The power of faith: Believe it and achieve it!

All vibrations and changes in consciousness start with observation, that is, starting to see and discover what scenes, cycles, reincarnations, and repetitive patterns exist in our consciousness. I started to decide to let go, and letting go represents a change.

I found that there was also a change in the material world. I found that I started to become different, and I couldn’t say exactly what was different, but I just started to become different.

We have begun to detach and separate from our previous consciousness, and we are no longer the ignorant us.

Our belief system determines the various forms of our lives. There are three questions in life:

A physical problem,
An emotional relationship problem,
And a wealth problem.


So what is this belief system?

Let’s break it down: What is belief? What you believe, that is, what you believe in your consciousness.

Everyone’s beliefs are not the same. Some believe that hard work is necessary to make money. Some believe in emotional relationships that women must listen to men, be gentle, and give men face.

What I believe is that a woman should have an interesting soul, an interesting life, and the sunshine and happiness of this world, in order to truly attract men. There is no right or wrong here.

First of all, what do you believe in? Earlier, I talked about the little woman. Does the little woman necessarily live an unhappy life? No, the little woman can also be happy. And does the big woman always get dumped by men? Not necessarily. It’s just what you believe, it’s a belief.

What is “念” (niàn)? “念” refers to the “cause” in cause and effect. It is the thought we generate in our minds that determines how we think about the future. What is it that you want? What do you desire? On the one hand, we have the past, which determines what we believe. On the other hand, we have the future, which represents our desires. Together, they form our beliefs.

What is a “system”? A system is a set of rules. For example, when it comes to money, many people believe that hard work is the only way to make money. This belief dictates that they must work hard to succeed. The system is the rule that you must follow to manifest your beliefs and desires.

“信” (xìn) represents past thoughts, while “念” represents future desires. All of our actions and vibrations are influenced by these two forces. Every decision we make is influenced by our past thoughts, beliefs, and habits. Our habits are like programming code that we have written for ourselves. They are deeply ingrained in our minds and bodies, including our consciousness, habits, and family education.

In our family upbringing, the system that shapes us is what we believe. This is true of our bodies, emotions, and wealth. The most significant system we must consider is what we believe.


I have taken on many emotional cases, and many of them are unhappy in their relationships. This unhappiness comes from their original family.

Many girls, when they see their parents argue and their mothers crying, saying that men are not good people, even saying that men are not trustworthy, men are not good, men are easy to betray. Girls who receive this belief system, in their own marriage, are basically unhappy.

Like a curse, why is that? Because what they believe is that men are not good enough, what they believe is that marriage is not stable enough, that is what they believe!

The fearful thoughts, according to the focusing law, is what you believe is what you get, even if you don’t believe it, but because you are afraid, it is what we call focusing, what you are afraid of is what you get, that is the thought that you keep in your mind.


We are talking about “heart and mind.” It is not belief, but rather a reflection of oneself. For instance, when some people go outside, they may notice the negative aspects of their surroundings, while others see the positive. This difference is due to the mind as a reflection of oneself.

For example, the popular Chinese drama “Eternal Love” was watched by many of my classmates, and I also watched it on my iPad at home. My husband came over and asked, “What are you watching?” I said, “It’s a popular drama called ‘Eternal Love’.” He asked, “What’s it about?” I said, “It’s a love story.” He said, “Let me watch it too.”

While watching, I was moved by the romantic moments, but my husband said, “This drama is so childish!” I asked, “Why do you think that?” He replied, “Look at that three-line plug, it hasn’t been edited out, and there’s a wire coming through. You can tell it’s filmed in a studio and then edited into the scene, and it’s not done well.” He continued, “This drama is so bad, your sense of aesthetics must be poor.”

Despite his criticism, I continued to watch and enjoy the drama. Our different perspectives were due to our beliefs or what we choose to focus on, which is also referred to as the heart and mind. What we see as a reflection of ourselves may differ, even though we may see the same thing.

Where do these different perspectives come from? Beliefs, or what we choose to believe. My husband believes that Chinese dramas are poorly made, so he looks for mistakes in them. On the other hand, I believe in the beauty of love and human relationships, so I don’t see those same mistakes.

