The Secret to Making Your Dreams Come True

The secret to achieving your heart’s desires

The first secret is to be content and grateful. The more gratitude you have for what you have right now, the more you’ll find that you have and the faster things will come to you.

The second secret is to be happy. There’s a lot to say about happiness, but please spend your life being a carefree person, just like a child.

Here, being carefree refers to the joy in life that is truly happy, not constrained by a framework. It is the infinite happiness and infinite inner playfulness that can make fun of yourself and see the many interesting and amusing sides of yourself.

The third secret to making your dreams come true is to have love in your heart and to love yourself deeply. We cannot give to others what we do not have ourselves, so you must love yourself fiercely, love this world, love all the beauty in this world, and only then can you love others.

By “others,” I don’t mean any particular person, but all the people in this world. You’ll find that all people are lovely and have their own strengths and qualities that are worthy of admiration. I see something to appreciate in every person.

Sometimes when I buy something, I do it with a sense of love and appreciation. That’s why many people treat me well; they feel the energy of love emanating from me, a constant presence of love and even joy. Some people tell me it’s strange but when they’re near me, they can’t help but feel happy and peaceful even before I say a word.

This is partly due to the magnetic field and partly because I send love and appreciation to others.

The fourth secret is the power of blessings. When you bless everyone around you, wishing them good health, success, happiness, love, and financial prosperity, when you give them all the good things you can think of, you’ll find yourself grateful for the opportunity to bless them.

Every time I visit a new city, I bless it with my heart and merge with it through this fullness of love, so my dreams come true very quickly.

These four secrets will help you to achieve clarity in your thoughts, and as your energy increases, your dreams will come true faster.

Sometimes when we go in the opposite direction, becoming more fearful and grabbing more, we find it harder and harder to achieve what we want.

But when we start giving love and blessings to ourselves and others, we’ll find that no matter what we want, someone will immediately send it our way.

What is the reason why wishes don’t come true?

One is a level of consciousness, and the other is a level of energy. If the consciousness is not clear enough and sincere enough, even if I say I bless and love, it is just in my mind and has not truly formed into a real consciousness.

Clarity is like when I want to eat, it’s as simple as wanting to eat something, without going through the process of simplifying it. The same goes for our energy. If there are a lot of fears, assumptions, and separations within our energy, then the whole energy is separated. When this consciousness and energy produce more separation and pulling, we will have more wishes that do not come true.

Welcome, my loves, to come and play with me. You will find that you become like those around you. When you are with me, you become happier, more joyful, and more silly. You will discover that your ability to control energy and consciousness is getting better, and the speed at which your wishes come true is getting faster.

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