Core Drivers of Wealth: Passion and Innovation

We often say that technology is the primary productive force. At the core of technology is creativity and innovation. Its greatest contribution to humanity is the constant drive to move us forward.

Evolution of wealth creation

Before 2012, there were several forms of wealth creation:

Firstly, those who worked hard and sacrificed sleep were able to create wealth because they paid with their own hard work.

Secondly, there was investment, including speculation. In the investment field, opportunities like funds, stocks, gold, and real estate could all lead to earnings if seized.

Thirdly, there were the wealthy who inherited their family’s money. These people were truly rich.

Before 2012, all three of these types of people were wealthy. But between 2012 and 2018, everything changed. This change manifested as a realization that those who worked hard were now seeing a decrease in profits.

One day, a student came to me and said: “Teacher, can you help me take a look? I work in a very tough industry, the production industry. I used to get up early and stay up late. I even had to check the production line in the middle of the night. But now I’ve found something terrible: I’m only earning revenue! Every month, I have to carefully balance my budget, but I’m not making any money. If I’m not careful, I’ll lose money!”

Many businesses today face this problem: when they expand production and investment, they find that the hard work and diligence that once worked in the past are no longer as effective, and profits are becoming increasingly thin.

Market favors innovation over hard work


Here’s a problem that arises: our creativity and innovation ability have been diminished and weakened in the process. We have simply become larger, copied previous models, without really innovating or reforming ourselves! There hasn’t been a true inner transformation from the inside out.

What is it relying on here? It relies on existing experience, on copying some past experiences, including successful ones. I used to think that I could earn money by enduring hardship, and that I just need to endure more, work harder and I could make money. But actually, this is a difference in mentality. This is what you think, but it’s not what the market thinks!

The market always favors those who can create convenience for the world, making all aspects of life, including services and daily life, faster, simpler, and more comfortable. It’s about creating convenience, bringing new ideas, and applying them to investment.

One day, a classmate came to me and said: “Teacher, you see, I’ve been doing fund operations, including investment and financial management, for eight years. You should know that people who do investment and financial management become lazy deep down because making money is too easy! In the past, I never thought about the numbers when spending money, as long as I spent it. I had so much money coming in so fast!”

But now, I still prefer the original investments. I have invested all of my own savings and the money from my relatives and friends, but now my investments have lost all their value and have become debt! I had to use my credit cards, but I don’t know why I’m in debt and can’t seem to pay it off.

Most importantly, I found that I have lost interest and ability in my job! I am not interested in any work because I think I earn too little. And I have no other work skills. I am only interested in investing, but the most important thing is that I don’t have money now!

Am I in a vicious cycle?

I told him: “Can this kind of investment make money? It really can, but can it bring about creativity and innovation for the entire industry? No! Does it have a greater driving force for society? No! It only stimulates human greed and the desire for possession and acquisition!”

Negative energy propels, negative energy concludes

He makes so much money, why can’t I? He invested a hundred and can make three or four hundred, even five or six hundred back. Since he can earn so much, I can too. No labor, no work, money just comes in!

When he violates this creation and contribution to humanity, I find that many who were once particularly proficient in stocks, funds, and futures, also started to invest their savings a little bit at a time, and losses accumulated. The losses were really terrible! I have seen several classmates like this, who have put their entire family fortune into it!

There are two points here: First, it does not conform to human creativity and innovation. Second, it stimulates greater greed and desire for possession in humans. It is the promotion of negative energy, and it will inevitably end in negative energy as well.

In the current economy, the third type of wealthy second generation has many variables and changes.

When these changes come out, for example, Wang Sicong, I saw that his assets were going to be seized. He failed in his investments, but I really believe he will rise again.

Regardless of ability or assets, they have their own aura. Your previous proud investments, etc., may not always give you the capital to be proud, and you cannot always be an upstream investor. You cannot always win!

Why? Because it lacks creativity and innovation, and cannot promote great power for humans. When there is no power to promote and innovate, even the wealth of the second generation will gradually weaken!

So, in talking about the three types from 2012 to 2018, you will find that there is a lot of reshuffling going on, with a new group of wealthy people going out and coming in again.

Shuffling the Deck: How Did They Get Rich?


They all have money, but how did they get it? If these people don’t have money, then who does?

Let’s take a look. Nowadays, everyone is talking about Li Jiaqi, the lipstick seller. He’s become very popular and his ability to promote products is really strong.

How did Li Jiaqi become so wealthy? I looked at all of his successful events in detail, including his videos. The other day, Li Jiaqi was selling a pot and his assistant had to come out to apologize because the pot was really terrible. We all said to him, “Why are you selling pots? Stick to selling lipstick!”

How did Li Jiaqi become successful? Many people who sell lipstick usually draw a line on their own hand or on someone else’s hand to show the color. We all know that the color on the hand is different from the color on the lips.

As a boy, Li Jiaqi applied the lipstick to his own lips first. During his livestreams, his lips would become swollen and numb because he applied so much lipstick. He had to continuously use disinfectant, wipe it off, and then apply it again.

He has the spirit of professionalism and, secondly, he has a very deep professional background.

How professional is Li Jiaqi? He used to work at some specialty lipstick stores where there were many different shades. If you told him what shade you wanted, he could find it for you very quickly, within a few seconds, and even recommend other shades that would suit you!

He has a very strong professional foundation and also has a bit of love for this industry.

Just now, we mentioned three things: first, his spirit of professionalism and love, and then there’s another spirit which is that he never stops! I really admire him for that.

Some people say to him, “Don’t work so hard. Let your assistant take over for a while!” But he says, “No, because I know what the audience needs. I can extend myself quickly like an octopus. If you need something, I’ll quickly find it for you.” He never stops, and he says, “I can’t stop, because if I stop, other internet celebrities will surpass me.”

He has a very accurate positioning. He says that when those stars take photos with him, it’s just because they see his popularity. But I will never be lazy like the stars. I can never relax. If I stop, my fans and audience may abandon me! He has a very strong sense of crisis, so he never stops.

Even when he rests, he constantly thinks about what kind of lipstick to sell and what’s good.

When we talk about his wealth and achievements, what do we see behind his wealth? Professionalism, love, and the driving force of always moving forward.

Every time I see him sell lipstick, I find myself attracted to it and feeling a sense of intrigue. Why?

Because he is really passionate about selling this lipstick with his entire being! You will find that there is a driving force within him, which comes from his appreciation and joy for lipstick.

Yes! There is a core to this creativity and innovation. What is it? The core is love! The core of creativity and innovation is love, appreciation, and joy!

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