Trapped in Our Own Reincarnations: Exploring the Reasons Behind Our Cycles of Life


When we become aware of the potential to raise our energy, life can be even better than we imagined. And it keeps getting better, continuously surpassing our expectations. As we elevate our emotions, wealth, consciousness, and energy, this is just the beginning of a one-way journey. Everything, all the goodness, is just starting.

Being filled with joy, happiness, and love for life is so beautiful that it makes us realize how good life can be.

Yes, in life, we have the freedom to be better and live more beautifully. This is the life we want to live in our remaining years.

Regarding the sense of worthiness and deservingness, many people are constantly trying to please others, and have high demands and standards for themselves internally. Despite all their efforts, they cannot live a better life. Why? Because living a better life will bring about feelings of guilt.


I once interpreted a mandala for a classmate.

I said, “Are you coming to class without telling your family?”

She said, “Yes!”

I said, “I see hidden power inside this mandala. You have inner guilt about attending this expensive class. You feel sorry for spending this money on yourself, rather than telling your family and giving them the money. You want to keep it a secret from them and earn the money back.”

All the classmates laughed.

She kept nodding her head and said, “Teacher, you are amazing. You are absolutely right. I was thinking exactly that way. I am keeping it a secret from them, and I feel that any money spent on myself is not worth it, and that I am being unfair to my family.”

Why do you feel guilty about spending money on yourself?

Why do you feel uneasy when you spend money on yourself?

You feel so guilty!

We often say that the money belongs to everyone, and that we should earn more money and be more responsible. So why do we feel guilty about spending so much money on ourselves?

Why is that?

Most of it is related to our original family. In our original family, when we are not valued, we can sacrifice for others because of money. If our parents have this kind of education, at the bottom of our consciousness, we will deeply believe that we should sacrifice for others, and that we should always think of others first, even if it means giving the money to our family first.

Under the education of our mothers, notice my words, “our mothers,” we have a common mother. Their personalities are the same: sacrificing for the family, nagging, picky, and criticizing as praise. My mother is like this, and I guess your mother is like this too.

What kind of children do these mothers raise? They will constantly seek approval and recognition, always following their mothers’ standards to please them. They feel unworthy and undeserving of spending money on themselves, and will sacrifice themselves to please others.

Why? Because what they do is never good enough. They want to be a little more selfish and self-centered, so they won’t receive criticism. They want to please their mothers and gain the recognition of the important people around them, such as family members, loved ones, and children. All they need is for others to praise them.

But receiving this kind of praise is difficult. They just won’t praise us!

When we become aware of energy and its ability to elevate us, life becomes better than we could have imagined, and it continues to get better as we continuously break through our limitations in emotional, financial, conscious, and energetic ways. This is just the beginning of a single path. All the goodness that exists is just the start. Full of joy, happiness, and love for life, it’s truly beautiful and makes us feel that life can be this good.

Why do we feel guilty when spending money on ourselves? It’s largely related to our original family. When we aren’t valued in our families, we can sacrifice for others because of money. If parents have taught us this, then at the deepest level of our consciousness, we will have a sense that we should sacrifice for others and always put them first. This belief can even include spending money on our families before spending it on ourselves.

Our mothers’ education also plays a role in this. Notice that I said “our mothers.” We all share a similar type of mother who sacrifices for the family, loves to talk, is picky, and criticizes to praise you. My mother is like this, and I’m sure yours is, too. What kind of children do these mothers raise?

They constantly seek confirmation and approval, always working according to their mothers’ standards, always trying to please them. These children can have a sense of unworthiness and an inclination to sacrifice themselves to please others, even feeling guilty when spending money on themselves.

Why? Because they feel they aren’t good enough and that they need to be more selfish and self-centered. If they don’t, they might get criticized. They want to make themselves better to earn their mothers’ approval, and ultimately, they want the recognition of the people they care about: their family, their loved ones, their children. They only need compliments to feel good about themselves. It’s hard to get those compliments, though.

Therefore, they have to work harder to please, to prove themselves. They believe they aren’t worthy or deserving, so they keep sacrificing their time, happiness, and freedom. Those with a feeling-oriented personality can sacrifice their dignity. They can sacrifice everything to please others. They just want to prove themselves and feel worthy. They just want recognition and compliments. If they don’t get that, it’s heart-breaking. What can they do? Work harder to please.

