The Key to a Beautiful Exterior: Cultivate an Interesting and Engaging Soul

The Joy of Witnessing Life’s Transformations

I feel extremely happy when I see every life blossom like this. Whether it’s a qualitative change in happiness, a manifestation of wealth, or a physical transformation, I feel particularly happy. I enjoy treating children because I can see that beautiful feeling in them.

Today, I treated a little girl’s eyes. She was almost blind in one eye, but after a few treatments, she could see again. In fact, it was even clearer than her other eye, which had become nearsighted due to overuse. I feel particularly happy about this gradual transformation of life, which always fills me with joy and happiness.

How to Be a Fun Soul?

We often talk about wanting to be a fun soul in this world. But I want to ask you: in a fun soul, do you love the liveliness and fireworks in this world? Do you like the hustle and bustle in this world? If you don’t love this liveliness and don’t like this fireworks, where will the fun in your soul come from?

What Does It Mean to Be a Fun Soul?

It’s about the feeling of loving this world so much. Many people say, “I don’t know how to love, I don’t even love myself. I don’t love anyone in this world, I just want more money, manifest more money for my parents and family, fulfill my responsibilities, and make my life less difficult.” As for everything else, I really haven’t thought about it that much.

How does money come about?

Money is also our soul, including the energy frequency vibration of our inner love, joy, and appreciation of others. It begins to manifest as a material object through such wave-like oscillations.

Recently, I have been giving morning lectures on wealth training, analyzing what money is every day. If a person does not have love or attachment to life, he or she cannot truly manifest more money. Nor can they even keep the money they have, unless there is enough money to begin with. Once there is enough money, it is not people who support money, but rather money that supports people.

In the law of money, just like the meaning of attraction, within a certain range on this earth, as long as there is something, it will surely fall down. But beyond a certain range of gravity, such as going to the moon, the entire gravity no longer exists, and the Earth’s attraction no longer exists.

That is to say, there is a certain boundary between money and people. Within a certain range, it is people’s magnetic field that attracts money, and beyond a certain range, it is the process of money supporting people. Therefore, we talk about people supporting money, and how our good magnetic field and good Feng Shui are cultivated.

Many people have been working hard to earn money, and every time in the ground course, when reviewing a few days after the course ends, we can see these wounds and pain from our original family.

In the original family, we have more responsibility for the family, including self-requirements. Even in the process of striving, many people have a sense of self-blame, guilt, and self-criticism. They feel that they are not good enough and are constantly judging themselves every day.

All of this comes from the requirements and standards that our parents had for us in childhood, and even the unseen advantages that we possess. It’s just like what I talked about with parent-child relationships. It’s unseen. My mother said, “Isn’t not criticizing you just like praising you?”

In such circumstances, we actually accumulate too much fear and burden in our hearts. We want to perform well, just like other people’s children, to please our parents, to prove that we are still okay. But in this process of seeking proof, our backs hurt, our waist hurts, our entire neck and shoulders hurt, and we always feel tired.

Why do we stay up late?

There are many people who suffer from staying up late. So, why do we do it? There are two reasons.

Firstly, there are many unfinished tasks during the day. We often suffer from procrastination and force ourselves to complete tasks that we don’t like. Therefore, we have to force ourselves to finish these tasks at night, which leads to staying up late.

Secondly, during the day, we have very little personal freedom. We can only have our own time when everyone else is asleep or resting. But playing too much can lead to late nights, and before we know it, it’s already midnight.

So, how can we not stay up late? This is our only chance to catch a breath, and we often use this opportunity to check WeChat, watch TikTok, and read messages from groups, community subscriptions, and other sources. Even though we say we need to sleep early every day, we can’t seem to do it.

Behind these reasons are a lot of pressure and self-suppression. When we relieve ourselves of this pressure, we suddenly feel that time is precious, and we want to play a little longer. Playing eventually leads to staying up late.

Are we happy while staying up late? Of course not. Each night, we feel a sense of self-blame and regret for sleeping late. We have very high standards for ourselves and often end up blaming ourselves for not being good enough.

This cycle continues, where we indulge ourselves, forgive ourselves, and then blame ourselves again, feeling like we’re not good enough. Behind each night of staying up late is a lot of broken promises.

The Habit Behind Breaking Promises

The habit behind breaking promises is the inability to appreciate oneself:
I actually have a secret, which is that I don’t like myself every day;
I have a secret, which is that I don’t think I’m good enough.

So, you ask me to fall in love with this world, even this flashy and showy world, and even this fleeting beauty. I can pretend to laugh in front of others, but you can’t make me genuinely happy.

