logic.

So, what is the brain for?

The brain is used for error correction, summarization, and generalization to avoid mistakes, repeated mistakes, and detours in the money arena.

The logical analysis part of the brain involves prediction to avoid embarrassment, and investment failures by negating some money projects.

This negation is not entirely a disadvantage. It is a self-evaluation of our position and state.

Self-evaluation determines what we should and should not do. It makes us feel weak and timid towards money, thinking that we cannot do it.

Why can’t we do it? Because we have failed many times!

believe in yourself

Many people say that you must have confidence, completely believe, and feel that the money is yours!

However, the problem is that I have failed so many times. If you tell me to be confident now, I really cannot believe that I can do it!

I Have My Own Rhythm

There is a boundary here: One is that a person values self-awareness, recognizing one’s limitations, while the other is knowing where one excels.

In our minds, both our limitations and strengths come from our own logic, based on our past experiences and conclusions.

Self-awareness means knowing where one’s strengths and limitations lie. It allows us to recognize our weaknesses without attacking ourselves. We simply acknowledge these tendencies.

For example, when it comes to singing, I know I’m tone-deaf and not musically inclined, so I don’t try to be a karaoke star and subject others to my singing. I’m aware of this trait, but I don’t attack or belittle myself. It’s simply part of my self-awareness.

When it comes to driving, I tend to drive slower. Yesterday, when I was driving my mother to visit my aunt in the development zone, my mother criticized me for driving too slowly and asked if I could go faster.

I told her that I’m not comfortable driving fast, and I prefer to drive at a slower pace that I can control. If I try to speed up, I become nervous and have thoughts like “go faster, go faster,” which goes against my natural pace. I’m a slow driver, and while driving at 100 km/h on the highway may be a bit slow, it’s in line with my pace.

I told my mother, “Everyone has their own pace, and you shouldn’t disrupt mine. In reality, it doesn’t make much of a difference.”

This is self-awareness.

Pain comes from comparison

Making money can be a painful experience, especially when it comes to comparison. Others have ten million, a hundred million, while I don’t even have a hundred thousand. Don’t you think it’s painful? I really feel the pain.

So, I set myself a goal: by next Chinese New Year, while others have 100 million, 50 million, or 30 million, I want to have 500,000 or even 50,000.

However, my monthly salary is only 10,000 yuan, and I have to pay for my mortgage and car loan, which leaves me with very little savings. But I still want to have 50,000 or 500,000 in savings. It’s my idea, and I want it.

when you want and desire to be rich

When you want something, your mind analyzes it very clearly: how much you earn, how much you spend, how much you pay for utilities, how much you spend on gifts and social events, how much you spend on cosmetics, clothes, books, boy’s toys, entertaining, smoking, and drinking.

Your mind is very busy analyzing these details, and you become discouraged when you think it’s impossible.

The part of our consciousness that wants something is the part that compares what others have and what we don’t have, or what we estimate others have.

Some people estimate that I am 40 or 50 years old, and they think I should have a certain amount of money. They think that if I am 40 or 50, I should buy a big house and a good car. Or, if I am 30, I should have a good lover.

These are painful results, and why? Because they come from comparison.

Everyone has their own rhythm, their own breathing, their own height, weight, and way of thinking. Everyone is unique in this world.

Mind and Instinct are Two Different Things

Earning money is a basic instinct that everyone has, just like the need for food. This instinct doesn’t require analysis or judgment from the mind. But once the mind comes into play, it acts as a brake, presenting obstacles and objections to everything we do. It wants to anticipate and solve problems beforehand.

If we can’t solve a problem, the mind becomes an obstacle and creates self-criticism. We think we can’t do it, we’re not good enough, or we’re too ambitious.

We interpret the reasons behind the expressions “starting strong, ending weak” and “half-hearted and then abandoned” during the Wealth Morning Course. We want to try new things, but we don’t think about how to make money. The mind can’t accept this result and will draw conclusions such as “you’re wasting time” or “you’re not capable.”

It’s fine if the mind says we’re wasting time, but when it concludes that we’re not smart enough or don’t have the emotional intelligence, we feel unhappy. We want it but can’t have it, and this creates pain and negative conclusions.

Therefore, we often say that we should judge ourselves less, accept ourselves, and be kind to ourselves. The reason behind this is that the mind and the instinct are two different things.

The mind’s duty is to protect and defend, so it’s natural for it to express its opinions.

Two Ways to Treat Your Mind

There are two ways to treat your mind:

The first one is to lower your own expectations and standards.

I often say that I’m here to play, not to be a moralist or a bodhisattva preaching to the masses. I don’t want to be a lecturer, a psychologist, or any kind of expert. I just want to be a naughty child and have some fun!

So, after class, when some students ask me questions, I basically don’t answer. If a student sends me a photo to check or adds me on WeChat to ask for advice, I almost never respond. If someone asks too many questions, I might even block them. Why? Because I’m here to play, not to solve problems. I’m not an educator, psychologist, or expert. I’m just a naughty child who likes to have fun.

With this mindset, the demands of your mind are relatively low, and you won’t feel burdened or oppressed. The false impressions that you want aren’t in my mind.

When you come to this world to play, your family relationships, your relationship with your parents, your partner, and your children are all about playing. You play with your parents, partner, and children. Everyone is a playmate, and there aren’t as many high expectations.

Similarly, the attitude towards money and work is the same. When you recognize that you’re here to play, you won’t have so much burden. You’ll find that you have a lot of creativity, joy, and sense of worth.

Why? Because you’re here to play!

If you’re here to suffer, then you won’t have a sense of intuition for money. If you’re in a mode of suffering, how can you allow yourself to have money? You can’t let yourself have money.

The second way is to treat your mind like a scientist.

A scientist observes, collects data, and then comes to a conclusion. The key is to be objective and not to impose subjective emotions on the data.

You need to observe and collect data in your mind like a scientist, and then come to a conclusion. Don’t let your emotions cloud your judgment.

If you’re in a bad mood, don’t make important decisions. If you’re in a good mood, don’t get too carried away. Treat your mind like a scientist and be objective.

In conclusion, there are two ways to treat your mind: lowering your expectations and treating yourself like a playful child, or treating your mind like a scientist and being objective in your observations and conclusions.

reject having money

Further analysis reveals why you don’t have money: it’s because you don’t allow yourself to have money! It’s a double-edged attack: your subconscious doesn’t allow it, and your conscious mind keeps making sarcastic remarks, believing that you’re not worthy or deserving!

Earlier, we mentioned lowering your standards. If you’re here to play, then of course, just play. Like a few days ago when I was in Lijiang, soaking up the sun, doing nothing, eating, sleeping, writing, sitting, sleeping again, and sunbathing. What was I doing? I was playing, so I had nothing to judge myself for.

Lowering your expectations will reduce your brain’s criticisms.

Secondly, strictly follow your brain’s logical standards of consciousness and never make the same mistakes again. Your brain also rewards you. It summarizes and concludes like a machine, not just criticizing. However, in summarizing and concluding, it will slowly enter into arrogance, pride, and vanity.

Vanity, pride, and arrogance come from the brain and the ego. The consciousness of the ego and the brain is the operation of the small self. Either follow it without resistance, or negotiate and reach an agreement with it: I am here to play, so what demands can there be? The goal is to play well!

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