Unlocking the Universe’s Purpose Behind Your Pain


How can we connect with the universe and place orders that will be fulfilled? Before placing orders, many people doubt the existence of the universe. If the universe can hear my voice, why am I suffering so much? If it can make my dreams come true, why haven’t my previous thoughts been fulfilled?

Now you tell me to place an order with the universe, but where is the universe? Can this order really be fulfilled? Let’s analyze it. The universe is a degree of purity of our spiritual power in the small world inside us. What is the universe? In this world, our internal thinking and body form a small universe, a small world. Outside, there is another large world composed of other living beings, objects, spirits, flowers, and trees. Beyond this large world, there are even larger spaces such as the cosmos.

We have internal circulation, middle circulation, collective consciousness, and external large circulation. In these large circulations, we often use our minds to judge our own rules and regulations using the rules and laws of the universe. In this process, we gradually lose our direction, just like a malfunctioning navigation system. We don’t know which direction to go and we cannot fully relax and believe.


My navigation system is malfunctioning. Should I turn left or right, go forward or backward? What should I do? Can I still rely on this navigation system? Where should I go? Is the universe still there? Who is the universe?

Let’s first clarify who the universe is. Who do we place an order with? Who helps us manifest our desires? Let’s put aside the universe as we understand it, the world and the universe formed in the sky, and focus on a new world with a sense of direction. This is a world of science and our minds. Let’s start with our inner selves. Inside, there is a small world.

In the past, I talked about the process of enlightenment. What did we open up? We opened up a process of connecting our inner small world with the outer big world.

What did we enlighten? We realized that there is no difference between me and the flowers, plants, animals, and this world. I am one with this world, and all sentient beings are equal.

Our inner universe is our inner god. Each of us has our own god. Each person is like a Buddha, possessing inherent wisdom. Each person’s inner self has the will of God, the thought of God, and is God.

Each of us has a divine radiance that is innate. You and I are no different. We are all luminous bodies originating from the 12-dimensional world. The energy body radiates down, but each person’s soul script is different, and each person’s experience is different. Our inner selves produce different perspectives, and we begin to see the world differently.

Just like the story of the blind men and the elephant, each blind man perceives the world differently. Some feel that it is bitter, some feel that it is sweet, some feel that it is crazy, and some feel that it is bitter and astringent. Some even feel that the rhythm is too fast, while others feel that it is too slow.


In this world, it’s like a kaleidoscope where everyone’s world is different, originating from the settings of our inner souls and our different perception abilities and scripts.

When our scripts are different, the roles we play are different. So who makes the call? It’s our soul, the divine radiance within us, the energy that decides.


When talking about past lives, karma, and reincarnation, I’ve mentioned before that every individual is a quantum entanglement, the result of balancing karma and reincarnation. In the process of reincarnation, what is karma and what is reincarnation?

Karma refers to our intentions and thoughts. When we act on those intentions, karma is produced. Just as flowers bloom differently, different fruits are produced. Good karma results in good fruit, and bad karma results in bad fruit. When we have stronger intentions, different fruits will be produced.

In karma, there is a special abundance of quantum entanglement. As I mentioned in lecture six, why do we live? We live to balance all of our karma and karmic energy. It’s because of our previous unbalanced quantum entanglement that we began the cycle of reincarnation.

Reincarnation is just like returning to our past. In the process of reincarnation, we begin to balance the fruits of our past karma and karmic energy.

In this balancing process, we create a small world in our inner soul. The only god and master of this small world is our inner soul, the true divine will that exists within us, not externally.

It exists in the highest part of our world like a pyramid, dominating all the bases and directions. It’s like a steering wheel, driving a giant spaceship, deciding where to land and balance, and its main purpose is for balance and to let us experience life and all its experiences.

Our inner universe is supreme and creative. It can balance karma and karmic energy, cause wars, create love, create countless causes and effects, and produce countless quantum entanglements. All of the stories and scripts originate from the purest part of our soul, the god within us, which we commonly call the “universe.” Every person is the center of their own universe, and others are just supporting roles.

Every person is a creator god of the universe, and every person possesses divine radiance. We are here to experience, and every person’s energy comes from a large group of energy that has separated. In our energy, there is no difference, only the different experiences we want to play. There is no difference between you and me; we are just a group of energy, as clearly stated in religion.

In Buddhism, all sentient beings are equal, and there is no discrimination in the mind. As the Sixth Patriarch Huineng said, “Don’t think good, don’t think bad,” which means that duality doesn’t exist; it only exists in our analysis and judgment. In Taoism, “和光同塵” means there is no difference, and everything is the same. In Christianity, we are all brothers and sisters.

In religion, these concepts are more clear and lucid than in scientific discourse. They more clearly understand that whether it’s the physical body or the soul, the essence of our energy source comes from the same place, and we are all the same, with no differences.

Many enlightened masters gradually return to the state of a child, living without bringing their brain out the door, a healthier way of living.


In this world, there is no difference between any of us. We all originate from one energy body. Everyone is a manifestation of their inner self and an executor of their script in the physical world. You and I, and him, we are all the same.

During my teachings on ground practice, I often tell people that true spiritual practice is not about meditating in the mountains or reaching a high level. True spiritual practice is about achieving a state of harmony in the heart. This means restoring our true nature and realizing that we are all just embodiments of consciousness from the divine. We come to this world to experience it, to play in it.


When you eliminate discrimination and realize that money and flowers are the same, you understand that the concepts of good and evil, poverty and wealth are just scripts to be experienced. When you see that they are all illusory creations of the mind, you can transcend them and experience all aspects of life.

Some people ask, if I am my inner god and my universe, then how can it bear to watch me suffer and struggle? The answer is that it’s all part of the game. Just like entering a haunted house or riding a roller coaster, our souls seek experiences. The debt, the emotional relationships, the physical struggles are all part of the experience that we have set for ourselves in our past lives. We need to constantly remind ourselves to correct and balance the karma that has not been resolved in the past, in order to return to our inner selves and learn from it.

If life is always easy and we just enjoy everything, how can we achieve spiritual awakening? It’s often pain that leads us to question ourselves, to start practicing and return to our inner selves. Only when the alarm of life sounds, will we realize who we are and what we should do.

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