Pursuing Wealth or Nobility? Which One Do You Want to Achieve?

“Having ample food supplies teaches etiquette; having sufficient clothing and food teaches the meaning of honor and disgrace.” These words were spoken by Guan Zhong, an advisor to Duke Huan of Qi during the Spring and Autumn period, in the original text of “Guanzi – Shepherd”.

What does it mean? When your granary is full, you can understand etiquette, and when your clothing and food needs are met, you can understand honor and disgrace. It speaks to the responsibility of national righteousness and how to become a true aristocrat.

Being wealthy is actually easy, but wealth is just a foundation. Only by cultivating etiquette, propriety, integrity, and other noble qualities on the basis of wealth can one develop an aristocratic demeanor, including a sense of responsibility and duty to society. Simply having money cannot make one truly noble.

Having Money Doesn’t Mean Being Noble – Why?

My friend is very wealthy, but he always says, “Hurry up, hurry up, it’s too slow, you have to be anxious.” His children also dress very simply and dare not spend money.

I asked him, “Why are your children so anxious and worrying when you have so much money?”

He candidly replied, “Because I am fundamentally a peasant.”

He did come from a rural background and later became a contractor and real estate developer, earning a lot of money during China’s best period.

He has two sons and a daughter. He said, “Whenever I see my children spending money frantically, I hurry to buy quick-acting heart medicine. I have to take medicine quickly because my heart hurts too much. Have you ever experienced this kind of pain?”

I laughed and said, “No, I haven’t.”

He said, “You can’t understand that feeling. Suddenly, you’re caught. They buy those Apple phones, one after another. Later, I had a fight with them and refused all their expenses.”

I asked, “Why? Nowadays, all children like Apple phones, and they are all Apple fans. Why do you refuse?”

He said, “I can afford the money, but I can’t stand it. I have an instinct, I’m afraid my heart will burst. What if they haven’t grown up yet and have no father? You don’t know how many times I’ve taken quick-acting heart pills. Every time I see them buying things and ask how much it costs, my heart instinctively flinches, like being caught by someone’s hand. Then I quickly take out the quick-acting heart medicine, which makes me feel a little better.

So, can my heart withstand them spending over a thousand dollars on a pair of shoes or eight or nine thousand dollars on a phone? My whole body and everything I wear and use don’t cost more than five hundred dollars in total. How can my heart handle this? What if they have no father?

So, for the sake of my safety and for their future, I told them they must wear clothes and shoes that cost no more than five hundred yuan. They must report to me before spending any money and are not allowed to spend too much, to prevent my heart from exploding.”


At that time, his reasoning made me laugh so hard that it’s still fresh in my memory. But he was really sincere.

So I told him, “Whether it’s a boy or a girl, they have to be raised to be wealthy, slowly and steadily. You have to make them understand how money works in this world and not instill fear in them. If you raise your children like this, they will develop a fear of earning money, thinking that it’s difficult. Earning money is difficult, but it’s important to earn it joyfully, to be friendly with money, and not to worry about your heart exploding every time you earn or spend money.”

I said, “Those who don’t spend money won’t earn money either.”

Then he said, “I know that, but I don’t have a choice. Every time they spend money, I feel like I’ve lost my fatherhood.”

I couldn’t help but laugh and said, “Well, there’s nothing you can do then.”

He said, “I also sent them to expensive private schools to receive a good education. I can understand that, but when they come back from those elite schools, their expenses suddenly shoot up. They say their classmates have the same things, and I can understand that, but it feels like my heart is being squeezed every time.”

So I told them, “Don’t go to those elite schools anymore. Don’t spend so much money. If you were born to a farmer, you’re still a farmer. Don’t go to those schools, just come home and do whatever you need to do, just be an ordinary kid!” So I had them go back to public elementary and middle schools, and it didn’t cost much.

He said, “That way, I feel like I can live a little longer.”

I said, “But you have to realize that you’re losing the opportunity to raise your children to be aristocrats.”

At that time, he snorted and said, “What’s so noble about being an aristocrat? Being an aristocrat is just about spending money.”