I believe that someday the rock can be melted. Therefore, those who feel unworthy and undeserving can feel guilty just by spending a little money. They feel nervous, like they’re doing something wrong. It’s because they want to please, to prove themselves, and to get compliments.

Seeking recognition and approval reflects our childhood relationship with our mothers. If we didn’t receive enough praise and recognition then, we carry that same pattern of behavior into our current families. The mode of operation is to work hard to please, to seek approval, and to prove oneself worthy. Sacrifice for others is okay, but we just want recognition and praise.


There are three types of people: cost-benefit type, feeling type, and intuition type. When you try to please someone who is cost-benefit type, they are most concerned about money. If you give them your money, they’ll feel more secure and want to control your finances. This doesn’t leave much room for your happiness.

While pleasing cost-benefit type people can lead to some benefits, there is still a lingering sense of insecurity. You may end up working harder to make more money.

For feeling type people, they are usually lacking in love. If you try to please them, but are also a feeling type person yourself, it can be a happy relationship if you’re both giving each other what you want. However, when frequencies don’t match, it becomes painful to realize that your efforts to please them aren’t working.

Ultimately, your efforts to please others may not always be effective. In fact, it can even be detrimental to your own well-being. It’s important to recognize and understand what others truly need and want, rather than assuming that your efforts will always lead to success.

Please note that the following text contains some colloquial and informal language.

Let’s talk about something that makes people angry. Does your effort to please others actually work?

There are three types of people: cost-effective, emotional, and intuitive. When you try to please a cost-effective person, they care most about money. If you give them your money, they will want to control it and keep your IT, IC, and IQ cards for safekeeping. They only feel secure when they have all the money, so they are reluctant to spend it. What happiness can you have when your money is with a cost-effective person?

When you try to please an emotional person, who already lacks love, you’ll find that they often give you things that you don’t want. The people who try to please them are often emotional themselves. When two emotional people try to please each other, they may be happy if they both give each other what they want. But two emotional people often don’t match frequencies. When their frequencies don’t match, they find that no matter how much they try to please each other, it’s not effective, and they end up giving each other things that they don’t want, which is really painful.

Have you ever met an emotional mother? My mother always feels cold, and she thinks I’m cold too. It doesn’t matter if I wear autumn pants or not, but if she thinks I’m cold, I must wear them. The biggest characteristic of emotional people is that they always give you what you don’t want. They don’t know what you want, they just give you what they want or what they lack.

They don’t distinguish between timing, location, or appropriateness. They always have to give you something because they are afraid of separation. So when two people try to please each other, you’ll find that they may not be happy together, even though they are both good people.

If you try to please an intuitive person, it’s really useless. There is a chance that they might be impressed by your efforts, but it’s very low. Intuitive people are true to themselves and their judgments. If you try to please them for too long, they will wonder what your motive is.

They’ll think, “Why do you want to please me? I don’t even like you. What’s the use of pleasing me?” They’ll run away faster than a rabbit and don’t want to see you again. Intuitive people have their own inner judgments. What’s important is not whether you treat them well, but whether they like you or not.

So this effort to please others is not ideal in terms of results. It’s not controlled by reason but by our emotions.


Today, let me explain to you what emotional peptides are, and maybe you’ll suddenly feel more cheerful.

I finally understand why I can’t break free from this circle. Why do I keep repeating the same scenes?

What are peptides?

Peptides are hormones secreted by the brain and are similar to dopamine.

How are they secreted?

When we experience a certain emotion frequently, the brain is stimulated and begins to secrete small amounts of hormone-like substances.

For example, fear. If we are particularly afraid of dogs, you will unconsciously tremble, breathe heavily, and not know where to put your hands and feet. You will want to run away as soon as you see a dog. Therefore, every time you encounter a dog in the future, your nerves will begin to reflexively respond in the same way, and you will want to run away.

We have many repetitive habits:
For example, we love to eat the same thing;
For example, we love to go to the same restaurant;
For example, the place we used to go to often when we were young. Whenever I go to such a place, I think of the feeling I had when I was a teenager.
For example, falling in love. If your first love ended with you being dumped or even cheated on, regardless of gender, you will have a feeling of being hurt. The pain of a broken heart is really painful!