In other words, what you believe, what you focus on, and what you want are all related to your past belief systems, which in turn, influence your current thoughts. For example, my husband wanted to find the mistakes and once he found them, he felt his task was complete and didn’t want to watch anymore. In contrast, I still wanted to watch, despite his criticisms, because I was focusing on the love story, and felt that the small imperfections could be overlooked.

There is also a costume drama where the male lead wears a wristwatch that is hidden quite deeply. In less than a fraction of a second during a fight scene, the watch is briefly exposed and then hidden again. Maybe most people didn’t notice it, but my husband would stop and circle that part and say, “See? You still watch this kind of shoddy production?” Every time, I am completely speechless, not knowing what to say.

He’s not a Virgo, but he has all the traits of one. He would proudly say, “You don’t have to watch it. Your intelligence is not up to par.” But I still watch it because I feel it’s beautiful.

So as I was saying earlier, this heart and mind is actually a reflection. First, he would see the bad things; I, on the other hand, would follow the sweet feelings of love and emotions. In other words, there is the same reflection, but everyone’s feelings are different, also known as the heart.

Where does the projection of this heart come from?

Belief, what do you believe in?

He believes that all domestic dramas are poorly made, so he will look for flaws!

And I believe that love is beautiful, that people between each other are beautiful, so I won’t see it, I will see all the beautiful states!

So, in other words, what you believe in, what you trust, what do you want?

The past belief system will produce that thought.

What do you want? What does he want?

After finding the flaws, he feels that his mission is accomplished, and he doesn’t need to watch it anymore.

But I, on the other hand, if you find the flaws, I still want to watch it because I want to see the love. I’m not looking for the triple line socket or the wristwatch, those things don’t matter, I think they can be ignored!


More beliefs are created in our original family, for example, some diseases come not only from genetic inheritance but also from the inheritance of belief systems. If there is a history of cancer in a family, then the children of the family will basically have a belief system that they are prone to cancer, they are prone to this disease.

So, what is happening here? I believe that I am a person who is prone to cancer, and the end result is that after creating this belief, more thoughts are generated. This thought is that my body is not as healthy as I thought it was. The result is really as he thought, but in our conscious mind, we are actually afraid, which means that we don’t want it but we are afraid and avoiding it, but the fact is that it will happen.

I have a friend who told me that all the women in her family are prone to uterine fibroids, even to the point of having their uterus removed. She said that she would probably get it when she gets older too. I said: “Not necessarily.”

She asked, “Why not? My aunt, second aunt, and third aunt all had it, my mother had it too, and I certainly can’t escape it.” Sure enough, after a few years, she got it. She was particularly puzzled, and asked why she got it earlier than her aunts who got it in their forties and fifties. Why did she get it earlier than them?


Because the energy frequency of the whole earth has been raised. After your vibration frequency is raised, the speed of manifesting your thoughts will become faster. Although we eat well now, have good conditions, and all materials are good, the speed of our thoughts and the speed of manifesting them have also become faster.

You may say that you are afraid and don’t want it, but you have to know that you have believed it, so your thoughts will become faster. The more firmly you believe, the higher and faster your thought vibration frequency will be, and the faster the manifestation speed will be.

When the vibration frequency of the whole earth begins to rise, everyone’s speed also becomes faster, and the collective consciousness also becomes faster and higher. At this time, individual thoughts and ideas are also easy to vibrate out. Just like we say in a high frequency place, all your thoughts, what you want to happen will happen faster.


Mencius’ mother moved three times, why did she move three times? It was because of collective consciousness.

Collective consciousness is what you believe in, and the frequency of your thoughts vibrates faster. What is important is whether you believe it or not.

Buddhism says that only those with predestined affinity can attain enlightenment. What is predestined affinity? It’s whether you believe it or not.

If you don’t believe, even if you are given all the scriptures, you won’t be able to raise your vibrational frequency. On the other hand, getting sick is the same. Do you believe it or not in your subconscious?

Regarding money, some people don’t believe that they can be wealthy. They would say that it’s not good to be rich and that rich people are not good.


Because in their subconscious, there is a division that says, “I am not a wealthy person, so I cannot be rich.” They wouldn’t say that they are bad or trash, or that being rich is not virtuous.