He said, “Don’t need to be noble, just be wealthy.”

Is being a noble always about having money?

What is the true spirit of nobility? The true spirit of nobility refers to individuals with high character who never surrender to this world for the sake of money or material possessions. They return to the essence and source of life and lead others. They can resonate with others and even live in the present moment. They can remain calm and at ease, regardless of personal honor or disgrace or gain or loss. This actually represents a relaxed attitude and way of life.


It also represents the cultural connotations of life and even an attitude towards life. You feel that your attitude towards life and your ease of mind connect you to those high-end products, even if you have the money to afford them.

If you can live in the moment, even drinking in a stable can also exude a noble atmosphere. This is an inner ease and a calm attitude towards life. It means not complaining about life and accepting things as they are. The true emotional essence of nobility is like the blooming of flowers at dusk.

I don’t require you to do anything. You tell me what you want, and I can provide it. I’m not complaining, nor do I need you to obey me. I have no worries or burdens. Just treat me well, and I will not only treat you well but also cherish your company. This is the emotional essence of nobility.

Similarly, in our emotions, this is nobility. I hope that everyone can have this kind of noble spirit. It has little to do with wealth and more to do with the structure of our spiritual world.

What are the benefits of having money?

Why do I often talk about money in my public welfare class? I truly hope that you all have money, because money is the easiest thing to manifest. In the realm of money, the biggest benefit of having money is being able to be composed. You will have more freedom towards material possessions, and you will have a much more composed mindset.

I gave an assignment to my Wealth Morning Course students to go to luxury stores, look at luxury cars, luxury homes, and villas, and then carefully observe whether they have that sense of composure, whether they can match that frequency.

Many people feel timid, and some people even ask me: “The house seller talked for half a day and I didn’t buy it, what should I do? I feel embarrassed.”

I said: “If it were me, I wouldn’t, I would talk with him for a while longer, why? Because your mindset is different, your mindset is really too serious, too stubborn, you feel that you are not worthy, but in this world there is no such thing as being worthy or unworthy, only what?”

Right now, whether I have money or not, whether it is worth it or not, if I don’t have money, I will just wait, I know that one day I will be able to match it. The true essence of being a noble is about how to choose a composed attitude towards life!

What is the True Spirit of Nobility?

The true aristocratic spirit is about the attitude of living with ease and gracefulness.

Being rich and noble, money cannot be separated from it. If we do not have money to support us, we cannot achieve true ease and gracefulness. However, just having money does not make one noble. It is not about buying luxury goods or being able to afford any house or trip anywhere in the world.

It is a matter of choosing how we want to live and having a calm attitude towards life. For example, enjoying flowers, learning flower arranging, gardening, tea ceremonies, or playing chess reflect a passion for life. This attitude may involve many seemingly useless activities, but they can strengthen our spirit and enrich our spiritual world.

What does being rich and noble really mean? It means having the freedom and ability to make choices with ease and grace, and having a greater sense of grounding within these choices.

This grounding provides us with a sense of purpose and a deeper understanding of life, allowing us to express our love for life and others with generosity, understanding, and compassion. We can do this without any expectation, resentment, or hatred, not because we have money, but because we are calm and peaceful.

Money, what is it?

Money is a vibration of a magnetic field. It is a numerical representation of the material composed of conscious energy. Therefore, when you feel joy, you will find that money manifests quickly.

In other words, being wealthy and noble are connected magnetic fields, because money nurtures this ease, and gradually a noble aura emerges. Through this noble aura, ease and joy, it is like a closed loop that nourishes the entire energy of money, so it gradually becomes richer and richer!

Why are the nobles of old rich and noble?

It is precisely because of their sense of ease, joy, and gratitude that they do so much charity work. This sense of gratitude and joy slowly nourishes the magnetic fields, feng shui, and energy of their entire fortune.

But what about us ordinary people who cannot set such high goals as Wang Jianlin’s “small goal of one hundred million”? First, we need to have the spirit of a nobleman; a sense of ease, without constantly saying “hurry up, hurry up”, but instead taking things slowly and waiting for you.

