Reconciling with Money is Ultimately Reconciling with Oneself

Who are you?

First, you need to locate who you are.

When you locate yourself, you understand what your money mode is.

For example, if you locate yourself as a teacher or a doctor, the money channel is fixed and can be calculated.

If you say you’re here to play, what kind of player do you want to be? A naughty kid playing around, playing in your work or career, or playing with your talents?

I think the best players of 2019 were Li Ziqi and Li Jiaqi. They played really well in their respective fields, including their positioning.

Li Jiaqi’s positioning is as an internet celebrity who sells lipstick, and Li Ziqi is a rural lifestyle creator.

youtube influencer liziqi

Their positioning is very simple, just one sentence: Who are you? What’s your positioning?

Your positioning determines how wide and how far you can go in the wealth channel.

In the suffering mode, many people’s sense of not being worth it or deserving it comes from their mindset.

For example, some people say that they are not good-looking, have low academic qualifications, poor reading abilities, are stupid, and have poor communication skills. How can they deserve to make so much money?

When we feel unworthy and undeserving, money will easily flow away when it comes.

Inherent character (德De) is the original form of life, which is rich and abundant, not the suffering mode.

If you have a suffering mode, then the suffering mode is your original form.

If you feel that you are not suffering enough and yet making too much money, there will be an imbalance, and in fact, there will be an imbalance.


Because there is a framework in your energy consciousness: I didn’t work so hard, how can I deserve to make so much money?

The essence of life is abundance and richness, which is a natural thing.

When your main consciousness has such positioning, and this setting does not match nature, then of course there will be a mismatch between character and position.


Manifestation Stage

We have a lot of students who are really wealthy, with assets of 30 to 50 billion, and many people with businesses worth over 100 billion. Some students tell me, “Teacher, I have completed several billion in orders and achieved an income of one billion this year.” There are many such students who have a lot more money than me. I have a lot of blessings and pride for them because we are experiencing different lives, breathing at different rhythms, and without self-examination.

We often feel sad, jealous, and angry because we are hooked up with “me.” When you unhook yourself from “me,” you will send them full of blessings and love, and have nothing to do with “me.” Why? One is on Mars and the other is on Venus, so they are far apart! Focus on yourself, who you are, and enter your inner rhythm and channel.

At the beginning, the manifestation of wealth is a bit slow. Why? Because the entire rhythm is disrupted and your magnetic field needs to be rebuilt. There is a gap at the beginning, and it is normal for wealth not to manifest. When you can solidly go in and establish who you are, the money and material things will start to manifest, and the money will come in!

A reminder to everyone: There will be a backlash from the brain and consciousness, a tug of war, and a process of continuous self-interference and disruption, as both sides fight for their rights.


At this point, you need to be firm: Who are you? How do you plan to spend your life? When you establish this, your mind will lose every battle, and it will feel that this is just the way you are. It is an induction summary, not something specifically fighting against you. Since you are this type of species, it will let it be.

However, this process takes a long time. I have seen many people who have manifested wealth, only to regress again. What is the reason? It is related to the oscillation of our entire magnetic field and consciousness, the struggle between our conscious and subconscious minds, self-condemnation, and guilt. Who pays the price? Money pays the price because all struggles are intangible.

This world is divided into tangible and intangible worlds. The intangible world has a great deal of energy control over the sentient world, such as WIFI, ultraviolet rays, and many other substances that exist in the sentient world. WIFI has various models, and mobile phones are also set up with WIFI signals, passwords, and so on. When the intangible world is a little chaotic, there will be significant changes in the tangible world.

The second step is to feel good or not: What is your impression of this person? How do you feel about the future and the past? The feeling of being broke is still fresh in my mind and is particularly profound. Many students with debt have a deep feeling of this. Why am I in debt? Is it because I am not honest?

What we usually consume is feeling. I feel if this person is good or not.