The enormous emotional stimulation caused by the pain of a breakup leads to the secretion of peptides in our nerves. These substances precipitate and form emotional memory. When you encounter a trial, you will find that the pain is so unforgettable. That’s how painful it can feel.

So, this pain, this feeling, has already produced such substances, it is already there, it doesn’t disappear by itself. What do you feed it with, how does it grow, what does it need to eat? It’s like a small animal, it’s already born, it needs to eat, it needs to eat what you produce frequently, such as sadness, anger, fear, confusion, and the feeling of having no TA. What it wants is this, it wants to feed on this and grow.

This is not just about breakups, there are also other experiences of betrayal, disappointment, and sadness. This sadness will continue to feed it, allowing it to grow.

After a period of time, you will find that you haven’t been in a relationship for a long time, in a period of emptiness. That breakup emotional peptide, it still wants to eat, it’s still hungry! It will slowly form our instinct in consciousness, which is what we call the subconscious.

What is the subconscious and instinct? It’s our conditioned reflex about hunger, needing to go to the bathroom. For example, when you’re thirsty, do you need to think about it before you drink water? Very few people think about it. It’s like eating, when you’re hungry, you’ll urge yourself, “I must eat something.” You may think about which restaurant to go to today, but you’ll definitely go, because the urge is too strong.

Some people have to eat when it’s mealtime. You ask them, “Are you hungry?” They say, “Not really.” Then why do you have to eat? They say, “It’s time to eat!”

What does “it’s time” mean? Is it their biological clock? It’s part of the biological clock, but most importantly, their emotional peptide has started to secrete, indicating that it’s time to eat. In other words, it has begun to transmit this information, telling you that you should do this thing now, just like the program in a computer.

So, when it comes to things like heartbreak and betrayal, this emotional peptide will remind you of your heartbreak, of being betrayed. But what if you say, “But I haven’t been in a relationship for a long time!” You may find that your good friends and colleagues are starting to behave in a way that betrays you, and they’re making you experience shock, heartbreak, and helplessness again.

“I didn’t expect them to treat me like this!” You will find that this phrase is like a spell that you’ve experienced time and time again in your life, not just from romantic partners, but from family members, friends, and colleagues. Why is that?

It’s because your emotional peptide has already crystallized from the huge shocks you’ve experienced in the past. It needs to eat, so it begins to radiate outward, creating emotional connections that make you experience betrayal, loss, and sadness.

When you’re experiencing this, you may find that the pain you feel is like a small demon, a little elf, and your emotional peptide is like that too. It feeds on the pain and stops for a while when it’s full. So many people, especially in matters of the heart, work or life, find themselves living in a strange cycle, jumping from one cycle to another. In many days, we find many repetitive patterns that make us feel like we’re reincarnated.


For example, when I was young, the person I disliked the most was my mother. Why? Because my mother is a Virgo, and I am an Aries. Aries and Virgo are mortal enemies. Aries are messy, carefree, and have a hot temper, while Virgos are strict and always prepared. So, living under my mother’s care was extremely difficult for me.

My mother used to scold me all the time, calling me stupid, thinking I was foolish, undisciplined, and mischievous. She would often hit and scold me. So, I really disliked her. When I was young, I genuinely hated her and felt that she was like a wicked stepmother. I asked my father many times if she was my stepmother, and the answer was always “no.”

Later, when I grew up, I realized that my deep-set eyes had inherited from her. I came to the conclusion that I was her biological child, but I still didn’t like her. Every strong mother will have a bit of a pleasing tendency in the child she raises. When I was young, I really had a pleasing pattern. I wanted to please her and make her happy, so I begged her to praise me.

So, I had a lot of unworthy and undeserving feelings. Because my mother was very giving, compared to her, I felt ashamed. If I didn’t give, I felt like I wasn’t doing her justice. If I didn’t work hard, I felt like I was letting her down. So, under my mother’s oppression and nurturing, I developed the energy of being hurt.

I thought to myself, when I find a husband in the future, I must find someone who treats me well and not picky like my mother. But as you all know the result, the man I found, he is also an Aries like me. The problem is, he is just like my mother, picky, sharp-tongued, and can see the shortcomings of others at a glance. In that moment, I realized how much he was like my mother, and I felt like he was her biological son.

