Why Can’t You Manifest Like Others Do?

Our lives actually have a knot, we paint ourselves into a corner, and begin to impose self-limitations, controlling and restricting ourselves.


Today at the ground seminar, we talked about the energy of wealth, which was particularly enjoyable.

Before we begin the formal course, I would like to say that we often have a lot of mental garbage and disturbances that affect the flow of wealth. What affects us becoming wealthy?

Yes, it is the mental disturbances and garbage, including our inner self-awareness.

What kind of existence is our inner being? Actually, it is a state of neither increase nor decrease, neither pure nor impure. It has always been there, without differentiation between you and me or within ourselves.

Who is differentiated within us? The one who is differentiated is “me” in quotation marks. In other words, we are actually controlled by mental garbage and disturbances.

Who wants to become a wealthy person? It is the intention of my conscious mind, the process that we constantly think about in our conscious mind.

So, if I haven’t become a wealthy person, who hasn’t become a wealthy person? Yes, it is the pull and disturbance in our subconscious mind that affects us from becoming wealthy.

What are our mental disturbances and garbage? It is when we begin to entangle and pull in the energy, even producing a lot of distrust. Therefore, doubt is our biggest cost.



For example, everyone can see what kind of tug-of-war you have in terms of wealth and money.

To give an example, my previous tug-of-war with money was the tug-of-war and resistance I had towards my parents. I felt that my mother was too frugal, and she was always reluctant to spend money, so I developed a sense of resistance. I thought she was wrong, and I would try to educate her and tell her that money is earned, not saved, and you must spend more money. But she wouldn’t listen, and this process of her not listening created a tug-of-war.

In the energy of the tug-of-war, there were both her energy and mine. There was me trying to persuade her that money is earned, but I focused on not saving money. Yes, I often say that the universe focuses on things, and in the universe’s focus, it can’t hear the word “not.” So I began to focus on saving money, not only on saving money, but also on adding another layer of self-awareness – making money.

So I became someone who both earned and saved money, saved and earned money, and constantly oscillated between these two opposing modes, forming my new consciousness.

In the process of opposition, we usually produce a third kind of consciousness. In this tug-of-war, which one of the third kind of consciousness and the first and second overlapping consciousness is real and which one is false?

They are all produced by ourselves, they are all entangled by our consciousness, and it is actually a mirror. I’m slowly talking about this because this is a bit difficult, and I didn’t even talk about mental garbage in the advanced class, but since we will discuss it in the evening class today, let’s talk about it together.


Here, in addition to the manifestation of consciousness, there is also a process of consciousness cleaning and awareness.

Because every time I give a lecture, it is downloaded in real-time. Whatever information the universe sends me, I accept it and vibrate with it. Just like today when I talked about wealth, everyone would feel their root chakra loosening and vibrating. They would feel a tingling sensation in their root chakra, and their entire heart chakra, crown chakra, and root chakra would all begin to open up, as if the central channel had been opened up.

This is due to the process of cleaning. But this is just the energy that the universe gives me, and I am just a channel. Just like the class I taught tonight and the one I taught during the day were completely different.

The key point here is: the third consciousness that is entangled and entwined in our consciousness comes from our self-judgment, self-resistance, self-doubt, and even self-fear.

Why do you have to work hard to earn money, and why do some people have a financial black hole? It is because we often say that we have a grudge against money. When we get some money, we spend it quickly. In this process of spending it quickly, it comes from a system of fearful beliefs and self-evaluation.

You see, all of these actually come from the consciousness of “me.” And within the consciousness of “me,” there are several types, including the judgment of others towards money.

Who are the others? For example, our parents, people we get along well with, and people who have a big impact on us. You always feel envious or fond of them. Yes, they resonate with you at the same frequency.


Why do you like them, including your parents? Because you completely open up your consciousness and energy, becoming a channel, and begin to receive their energy. When you receive their energy, you will find that you are vibrating with them. In the process of vibrating at the same frequency, you and them will create your own consciousness and form the third kind of consciousness.


How is the third consciousness generated?

There are two types.
Either you resist the other person, and your consciousness combines with the opposite, creating a new consciousness that is not zero.
The other type is when you admire he/she, but he/she is different from you. You begin to lean towards he/she, creating a new third consciousness.

Let me give you an example here. Regarding wealth, some people say that I should enter a spending mode in advance, allowing me to experience the feeling of abundance and prosperity in advance. Even if I have to borrow or loan money, I must enjoy this feeling first. This is what others have instilled in you, and it is the first type of consciousness.

The second type of consciousness is that you used to think that money should be spent carefully. But in the first type of consciousness, you begin to realize that money should be spent in a certain way. So you develop the third type of consciousness, which means you can spend money as others suggest. But you don’t know whether it will work or not, so you keep encouraging yourself by saying, “I deserve it, I am worthy.”

However, when you spend beyond your limit, you will feel terrified. You may wonder, “Can I afford to spend so much money?” and a sense of fear will emerge.


I have always opposed spending beyond your limit. If you spend beyond your limit, a sense of guilt and self-blame will arise within you. When it wakes up, you will think, “Can I afford to spend so much money? Should I keep it a secret from my family? But I deserve it, I am worthy.” This sense of guilt mixed with self-worth and other people’s expectations forms a new third consciousness.


In the third consciousness, what is right and what is negative?

In fact, there is no right or wrong, there is only the process of unifying our energy. That is to say, I have a completely relaxed and joyful state when it comes to spending money or earning money, and it is completely driven by a feeling of happiness, like basking in the sun.

This unification means that whether you are spending money or earning money, both of these channels flow in and out of you in a unified state. That is to say, you have achieved the process of unifying money and people.

So what is not unified? What causes us to create negativity?

When you are not unified, Tao produces one, one produces two, two produces three, and three produces all things. The third consciousness gives birth to everything.

At that time, you will find yourself often in a state of panic, anxiety, self-blame, guilt, and even doubt. There is a lot of fear inside, and you are constantly using your mind to convince yourself that you are right and there is no problem. You will find that you become suspicious and rely entirely on your mind to comfort yourself.

This is the third consciousness, it is negative, and it will only make your vicious cycle bigger and bigger.

When this vicious cycle becomes bigger and bigger, you will find yourself falling into a new cycle pattern in your life, and this cycle pattern is negative.

When you have more debt, you will have an extreme desire for money, with lots of thoughts and ideas, but no matter how much you think about it, it doesn’t work.

When others talk about manifesting, you still want to manifest more money and better jobs, but the results are always the same. Why can’t you manifest like others? What’s the difference?

Yes, the difference lies in the fact that you have more negative energy mixed in your consciousness, which breaks your limit and starts to enter the third consciousness of derailment. This derailment consciousness is mixed with fear. When there is fear, demand, and a desire for energy, there is less love and joy, and the third consciousness is produced.

The third consciousness is a powerful force that sets limits.

(To be continued)

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