Feelings about Money

A student once told me, “Teacher, I had a lot of judgments about you at first because your voice was too young. I thought, ‘Who is this little girl so brave to come and teach?’ Later on, I found your voice too sweet, too cloying, and still had judgments. Then, when I was bored, I listened to you and found that what you said was very reasonable. I thought, ‘Who are you listening to?’

In the end, I still had judgments because you laughed too recklessly. How could a teacher laugh like that? You live so capriciously and carefree that I feel jealous. How can you live like this, so carefree? You’ve almost become a model.”

But I was particularly curious and couldn’t help but approach you. The more I listened to your lectures, the more fascinated and fond of you I became.

This fondness is also a feeling.

She said, “Later on, I couldn’t help but sign up for your course, and after listening for a while, I didn’t feel too good. I stopped your class and went to listen to other teachers. Later, I missed you and came back to listen. When I came back to listen, all my judgments disappeared! I found that these judgments came from the subconscious resistance because I didn’t want to change and was afraid of change. So I vented my anger on you.

Whether or not it was vented on you, you were still the same. You’re as happy as you were before, with even more happy styles! You haven’t changed, but I have changed. I like you more and more, let go of those judgments, and became as happy as you, with a low sense of humor and lots of silly joy, becoming happier and happier!”

So just now, I talked about her changes and said a lot about my feelings and thoughts, right?

This is how it is with listening to lectures, as well as with money, consumption, and earning money. More often, it’s about feelings.

The other day, I read about resigning. Those born in the ’60s and ’70s never thought of resigning and dared not do so. Those born in the ’80s wanted to resign, but only thought about it and vented their grievances. Those born in the ’90s turned around and left, saying, “I’m not doing it because I don’t feel good.” Keep the salary, I don’t want it.

So those born in the ’90s are not to be messed with, only to be coaxed, not to be scolded. Why? Because they don’t feel good, who wants to do this job? Most people are driven by their feelings. Nowadays, many packages are becoming more and more exquisite, but who is this luxury for? People who are sensitive to feelings, people who say “I feel” or “I think.”

Feeling is a relatively lower energy compared to logic. Logic is very clear in cognitive processes, with black and white, true and false, and can or cannot be done being determined and summarized. It is like a computer, and there is no ambiguity.

Feelings often change, especially in the connections of energy and money, where we rely more on feelings. Whether I like or dislike a person, I can judge the feeling at first sight, and correct the initial feeling constantly when interacting with her in the future.

Therefore, someone said, “If only we could see each other as we were when we first met.” The feeling at that first sight will correct one’s own positioning.

The relationship between this feeling and money can be guided. Many people say they love money and like money, but the inner love is a fearful love, afraid of losing money, so they must love it. I have to say that I like money, and I cannot say that I don’t like it. Will I be even poorer if I don’t like it?

Feeling is not real. A classmate asked me why his throat hurts. I said he had told too many lies. This is especially true for salespeople. A sore throat is not because they talk too much; it is because they say many insincere and false words, which they themselves do not approve of, and therefore their throat has problems.

Why? Because of their feelings. I have some friends who are salespeople in supermarkets, and some are teachers who specialize in motivating team sales evaluations. I see that their throat chakra energy is relatively low. I asked them if they had said too many insincere words. They said yes, because they did not believe it themselves, but they tried to make others believe it.

There may be some deviations in feelings, and the deviation is whether you believe it or not. When you don’t believe it, money cannot come. Do I just need to believe, and then the money will come? The answer is: not necessarily. Why? Because the creation of a channel for money requires:

  1. Your mind to be at peace;
  2. Your feelings to be properly guided;
  3. Intuition needs to be steady, accurate, and ruthless, just like breathing.

All three must be present for money to come. If the mind does not agree, it will not work; if the feeling is not good, it will not work; and if intuition is absent, it will not work. As long as one aspect does not work, money cannot be created. Having money requires all three aspects to be present; if one condition is not met, there is no money.

Believing in intuition: You will be a rich person

In the realm of feelings, do you believe that you are a rich person? 80% of people don’t believe they are a rich person.