I often tell them both, “you two are mother and son. The way you think, your strictness in doing things, and your love for cleanliness are all so alike.” In my previous lesson, I mentioned that when I eat, I tend to get food on my clothes. My husband will scold me, even when we are in a crowded street, “look at you! You’re so old, and you got your white clothes dirty again.” That’s how he is.

In that moment, I felt like I was back in my childhood. It seems like I never reconciled with my mother, which is why I attracted a husband who acts like her. In other words, this cycle of reincarnation is actually produced by the energy of our winning peptide in our brain. When it is produced, you will attract people, things, and situations with similar magnetic fields, and you will repeat the experience over and over again, reliving the pain and even the bitterness you felt before.

You may ask, “But it hurts so much, why does it keep happening?” That’s because you feel the pain, so you keep feeding it, and it was born out of pain in the first place. If one day you feel no pain and even find it fun, as I often say, “happy viewing,” then it will truly be starved to death. Because it no longer holds meaning,

The reason It keeps coming back again and again like a curse, because each time it brings more pain that you cannot handle, hence it is known as reincarnation.


I have dealt with many emotional cases, and one that I remember vividly was a girl who said her husband had cheated on her. She said that when she was young, her parents often quarreled because her father had an affair, and she felt sorry for her mother. She wanted to rescue her mother and make her less pitiful.

I asked her if she had a thought of saving the man who cheated on her, and she said yes. Therefore, true to form, her husband also cheated on her, and she forgave him time and time again. Her husband had cheated on her many, many times with multiple women, and she was deeply hurt by it. She lay in my office, sobbing and crying bitterly.

Where does this cycle and emotion come from? Yes, from a young age, when she felt her father’s affair and her mother’s pain, she began to produce emotional peptides. When emotional peptides are produced, the next cycle is not far away!


Regarding the sense of worthiness and deservingness within, when you were young, like us, you discovered that wholehearted effort was necessary, yet you felt unworthy and undeserving within. You would notice that the people and situations around you would repeatedly come back to remind you that you are not worthy or deserving.


It is because it creates different folded time and space scenes centered around that point, allowing different people and situations to act as configurations to help you experience the same painful feeling once again. When you experience the feeling of pain again, the emotional peptide is nourished.


Emotional peptides come in many forms: anger, sadness, pain, betrayal, loss, fear, anxiety, loneliness, soulful solitude, not being understood, confusion, even thoughts of death and suicide, among others.

We now understand that feelings of unworthiness and undeservingness, like seeds, germinate inside us. It’s not that the world treats us poorly or that we can’t achieve results even if we try our best, but that these emotions emerge to remind us that we are unworthy and undeserving.

Why does this happen?

It’s because these emotions form the center of our world, creating different folding time and space scenarios that bring different people and events to help us experience the same painful feeling repeatedly. When we feel that pain again, it feeds the emotional peptides.

Where do these emotions come from?

They start when we are young, when we see our parents argue, and we feel that our father’s infidelity is the cause. We see our mother suffer, and we want to save her from the pain. We feel the need to rescue the unfaithful man. And so, when her husband cheats on her, she forgives him again and again. He has cheated on her countless times, but she still suffers deeply. She cries to me, telling me how heartbroken she is.

So, where do these emotions come from?

From the time when she was young, and she felt the pain of her mother’s suffering. This is when she began producing emotional peptides. And once these peptides are produced, the cycle repeats itself again and again.

There are many different kinds of emotional peptides, but they all feed on pain.

To break the cycle, we need to find the root cause of our unworthiness and undeservingness. It could be something in our family relationships, something we are doing to please others or seeking validation from others.

To find the root cause, we need to trace back to when we started feeling the need to please others, when we started feeling this way. We need to dig deeper, like using a magnifying glass to zoom in and find the source.

When we find the source, we need to collect all the past hurts and negative emotions and bring them into our conscious awareness. We need to clean up our emotions and eliminate the emotional peptides that have been feeding on our pain.

No amount of theoretical knowledge can help us if we don’t take action. We need to destroy the transmitter in our minds that keeps feeding our negative emotions.

Stay tuned for the next class on how to clean up our emotional peptides.

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