The Overlooked Essence of Wealth: Joy and Fun!

In terms of wealth, how can one become rich? The key is creativity and innovation. There is a reciprocity in creating and innovating, and that reciprocity is: do you appreciate what you are doing now?

Do you consider your work as a career or as a means of making a living? Do you appreciate it? Do you enjoy it?

Similarly, do your customers appreciate your professionalism, dedication, and your passion and appreciation for what you do? Do they appreciate your appreciation?

How do you approach work?

For example, when buying lipstick, many girls actually don’t need another lipstick. Girls who like lipstick have many lipsticks at home that they cannot use up. People who really use lipstick will have many of them. But when you see Li Jiaqi selling lipstick, you can’t help but buy another one. Is it really the brand or the price that makes you tempted?

Not entirely. It is more about appreciating his appreciation for lipstick, and liking his passion for lipstick.

Often, why do we pay for something? It is to express that feeling of being moved by the other person’s dedication and joy for the industry.

We are not just buying product quality, after-sales service, product reputation, or the prestige associated with a brand. We are buying a sense of trust and professionalism from the other person, and that good feeling and experience when we pay for it.

I also bought a lot of fun things on Double 11 Day, such as power strips, multi-port chargers, and portable power banks that are so small that they look like toys. Actually, I don’t need more power banks, I just want that feeling of fun! I also bought a few fake hair extensions. In fact, what we consume is that good feeling, the feeling of self-entertainment.

Many times, we focus on the value of the product, which requires the other person’s recognition, but we forget that when the other person buys something, they are looking for a good feeling. And for that good feeling, from aesthetics to experience, we are actually increasing it year by year, including mooncakes. In the past, mooncake boxes were very simple, but later on, they became more and more exquisite. However, now we find that no matter how exquisite the box is, it does not give us much of a feeling.

Consumption is More Than External Feelings

Consumption is not just about external feelings, but also about the inner feelings that we have inside of us. Most of the time, we pay for what our eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind experience. We see something beautiful with our eyes, we smell something delicious with our nose, or we even feel that furry sensation that touches our hearts. It’s the feeling of joy that we experience inside.

Why do we pay for things? It’s because we feel warmth and joy inside of us.

The core of a good feeling is joy and fun. That good feeling, that joy, that love, that emotional and delicate feeling in all human emotions can create wealth.

I talked earlier about investing in funds, or funding scams, which all failed. Why? Because they can’t create a good feeling, nor can they generate joy and fun.

I often say: If you don’t have a good-looking appearance, you must have an interesting soul. We say that this feeling of joy and fun is not just consumption, nor is it just a good feeling. This good feeling has value and can be measured in material and wealth terms.

For example, on Double 11 Day, you will definitely find some things that you have been wanting for a long time, even though they may not be very useful.

I found some cloth dolls and some fun things, which are not very useful, but they make me feel very happy and fun.

I feel like a light has been lit in my life because it’s interesting and fun!

I also bought a Disney doll that can move its hands and feet, and placed it on my husband’s bedside table. I told him to let this doll accompany him. I really like the feeling of it being particularly white.

You may ask, what’s the use of it? Not much. But it makes me feel happy inside.


Being an Interesting Soul

Recently, we did something interesting on our platform. We created a book club group that lasted for two months, inviting all book lovers to read and share their thoughts. We plan to create more groups, such as food, clothing, makeup, travel, and scenery, where everyone can resonate and appreciate the beauty of life.

This doesn’t make money or have any practical use, but it’s for the sake of joy and fun, and for cultivating the quality of our souls. It’s all about feeling good!

I’ve always believed that only through reading can we cultivate our good feelings and develop our inner culture and temperament. Whenever I watch Dong Qing host a show, I feel like I haven’t read enough. So, I invite all book lovers to join our book club by contacting your group leader, and let’s read together.

When I ran my own business, I had a deep understanding of the entire business process. At that time, we didn’t have much creativity, and we only focused on sales techniques, distribution of bonuses, and innovative ways to stimulate sales. However, we didn’t have much innovation in customer service or make it more convenient for customers, nor did we make improvements in quality and service. We only focused on promoting sales through price discounts, group purchases, and giveaways.

We often overlook the core of wealth: whether we make people feel joyful and happy. Just like my ground course, many students said that they felt a sense of happiness when taking my class. It’s because I have an interesting soul, and this energy brings a sense of happiness. So many people say, “Wow, you have that kind of happiness and that little girl feeling when you teach. Every time I listen to your lectures, I feel a sense of happiness.”

I’m not selling anything, but you can still be touched by the joy and fun that comes from my interesting soul.

The Essence of Wealth

All sales, including the entire realm of wealth, have both tangible and intangible aspects. The tangible aspect involves whether our products and their quality truly benefit others and make them feel better. Every time I travel abroad, I am particularly grateful for WeChat Pay and Alipay because I don’t need to carry cash. I can use WeChat and Alipay to pay at various shops, and they also have Chinese-language sales assistants, so communication and payment are completely barrier-free, which feels incredibly convenient. It makes me feel that the Greater China region is so powerful and wonderful!

Is your product convenient for people to use? Can your product simplify certain aspects, like skipping the need to swipe a card? Can it cultivate laziness in your customers? This is an external aspect – making your product more user-friendly can generate a greater sense of dependence. What about the intangible aspect? Does your product make customers feel happy and joyful?

I feel that I’ve become an interesting person, and because of that, the world seems younger and more adorable. I feel like this is so much fun! Yes, what are we here for? Earlier, I mentioned convenience and fun – these are what we pay for!

What are we here for in this world? We’re here to play! This world has infinite interests and beauty, and we’re here to savor it all. We’re here to play!

Does your product make people feel like they’re having fun? Do they feel like the world is really this beautiful and fun? If you have this kind of assistance, you’ll certainly have it in wealth creation.

What is the essence of wealth? It’s the power of mutual interaction and recognition, appreciation, and admiration between people.

When this power of admiration is concentrated, such as when I admire your professionalism like Li Jiaqi, your expertise, or your sense of fun and playfulness like Disney, it creates positive energy. Every time I go to Disneyland, I have to queue up for the good rides. I admire the fun and pleasure of life, including buying interesting things on Taobao, which brings me a lot of joy.

The core of this vibration is the power of mutual admiration and appreciation between people. The core is also two-way. Firstly, do you admire and appreciate this world? Do you feel grateful and joyful for this world?

Those who become weaker and poorer in wealth and profit are those who have reduced their own energy. They start to grab more and become more fearful and anxious about wealth. They can’t generate more love and appreciation, nor can they create more positive energy for this world.

To be continued…

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