In this case, there is a saying that goes, “I am not a wealthy person, so I cannot become rich.” If you believe this, your thoughts will begin to change, and this change in thought is that you cannot become rich.


My most common cases involve wealth, so I talk about wealth every day.

When in debt, I see a very strong belief system, which is fear. I’m afraid of not having money, afraid of being blacklisted, afraid of debt, afraid of not being able to repay others, afraid of being the culprit of the family, afraid of dragging the company down, and afraid of not being able to afford the burden.

What is that fear?

Fear is also a belief within the system, that I’m afraid of not being able to do it, which is actually believing in myself that I can’t.

When you eat and drink, are you afraid of choking on your food?

When you eat, do you fear that you don’t know how to eat? No, you don’t.


Because it’s effortless. There’s nothing to fear about it.

What are you afraid of?

You’re afraid that you won’t do well.

What is that worry?

Because you believe that you can’t. Unlike eating, drinking, and breathing, which require no thinking, because they’re already innate.

You don’t need to be afraid, you don’t need to be scared, and you don’t even need to think.

It’s that you believe that you’re not good enough and that you can’t match up to that level. So you don’t know if you can do it or not.

Your fear is actually a belief system. You believe that you’re not good enough, that you might not make it, and that’s why your belief comes into play.

What kind of thoughts does it produce?

“I can’t do this. I can’t be a person with no credit. I can’t be blacklisted. I can’t owe others money. I can’t be broke. I’m afraid that I don’t want to be a weak and incompetent person, even worse than others. My classmates are all excellent, and I’m the worst. I can’t be a person who’s worse than others.”

What happens when these thoughts arise?

It’s a projection of the future, projected in fear. Your belief and your thoughts combine to create a twisting force that makes you act in the moment.

Can fear produce energy?

Certainly, fear can produce energy, and it’s a high level of energy. When we are afraid, we run fast. If there is a wolf behind you, you will definitely run fast. Especially when we talk about stress and anxiety, can we perform well at work? You will do very well and be very meticulous. Fear can produce energy and a high level of energy.

People who experience long-term fear have a worse physical condition because fear hurts the kidneys and causes more aging. It is the vulnerability that your body has to compensate for. What happens when we are afraid? The result is not necessarily good. When you are afraid in the short term, you may have a good result. If you are afraid in the long term, the result may not be entirely good.

Why is that? Because the thoughts projected in fear have a bottom-line energy that is, “I may not be that good.” You strongly or half-heartedly believe that you are not perfect or good enough.

What are your thoughts? Your thoughts are that you either want to try, or you think you can’t do it, or you have to work hard because others can do it. No matter what, you are in line with the belief that you have internally and externally. This creates a force that makes you act at the moment.

What is this force? The belief is from the past and your inner core, while the thoughts are projections of the future and external factors. It is actually an external shell. The frequency of the inner core and external factors match and create a force that makes you act at the moment.

Therefore, many people who are in the process of doing things are driven by fear and anxiety, trying hard to get results. In terms of wealth, I particularly believe that I may be a poor person, so I must work hard. What you believe is what you will have. The energy of heart’s desire is prominent in your thoughts. I believe that I may not be a rich person, so I have to work hard. You will find that there will be some money in the short term due to the energy of hard work and fear. However, in the long run, you will find that your body has deteriorated because a portion of that energy has been drained.

Due to the belief in the past and the projection of thoughts about the future, including my methods and thoughts, deviations have started to appear. This deviation makes you farther and farther away from what you want. We often say that the strength does not come from the heart. The strength does not come from the heart because our body cannot keep up, and our subsequent energy cannot keep up.

Why is that? Because it is mostly due to fear. In fear, many people have self-discipline and self-demands, even many standards and rules, all of which are made up of beliefs from the past. So, I will have more thoughts about the future. When I cannot complete them, I will produce more complaints.

In this complaint, it is because it is not consistent with the system we believe in. In fact, our system is a rule, which means that when it is different from our rules, I will produce complaints and grievances.


In the material world, there are differences in emotional relationships, physical health, and our desires for abundance and wealth. Where is the difference?

