The Truth of the Universe: Is There Another Me in Other Dimensions?

In the universe, there is a certain axis in the space-time, which is often used to determine the Y-axis based on the X-axis. In the case of time, time spins like a fan, and when it spins fast, we cannot see the number of divisions. Assuming that it can be divided, when it slows down, we assume the concept of a long stream of time, and then set the concept of the entire space.

The Origin of the Universe

In the beginning, a massive explosion was created by the friction between the innate energy and light in the universe. This process gave rise to various substances, including gases and chaos. As the universe continued to evolve, different planets and magnetic fields were formed through a process of material condensation.

However, there are still many unknown forces that exist in the universe, such as dark matter, which can be likened to the heart in our bodies. Each planet and system in the universe can be compared to the meridians, muscles, skin tissues, and even cellular structures in our body. Just like the cells in our body, these planets are constantly growing and disappearing, but are supplied by a single heart.

While we can input energy and heat in the universe, we can never truly reach its heart. Our bodies, much like the universe, are constantly expanding and evolving. This leads to changes in the density of matter and fluctuations in temperature. Within this constant change, there are basic particles such as neutrons, protons, electrons, photons, and neutrinos, which continue to expand and evolve while the temperature drops.

Then came a decay period, where particles combined and formed again, except for some invasive elements. In the countless fragments of the big bang process, particles started to combine and consume continuously, much like the metabolism of cells in our body. For example, our skin and hair shed and grow continuously.

Therefore, during the repetitive process of growth and decay, it appears to us as if it is eternal, as at that present moment, it is motionless. All of these macroscopic and microscopic perspectives are relative, whether in motion or not.

From a macroscopic perspective, regarding our microscopic condition, there is a great explanation in Buddhism: form is emptiness, emptiness is form. That form is a phenomenon, and all of those phenomena are expressions of your microscopic world. Within our bodies, including our skin cells, each cell could be seen as a planet, and on those planets, countless microorganisms exist.

To us humans, those microorganisms may seem like a vast flow of water from a distance, including the location of our blood. Even each blood vessel may seem like an immense and untraversable presence, similar to a galaxy.

Within this constant motion, including heat, and all the information that runs within it, there is a natural law. It seems that within these laws, there is a force of growth that continuously expands, contracts, produces other substances, and disappears again. This is an automatic and self-aware metabolic process.

Within this process, within the entire universe’s starry sky, there is constant change. This means that the world is always a process of 0 and 1, constantly evolving from nothing to existence, existence to staying, staying to deterioration, and deterioration to emptiness. “Eternity” is just a relative term, a relative phantom in time. Why is there a phantom? It is because we humans were static at that point in time, creating a relative phantom.

However, no matter how beautiful or difficult, time will eventually pass, and this phantom will also change.

Within the entire universe’s space, what you see as a plane is actually a folded space. Within this folded space, including the Milky Way and the Solar System, we believe that there is time.

We can currently see an additional layer of the universe, which is vast and boundless, with no borders. It exists only on one plane. This means that what you think is huge is just because you are too small at that point, limited by time and space.

What is the truth then?

In fact, there are more folded spaces. You might think that within such a vast universe space, there may be other universes, other galaxies, and other human developments in parallel and folded spaces. One thing that we are particularly curious about is whether there are other living beings, aliens, on other planets and star domains? Do they exist in other dimensions? Are they like us?

Within these folded spaces, dimensions differ, and different degrees of folding occur at different times, producing larger latitudes. We can enhance our spirituality, including elevating our latitude. In fact, when we continuously empty ourselves and no longer confine ourselves to the small ego within us, slowly, our entire consciousness and latitude begin to rise.

During the process of elevation, there are two legs to walk on: one is the elevation of consciousness, and the other is the elevation of energy. The elevation of consciousness means that we can constantly understand and know how the world works. Through knowledge exchange, classes, and through the research of more scientists on this world, we have a greater understanding of this world. This is an expansion of consciousness.

The expansion of energy has positive and negative energies, and within positive energies, there are highs and lows. Within the highs, there are joy, happiness, love, giving, and beauty. These are high energies. The lower energies are calm because they are Yin energy. True high energy is always a combination of Yin and Yang. And within high energy, there will always be infinite joy, like that of a child. You will see a child busy every moment, working hard until they are exhausted and then fall asleep. They won’t sit quietly in the sun like an old man, and then just sit there bored. Therefore, a child’s energy is relatively higher because their Yang energy is stronger.