Many people are like this, and many people ask me, “Teacher, I just can’t be happy.” One afternoon, I was chatting in a WeChat group for my online course. A classmate asked me, “Teacher, you always look so happy every day. Why are you happy?” I can’t just be happy, I just can’t.

Then another classmate replied on my behalf, “Just hang out with the teacher for a few days, and you’ll become like her, the type that’s always happy and carefree. You’ll become more silly and more happy.”

How to live the life you want to live?

Well, there are a few things you can do to truly be happy and live the life you want. One way is to listen to my audio courses regularly. You’ll find that my voice has a kind of magical energy. As you spend more time listening to my lectures, you’ll begin to feel better and find that any symptoms of illness you may have had are slowly disappearing. Some people may experience headaches, nausea, diarrhea, or even eczema as their body releases toxins during this process.

I feel very grateful that the universe has chosen me to have this kind of healing energy in my voice. My voice has the power to heal, and after listening to my lectures, you’ll feel a sense of joy that you never knew existed. So my advice is to immerse yourself in my lectures and let yourself be influenced by them. Soon enough, you’ll find yourself becoming happier and more joyful.

One day, a student asked me a question during a case study session: “How can I be happy?” I replied, “How long have you been listening to my lectures?” He answered, “Two months.”

I told him that it takes at least three months to really see the effects of my lectures. But if you listen for six months or more, you’ll find that you’re becoming happier and more carefree, and your heart will open up.

Before, if you were feeling angry or upset, you might have found it difficult to let go. But now, you’ll just laugh it off and move on. You’ll start enjoying yourself and having fun, and you’ll even start to see your financial situation improve.

After listening for more than a year, you will notice that your spirit has changed. You will be more lighthearted and joyful, and you can even infect others with your happiness.

But if you don’t have a lot of time to listen to my lectures, there is another way to achieve happiness: fake it till you make it. Every day, try to make yourself happy and find ways to enjoy yourself. Trust me, there are plenty of things in this world that can bring you joy.

How to cultivate a sense of humor?

I’ve always believed that humor is a quality, and also a natural talent that’s related to genetics. I’m not the kind of person who takes everything too seriously, because I believe that my serious time each day is limited.

When it comes to humor, the first thing you need to ask yourself is whether you have a humorous disposition. If you don’t, then you need to work on improving it, even if it means creating humor out of thin air.

So how can you develop this quality? For example, in comedy shows or sketches, the performers can create humor by telling jokes or pulling stunts in just a few seconds. That innate feeling of humor is so enjoyable that my family and I love watching comedy shows.

As we talked about earlier, the habit of breaking promises stems from not appreciating oneself enough. Therefore, the second point is to fully appreciate oneself.

Many people say they can’t appreciate themselves. Some people have debts and liabilities. Whether you have debt or liabilities, the more you can’t forgive yourself internally, the more incompetent and guilty you’ll feel, and you’ll even have a series of internal attacks against yourself.

Why do I know this so well? Because I have been in debt and it has been a difficult journey for me. I lived in guilt and self-blame every day. I felt like I wasn’t good enough and I couldn’t pay back the money on time, so I was ashamed every day. Therefore, when you ask me to appreciate myself, I can’t do it.

When You Appreciate Yourself More…

However, when you start to appreciate yourself more, you will find that your wealth, emotional state, and even the vibration of your body’s cells will begin to improve and start to regenerate. Being an interesting soul has many benefits, including reversing the aging process, making your skin smoother, and more. I remember a time when my female students would touch my skin and scream in surprise because my skin was smoother than their faces.

Why is this possible?

I have a secret, which is to compliment myself shamelessly every day. Every day, I admire myself to the fullest, so when I begin to appreciate myself more and more, the cells inside my body start to vibrate continuously, and the energy starts to grow, starting to regenerate. When you start to appreciate yourself more, you will find that your body starts to change.

The most important thing is that I found that money also changed. Your money starts to increase, and without even realizing it, you start to attract more money because your energy is high enough to attract it.

Your emotional relationships also begin to improve, whether it’s with friends, lovers, or those around you. You will find that more and more people love you and like you. Why? Because you emit an aura of sunshine, confidence, and an interesting soul that exudes a joyful attitude towards life.

It’s like an energy wave that starts to attract us to our attitudes towards the world and our perceptions of it. We are like sunflowers, unconsciously attracted by this sunshine. Why is that? Because we have too many distractions in our minds, we’ve been struggling in the mud for too long, and we all want to climb up to the sunshine and make ourselves happy. This is a fatal attraction for us.

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