The most beautiful phrase in this world is not “I love you”, but “I’m not in a hurry, take your time, I’m waiting for you”. This is what is meant by a sense of ease, combined with joy, love, and gratitude. Only when we have love and gratitude can we truly appreciate how wonderful this world is, and how wonderful it is to be alive.

Over the past few days, I have been leading everyone in a 5-minute gratitude meditation every day. It’s so good to be alive, with the sun, air, and water; it’s so good to be Chinese, with so many delicious foods, and even though Chinese is such a difficult language, it is our mother tongue and it is so good to be able to speak it fluently.

With the pandemic, everyone can feel how lucky it is to be born a Chinese person. It is such a great blessing to be born as a Chinese person. It is so good to be happy!

I am grateful to all my students, grateful for our bodies, grateful for our parents, grateful for our loved ones, and grateful for the company of our children. This sense of gratitude, in turn, drives the transformation of money, because the magnetic field of gratitude is the greatest of all. Therefore, gratitude is a lesson we must learn.

So we are talking about the inner tranquility and joy, including my inner sense of ease, like the blooming of flowers. What is the purpose of all the stages of our lives? It is to return to the original state of life, to return to the natural state of our own life, which is our true essence. This is what true nobility is.


How can ordinary people cultivate rich and noble temperament?

What is being “noble”? It is the original and innate state of being, which is abundant, joyful, and beautiful.

Being both rich and noble is a closed loop. So what can ordinary people do?

Gratitude and joy are the biggest manifestation channels for money, love, gratitude, and joy.

This is our biggest temperature and perception of the world. What you give to the world is what it will give you back in return. When you have love, gratitude, and joy for the world, it will also give you a bigger sense of love, gratitude, joy, and more money.

Many times, our perception of the world is measured through our bodies, senses, and money. Our perception is a closed loop that begins with our beliefs and goes through our bodies, emotions, and money before returning to our hearts, where it decides the quality of our perception.

So whether you have money or not, being rich or noble depends on how you view the world and life.

I often talk about the joy of being “silly”, and you’ll find that students who have been with me for more than six months are usually quite happy-go-lucky, with a great sense of humor, and tend to be forgetful with poor memory.

But there is a change that people become more and more beautiful, younger, and their manifesting power becomes stronger. They have better relationships with their families, their money relations become more visible, and their bodies become healthier. This is actually a cellular state, and this sense of beauty and joy is actually a form of nobility.

What if I don’t have much money now? This sense of calmness and slowness is actually a form of “nobility.” Even if you don’t have much money now, that’s okay. Start nurturing your nobility. When your nobility is nurtured, wealth and nobility, like twins, will also be nurtured. If you’re really struggling to relax, I sincerely invite you to join my Wealth Morning Class or Emotional Evening Class, including Chakra Class, Health 365, and so on.

To be honest, my class will get you hooked because everyone has a natural affinity for relaxation, joy, love, and light. You will fall in love with me and this class, why? Because I am one with love and light, and I have been able to live as love and light. So I want to become more love and light for the rest of my life, and help more people to become love and light too.

The aura of a spiritual aristocrat is when we hold onto our true selves and allow ourselves to truly slow down.

However, this is not something that can be achieved in a moment or by a single epiphany. It requires a constant effort from our bodies, including our instincts and conscious energy, as well as a great deal of awareness and insight in our lives.

Through insight and letting go, we can slowly release our fears and get closer to being noble. Once we have this noble aura, we can quickly move towards wealth as well. A body of noble aura and flesh will make every feeling positive. In fact, I am the heart of the universe, telling you again and again that you have never said anything wrong and never done anything wrong. You are deserving and worthy.

I love you deeply and am grateful for the opportunity to bless you. Let us continue to become more youthful, beautiful, and wealthy in the future, to be able to blossom gracefully in wealth, and to have a calm and composed attitude towards life. We can hold onto our true selves and live in the present moment. I am good, and you are good too. Let us return to the essence of life.

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