So within positive energy, our calmness, our escape, and our tranquility are positive energies, but in comparison to joy and happiness and Yang energy, their energy vibration is relatively weak.

So in the process of elevating energy, whether it is joy, compassion, happiness, tranquility, or calmness, all of these are positive energies. Within positive energy, as we elevate our energy, our consciousness also begins to expand. When we are in a good mood, we let go of many things in this world and can forgive not only ourselves but others as well. As I often say, let go of yourself, let go, and you will find that when your energy is elevated and your mood is good, your entire consciousness will become clearer and more transparent than ever before.

When our inner peace and joy are achieved, and our consciousness becomes more transparent, we will find that we have been constantly pursuing and asking questions in the human world:

Who am I?
Where do I come from?
Where am I going?
What is my relationship with this universe?
We have been studying our relationships with others, with this world, with the universe, with our past lives, with our future lives, with cause and effect, and whether there is another self in all the exotic spaces within this universe?
What kind of relationship do I have with that other self in those exotic spaces?

The probability is very high because the current “me” is just an energy body, and this physical body is borrowed, it’s like rented and will be taken back when it expires. For example, our hands and feet listen to us, our mouth listens to us, our eyes listen to us, but other parts don’t necessarily obey us.

For instance, if I want to lose weight, does my body automatically follow my wishes? Not necessarily! If you say you don’t want to live anymore and your heart stops, it won’t listen to you. If you say you want to look better, it may not listen to you either.

Our physical body, how did it come about?

It is composed of materials such as earth, fire, water, and wind on Earth. Since it is made up of matter, all matter will eventually decay and return to the material world.

What is it for? It is simply to lead our consciousness and allow us to experience all the sensations of this world through our eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind. If we didn’t have this physical body, how could we know these sensations?

In other words, without this material body, our energy body would always be in light and love, and we would be able to see through the essence of the world. How could we blindly guess and play games?

All of this is just our way of experiencing the sensations of this world while blindfolded. This physical body is a substitute for all consciousness to perceive this world.

Since it is a material and energy body, its vibrational frequency is relatively lower than the power of our soul, because it comes from this material body, so its vibrational frequency is low. Unlike spiritual power, including the vibrational frequency of light, which is fast and invisible, this material body, whether high or low, is also an energy body.

Is there another me in other spaces?

The answer is yes. Since we are made up of matter, we are a manifestation of energy that can have a mirrored manifestation in other spaces and times. It’s like playing a movie – if I can play it in this theater, I can also play it in other theaters, even in different cities simultaneously. If our life is like a movie, then we can also have other versions of ourselves playing in other dimensions and spaces.

As energy beings, our manifestation in other dimensions and universes is just another form of energy. However, these manifestations can be larger in size, with bigger magnetic fields and different trajectories. They are still energy beings, just in different forms and shapes.

Despite our small size, we are still energy beings just like every other living creature on Earth. We all come from the same source – the origin of the universe that creates everything from planets to living creatures and rules of motion. Our feelings and sensations all originate from the same source of light, and our energy is supplied by the same life force that fuels everything in the universe.

All of these different manifestations of matter are just different phenomena of the same source, which is light and love. While they may appear different, they are ultimately all derived from the same source.

Why does Buddhism say that all sentient beings are equal?

It is because we are truly the same. This is also why Taoism says that we are the same as dust and light, because we are the same. This is also why God says that we are all brothers and sisters, because we are all the same. We all originate from the light of the source. This is why religions always say that whether you believe or not, it is the same, because as long as you have the light and love, we are all the same.

In my remaining years, I want to live as love and light, and I hope that more people can follow me to become love and light, to feel all the beauty in this world, and to feel the happiness in this rolling red dust. Whether we believe in being carefree or free and easy, we can feel the happiness and freedom inside. We can also feel the gratitude and appreciation for the beautiful life we have, and we can love this red dust world and the people around us with gratitude.

If we must believe in something, I want to believe in love and joy. There are many beautiful appearances in this world, but there are not many interesting souls. Every day, loving ourselves well is the most important thing. Doing what we love is also the most important thing. Let us be decent people and do decent things together in our lifetime.

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