Debt, a self-directed and self-acted life drama

What illusions hide behind the responsibility for the family?

Many people feel that they should earn more money to take responsibility for their family. However, some may not understand why earning money for the family and taking responsibility for them can be an illusion and a deception.

From the perspective of family responsibility, it is a good thing. However, from a financial standpoint, it can be a stumbling block. If you work hard for your family, you may internalize the belief that you are not worthy of money, and that all the money you earn belongs to your family. This belief is deeply ingrained and can lead to a lack of confidence.

This lack of confidence may stem not only from money but also from emotional relationships. When it comes to financial energy, this underlying belief is that “I am not worthy of having so much money, and I do not deserve it.” Many people may give most of their earnings to their family and only keep a small portion for themselves, because they believe they are not worthy of having more.

This belief can deplete your energy and create a false illusion that you are not worthy of having more money. In your universe, you are the center of the world, and you are the protagonist in your own story. When you start declaring that you do not deserve more money, you match the energy of others, and the universe responds by giving you the amount of money that your family can handle, rather than what you want.

The universe believes that you will be happy if you are busy and fulfilled with your family, even if it means constantly footing the bill. This experience can make you feel like a laborer, doing more work but earning less. You may feel like a hero for sacrificing, but you are not asking for what you really want: more money.

So, it is not possible for you to want to spend more money because you are not asking for enough. The energy you manifest is not aligned with your own energy but with the burden of responsibility you carry for your family. This illusion is the burden of responsibility, and we often take pride in being responsible for our families.

In reality, what you lack is energy. On the financial front, you need to tell yourself that you deserve and are worthy of having money. If you earn $100,000, you should keep 10% or even 20% for yourself. You may think you don’t have anything to spend it on or that you don’t know how to invest it, but it is still essential to love yourself and save for your future.

When you start loving yourself this way, you will realize that you actually love money itself. As you focus more on money, your energy will begin to circulate, manifesting your desires. It’s like when you stare at someone in an elevator for more than 15 seconds, and they can sense it and turn around to look at you, wondering if you have good or bad intentions. If it’s good, they will smile and nod back at you.

Similarly, when you have a positive and loving attitude towards money, it will respond in kind and bring abundance into your life.

How to stop the illusion of spending more and more money?

Debt is also a script you want to experience. How do you stop the illusion of spending more money?

The more money you spend, the more you feel like you deserve the best. You should love yourself, please yourself, and be kind to yourself. You should even keep some secret money for yourself.

I teach you to help your loved ones instead of always following the rules, and to treat your children as if they were iron. Then I encourage you to save some secret money for yourself. When you save money, you will find that having secret money is very enjoyable. Not only are you happy to see the number increasing, but you also have the freedom to buy whatever you want. You will have less sense of responsibility and less constraint and judgment on yourself in life. You will become freer, so I encourage everyone to have secret money, regardless of gender.

Because money itself is the energy of love and joy, it is a flowing energy. Keeping this flowing energy in your secret money is actually a good thing. This is like saving a candy for yourself. When there is nothing to do, take it out and look at it. When you feel like it, lick it a little. This is how you pamper yourself, leaving 10% to 20% for yourself.

We often think that money is not earned but gained. We feel like we deserve the best and the most expensive things. So we often encourage ourselves to buy the best and most expensive things.

This is actually an illusion, why? Because everyone is born from their original family, including their work and life. They have a frequency, including their consumption habits and their income frequency.

This frequency has a fixed value. It’s okay to occasionally exceed the fixed value, but when you exceed it too much, you will feel an inner sense of unease and panic, like “What if I can’t afford it?”

So many people keep using credit cards. At first, they didn’t have so much debt. There is a system where you can own the most expensive things, and credit cards mostly come from consumption. This consumption does not mean that you cannot buy the best luxury goods, but you have to ask yourself about your inner feeling. Your inner feeling actually has an upper and lower limit.

When you exceed your upper limit, your inner feeling will start to feel uneasy. Spending money should be done within your means, and you should not encourage yourself to buy the best and most expensive things. When you keep buying things without stopping, you will unknowingly accumulate more and more debt, more and more credit card debt, and apply for more and more cards. Every month, you will live nervously, and you will keep pouring and pouring money in and out, but the buying process does not stop.

It is not that you do not deserve to have the best. Everyone deserves to have the best, but we need to see our usual consumption habits and frequency. When you often exceed this frequency, your inner feeling will activate the self-punishment mode, because you cannot break through the illusion of self-punishment, and you will fall into your own prison.

There are three states in life, all within your own heart. In the midst of joy is entanglement. When there is too much entanglement, you will slowly become unable to bear it, and your energy will gradually fall into the lowest state, which is the state of hell.

When you are entangled, you will find that you like to spend money on luxury goods or expensive items, or buy useless things. It is actually to fill your own fear and let yourself have a sense of recognition for wealth and self.

This is the lipstick effect.

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