Discover the Secret to Making Money

Recap: The Key to Wealth Creation: Open Source Strategies

Do you work hard enough? Are you diligent enough?

Many people are diligent enough, but do you have clear directions and goals for your efforts? Similarly, do you have enough professionalism?

When your professionalism falls short, what do you do? How can you improve your professionalism to satisfy your customers? What is the next chain reaction? When your professionalism is adequate, are you providing enough service? Are you generating repeat business? How is your reputation?


There are many businesses that believe their reputation is particularly good.

I encountered a company before the New Year, and the boss was a very open person. When we were chatting, he boasted to me about how good their employees were and so on.

Because I can see energy waves, I was skeptical and didn’t take it seriously. He was very unhappy with my skeptical attitude. He took out his phone and showed me his WeChat messages. He said, “Look, my employees are reporting to me that today a certain customer was really satisfied and left with satisfaction, and so on!”


Then he sent me these reports. I burst out laughing and he asked, “What are you laughing at?”

I said, “If your employees are reporting good news to you, who wouldn’t be willing to report something positive to their boss? How can you believe them?” He was stunned and speechless.

Many people call me the “heart-stabbing sister” and say that I speak very directly. He was also caught off guard. He didn’t want to look at me and seemed to be thinking, “Why are you so bad at talking?”

Then I realized and said, “I’m used to it, but what I’m saying is the truth.”

I analyzed it for him, telling him what I saw in their employees and what they were like. I told him a few details and he asked with wide eyes, “Is it true?”

I said, “Can I still lie?” He said, “I know you’re telling the truth, but it’s hard to believe.”

I said, “Yes, because you didn’t believe me. Honestly, you showed me your beautiful side, so please allow me to say one true thing, okay?”

He said, “Go ahead.”

I said, “Your professionalism is really lacking!” He asked, “Why do you say that?”

I gave him an example. I said that from the customer’s perspective, I saw the details and how they left the customer standing there and left on their own. I said, “If I were the customer, I would definitely think that you are not professional and not dedicated. And there is no follow-up service in the service? You can do whatever you want and think whatever you want. Isn’t this a problem with your entire process? Aren’t all the subsequent issues a problem with your team’s coordination? It can only explain one problem… “

He asked, “What problem?”

I said, “Lack of professionalism and sincerity, there is no need for so many excuses.”


He told me about employees who were pregnant, had problems, were sick, or resigned. He was talkative and said, “It’s a coincidence that you saw it all.” I said, “Do you think these coincidences are really coincidences? What I see is just more obvious than what others see.”

I said, “This is nothing more than a problem of professionalism, dedication, and the design of processes. More importantly, it’s a problem of sincerity and earnestness towards customers. If there’s enough sincerity, these problems won’t happen.”

Suddenly, time seemed to stand still, and he fell silent. Then he said, “Thank you so much. I really appreciate it! It’s something that money can’t buy. I’m sorry for being stubborn with you. It’s my fault. You gave me a great lesson, and I didn’t even know it.”


I laughed and said, “It’s just a matter of speaking out when I’m asked. You didn’t ask, so I didn’t say anything. But you did, and I told you.” What I just said was about professionalism and dedication. What you think is actually not enough. The world you see and the world customers see are two different worlds.

Even if he boasted to me, “Our employees all say that customers are 100% satisfied.” That’s what I want to say: the world you see is different from the world customers see. After I walked around their company, I found a lot of problems. I said, “If I were a customer, I would feel that there are problems everywhere.”

But they can’t see it. That is to say, when we look at problems from different angles, different levels of professionalism and trust are generated.


What is displayed in human relationships? Professionalism generates trust. When your level of professionalism is not enough, your trustworthiness is discounted. When someone trusts another person, they will not compare prices with other options.

As the guest speaker mentioned, he is a cost-effective type and doesn’t compare prices with just three options, but with ten. The reason for comparing with ten options is due to lack of trust and insecurity.

When you cultivate a customer’s trust, their loyalty comes with it. They won’t compare prices with three or ten options anymore, but instead will order directly from you because you are more professional.

The correction being made here is that from a human perspective, it is about the integration of man and nature. From a customer’s perspective, they see if you are professional, trustworthy, reliable, and don’t need to go elsewhere for consultation; you are the expert.

Similarly, in the post-sales service sector, can you generate another sale? Money is the best form of trust. How much money is the customer willing to give you, what is their upper limit, and is there post-sales service during the service process? Even though the initial sale has stopped, if the post-sales service is still willing to express trust in you, it means they will give you more money.

This kind of re-giving of money and re-expression of trust is the recognition of your professionalism. I really believe in you, so I will purchase from you again because you are professional.



So this is part of what we need to do in terms of human relations. I’m talking about the integration of heaven and humanity. Is there any change? No matter how it changes, the integration of heaven and humanity remains unchanged. That is to say, in the human aspect, including your professionalism, dedication, and after-sales service, all trust and commitment are in question, which was referred to as effective and ineffective earlier.

More people will regard the ineffective as effective, and more people will regard all their goodness as an imposition, thinking that customers should see their goodness. In fact, customers do not see your goodness, they see your professionalism, which generates trust.

I see your sales as an art, a contribution to the world. Just like Li Jiaqi and Viya, who sold the most products, their sales are a kind of enjoyment. Viya sold the launch rights of a rocket button for 40 million yuan, which I think is amazing. Both of them have been immersed in sales for more than ten years, and trust is generated because of their professionalism.

Can you stand in the position of your customers and trust yourself? This is part of human relations. If you cannot, please improve your professionalism to make your customers have greater trust and satisfaction.

You say you earn less money. Yes, money represents a kind of trust, a commitment and trust from customers to you. Don’t say that there is no money in the market. Expensive things are still bought by those who should buy them.

So, both in terms of customers and trust, it still has to do with yourself, just like in the integration of heaven and humanity. The human aspect is also related to yourself.

This is what we explained in the integration of heaven and humanity part. We still need to do our homework. I feel that I have not finished explaining many things. The human aspect later was a bit rushed, so everyone should understand it slowly.


Welcome to Wealth Morning Class, where we unravel the secrets of wealth like a nine-link chain and analyze them in more detail.

Actually, 50 days of immersion is not enough, the plan is 300 days or 500 days, why? Because all our concepts about wealth came from our childhood. It has been decades, and changing it in a few tens of days is not very realistic. We need to keep shaking and shedding, just like a staircase. All transformations in life require such a step.

Welcome to my various courses, morning and evening classes. Please allow me to do a little advertising. The morning classes include 365-day morning classes, meditation, and wealth morning classes. There are also evening classes, including emotional evening classes.

No matter what kind of course you participate in, you will eventually fall into my bowl and have a date with me in the morning or evening. Because this sweetness and love are what everyone wants, I know you will come and play with me sooner or later. I love you so much and thank you deeply for giving me a chance to bless you. Love you!

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