I didn’t believe it either. Initially, I had debts of over 2 million, borrowed from relatives and friends. I was in a very difficult situation at the time, promising to repay them in half a year or three months, but two years went by and I still hadn’t paid them back!

I felt particularly defeated and destroyed at the time, completely collapsed, and even had thoughts of suicide. When I was told that I would be a rich person in the future, I didn’t believe it at all.

At that time, I couldn’t sleep well at night, and felt guilty all the time. I thought to myself, “I’m such a useless boss. I haven’t been able to pay the salary for half a year. We’re so poor that we can’t get any poorer. I’m in debt, have no reputation, and everyone is trying hard to put on a brave face. Every day, I’m looking for problems back and forth in sales and technology departments, trying to figure out what went wrong.”

I remember very clearly that one day at around 5 o’clock in the morning, a voice in my ear said, “You will be a rich person in the future, so why worry about money?” I had stayed up late and was very anxious, so I didn’t sleep very soundly. When I looked at the time, it was just after five, and the voice was very clear.

I suddenly woke up and realized that no one was speaking, it was just my own hallucination. At that moment, I had a feeling of wanting to cry. I thought I was so pitiful, I had become ill with poverty, and was suffering from a disease that was driving me crazy with the desire for money!

I must be crazy, having hallucinations! It told me that I would be rich, but where would I get the money from? I was so poor that my face was full of misery when I looked in the mirror!

The voice continued to say this for the next several days, persistently telling me that I would be a rich person in the future. But I couldn’t believe it because I didn’t feel good about it. On the last day, I went crazy and said to the voice, “Please stop it. How could I become a rich person in this state? Don’t drive me crazy, please. I feel like I’m losing my mind!”

From that moment on, the voice stopped, but I began to doubt my poverty, not my future wealth. I had always been doubtful about my wealth, thinking that I could never become a rich person. But I began to doubt whether I would always be poor.

I entered the next stage: intuition. Why did I hear that voice for over ten days? Was it really the universe telling me through its angels that I would be a rich person in the future? I didn’t have to be trapped in such distress.


Originally, I firmly believed that I was a poor person and that I could only earn money by working hard, staying up late, and suffering. But now?

I have serious doubts about being poor. I don’t think I will necessarily be poor forever.

Do you believe it or not? Do you believe that you will always be poor? You certainly don’t.

Do you believe that you have money? Maybe not completely.

Many people will be in this kind of confusion and cannot fully believe.

Later, I decided to take a gamble. That voice reminded me over and over again, there must be a reason, so I believed it for the time being.

Although it didn’t remind me anymore later, I still thought about what it said and the feeling it awakened in me, which was like being woken up by someone in your ear while you were sleeping, reminding you of the feeling of being a wealthy person in the future.

This is a process of creating feelings, which is different from logical thinking.

Logical thinking relies on past results to analyze.

Feelings can be created. You can hate, like, or dislike them.

Just like earlier when I said I had no money and felt bad.

But when it told me I had money, the feeling was even worse, and I wanted to cry. It was playing with me.

Later, the feeling changed again, and I could try it out. If it was really an angel’s reminder, why should I miss it? The feeling became good again.

Is it changeable? It is a variable. Variables can be created and guided.

You can use your feelings to ferment again and create the good feelings you want.

But you can’t go over the line and say that you feel good about having ten million or a hundred million when you are still in debt.

The key is whether you believe in such feelings. It’s not about ten million or a hundred million, but whether you believe or not. Are your feelings good or not?

I tried to believe and decided to take a gamble and jump in. After all, I was already so miserable. What could be worse?

I just believed that I was a wealthy person. What else could I do?

From the moment I started to believe, good luck came one after another, and miracles kept happening. Using my inspiration, I reformed the company:

We removed Baidu search and advertising investment, saving millions; adjusted personnel and cut costs, both top and bottom were involved.

From the moment I believed that I could have money, the magnetic field changed.

When my feelings changed, money began to change, and my feelings about money began to improve.

I no longer fear or worry about money. I am in a particularly excited state.

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