The difference lies in the consciousness that we need to modify.

Where does consciousness come from?

It comes from our upbringing, collective education, and other forms of education we have received in the past.

What do you believe in?

You can write a small exercise to identify which areas of your life are not good, such as your emotional relationships, physical health, or financial situation.

What do you believe in completely, 80%, 60%, half-believe, or completely disbelieve?

You will find that what you completely believe in becomes your norm because it is in your comfort zone.

The 80% belief is the part you need to work hard for, the 60% belief is what you want from others, and the half-belief or disbelief is what you resist and don’t want, even if you think it’s someone else’s life and has nothing to do with you.


This also needs to be differentiated. What is it that you want from your thoughts and intentions? Many people live in their comfort zones, but what you want and what you believe in, we call it “karma”, which is the past, present, and future.

In fact, where we are now is the karma of the past, and the future is determined by our current decisions. The current cause determines the future effect. If you think a certain way now, then your future will reflect that.

For example, if you decide to plant something on a plot of land, are you going to plant peaches, plums, or apples? The future outcome depends on what you plant, which is influenced by our existing belief systems. What do you believe in? What do you think tastes good? Some people even believe in feng shui and say that planting pear trees at the front door is not good.

When I was young, every family had a yard, and each yard was not small. But the neighbors next door to us had planted a pear tree at their front door. The pear tree was actually beautiful when it bloomed. It was covered in white pear blossoms and grew tall. When the wind blew, it was a beautiful sight, almost like it was from a fairy tale.

However, the elderly neighbor next door told the young couple, “You shouldn’t plant pear trees at your front door because it’s not auspicious and it’s easy to split up.” But the couple thought it was beautiful and the fruit that grew was also very good.

Everyone said that feng shui was not good, and within two or three years, the couple had started fighting and even physically assaulting each other. Eventually, they got divorced.

All the elderly people on the street said it was because they had planted a pear tree at the front door. I used to believe this when I was young, but now that I’m grown up, I think it’s just the workings of the subconscious system.

As they talked, they developed this belief that it was bad, but they were still attached to it. So the two of them kept fighting, and of course, other things happened too. Fighting was just the best way to communicate. Communication is about confirming things. You press the confirm button to see whether or not the other person truly loves you. It’s just a process of mutual confirmation. So fighting is a way of communicating.

The more they fought, the more they became indifferent, and eventually they stopped fighting altogether. They were not far from separating.

In fact, the belief system is the beliefs that we have in our thoughts, which is to say, what do you believe in? What kind of state did you project in the past and present? Therefore, you will find that what you say, what you do, and what you think will begin to affect your current magnetic field, which in turn affects your future thoughts, which is the change you decide to make – that is the thought.



So if we want to make a change, whether it’s to our body, emotions, relationships, or wealth, where should we start? We should start with what we believe in, or in other words, with our past. If you believe that there are no good men out there, then the men you meet will not be good; if you believe that men are women’s masters, then the men you meet will try to control you. This is because you see what you believe in. If you like quirky and intelligent people, whether they are men or women, you will meet them because that is your belief system.

If you believe that you have to work hard to earn money, then every penny you earn will be the result of your hard work. If you believe in the genetic history of your family, then you may think that you will die soon and that your health is deteriorating.

But if you start to replace your belief system, you will notice changes in your body and health. You begin to believe that you are healthy and everything is good. You get what you focus on. If you focus on acne, you get acne. If you focus on not wanting debt, the universe doesn’t understand “not,” so you end up with debt.

Your belief system, including your thoughts and intentions, is what creates your future. What you focus on becomes magnified in the future. It’s like the saying, “what you sow, you reap.” Your belief system is what nourishes your life, just like how oranges grow in the Huai River in southern China, and kiwis grow in the north.

Your belief system is a projection of your past and future onto the present. What you project into the future vibrates and manifests in the present. The results of your actions reinforce your beliefs, creating a cycle of thoughts, beliefs, and actions that determine your past, present, and future.

If you want a better life, body, wealth, or relationships, start by changing your beliefs. Cut down the tree that you don’t like and plant a new one. Don’t try to change the fruit, change the cause. Changing your belief system is the most effective way to make positive changes in your life.

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