Unraveling Four Key Obstacles to Women’s Wealth and Unlocking Financial Freedom Sooner!

I hope everyone can be financially abundant and happy, and come to play with me. Today’s topic is about women’s wealth, and I hope every young lady can become more and more rich.

About the restrictive system of wealth:
Why don’t we have money?
Why do we feel unworthy and undeserving?
Why do we have so many restrictive systems about wealth?

When we can remove those limiting beliefs, our wealth can gradually emerge. In our subconscious, we may feel unworthy and undeserving of money, and we may have many fears and judgments within us. I have worked on many wealth cases, and the biggest reason why our wealth cannot be abundant and prosperous is due to self-imposed limitations.

It’s like a faucet, where there’s always water inside, but the reason we can’t get the water out is because our switch is always off or we only turn the faucet to a small state. If we want to have abundant and prosperous wealth, we must first find the reasons within ourselves.

Just like when we analyze human nature in class, a student asked me: “Teacher, my husband is a person with a strong cost-effectiveness mentality. He thinks I am always wrong and I have a deep sense of inferiority in front of him. I feel that no matter how hard I try, he is unwilling to do something that I can do. No matter how hard I try, I always feel that I am not as good as him. Even with many ways of pleasing him, I still feel that he has the upper hand in this relationship. And I have never been good enough in terms of wealth.”

Today we are talking about wealth, which is actually an energy in our three-dimensional world. What is this energy for? It is for us to be abundant and prosperous, and also for us to have inner joy.

Women’s wealth energy block #1: need money to prove ourselves

Wealth is to allow us to experience all the beauty in this world. It is not used to please men, nor to please family, nor to prove ourselves.

So, in the power of women, we have a major stumbling block: we need money to prove ourselves.

This proof, sometimes we need to prove to others that I am a capable person, I am a knowledgeable person, I am a person with capital, I can call the shots in this field, and I have absolute authority even in this family.

This family not only refers to our own family, but also to the relationship with parents and siblings in the original family; even among neighbors and friends, I hope I am a capable person, and I earn a lot of money so that I can also save face.

But in this energy of proof, you will find that this energy is actually a hollow energy. In this energy of proof, we actually enter into fear.

Why? Because I’m afraid that if I can’t grasp the ability to prove myself, I’m afraid that others will look down on me, I’m afraid that others will not value me, I’m afraid that others will think I’m nothing, I’m afraid of that feeling of inferiority; I’m afraid of living in the eyes of others, being looked upon with indifference, and even feeling unimportant.

In the energy, what is the bottom of consciousness? It is fear.

When we go to prove ourselves, the energy of the ego will nourish that fear more and more, and your energy of fear will become stronger and stronger.

So I see a lot of people, their masks become more and more obvious in this process; to the point where the mask has been on their body for a long time, on their face for a long time, and has become a part of them.

But because our human internal and external are not unified, our inner comfort and that kind of peace have no place to settle, so we will feel short of breath and have a lot of self-blame and self-criticism. All negative energy begins to emerge one by one, just because we never let it express itself truthfully.

The greatest freedom in this world is being able to do what we love, according to our own imagination and preferences. This is the greatest freedom and happiness in this world.

However, we don’t even have this kind of freedom. You will find that a truly free and confident person does not need external validation to decorate themselves. Even wealthy people often return to simplicity, enjoying simple food and drink.


Because they don’t need to prove themselves or show off. They can live with ease from their inner self.

When we are still caught up in proving ourselves, we lose the inner strength that can support us, and we begin to limit ourselves in terms of wealth.

The essence of wealth is to allow us to play, enjoy, and experience the world, not to impress or prove ourselves to others.

Otherwise, we will live in the eyes of others, in the feeling of trying hard to make ourselves look good, and the emptiness that comes with it.

I have a friend who looks very sunny and happy on the outside, and everyone can get along with her. She can even remember all the details of everyone’s family and ask about them. For example, if my child is 14 years old, she will ask if he is going to junior high school soon, if he has a college entrance exam, and which university he will attend.

She not only treats me this way but everyone. We all feel that she is full of love, as beautiful as sunshine.

But she lives a tiring life!

One day, she told me with a tired look: “I am living a tiring life. I don’t dare to stop or rest, because I am afraid of making mistakes or saying the wrong thing. I am afraid of losing these social connections, and I’m afraid that one day I will need these people to help me make money. But if I don’t work hard enough, they won’t be willing to help me.”

When fear is driving us, rather than love and joy, all the cells in our body begin to resist, entering fear and sadness.

She mourns for her own value because our body is also lent to us. Its purpose is the same as money, to serve us, to let us feel all the feelings and perceptions of the world in consciousness, for us to be happy.

But we torture our body like this, and we torture money like this. I just use money to prove myself, so the energy of wealth will slowly leave me, even turning indifferent, like making friends just for the sake of face. Then this friend will slowly alienate you.

The second obstacle of women’s wealth energy: an excessive sense of family responsibility and a tendency to please.

Women’s wealth energy block #2: stuck in the pleasing mode

Women are facing great challenges in today’s society as they strive to match men in energy and abilities. They have to manage the household, take care of household chores, cook, take care of children, and still earn money. The economic foundation determines the superstructure, and they cannot simply rely on their husbands for money; they must have their own independent space.

Sometimes, we seek so much validation and proof of our usefulness in the family that we forget to take care of ourselves. We want to be the most respected person in the family and provide better things for our children, including better education. Therefore, out of a sense of responsibility to the family, we must keep pushing ourselves to be better.

However, this sense of family responsibility can lead us to become too eager to please others, and when we reach a state of seeking approval, our energy levels decrease. One of my close friends is always busy every day. She wakes up early to cook for her children, then goes to work all day. By the time she finishes all the household chores in the evening, her husband has already become impatient and does not want to discuss anything with her.

She often feels confused and asks, “What did I do wrong? Why are we growing apart?” Sometimes, they split the expenses, and each person spends their own money. Her husband might be responsible for school fees and communicating with their parents, while she manages the expenses for groceries, water, electricity, and gas. She thinks, “If I don’t work hard, who will take care of the children? What will happen to this family? I don’t even have enough money for groceries.”

Therefore, she has to work hard, even if it means writing copy late at night. She thinks, “I am doing this for the family’s sake, so I must do it, even if I don’t like it.” This attitude turns into an obligation to exchange her hard work for money and to exchange that money for her family responsibilities.

All energies will be reduced when exchanging energies. For example, when I give you a peach and you give me a plum, or when I give you one thousand yuan as a wedding gift, and you give me back the same amount of money when I have a child. We say that the exchange of hearts and minds is a form of energy exchange, and this also applies to money and work. What you exchange is my sense of family responsibility.

It’s not that we want to eliminate the sense of responsibility, as we all have responsibilities. However, if it is excessive, there will be deep-seated eagerness to please, which causes anxious emotions. When we are nervous, anxious, and fearful of making mistakes, our sense of responsibility will be infinitely amplified. We dare not make any mistakes or suffer any losses.

Just like I remember when I was doing a physical case, a person came to me. Her entire back was particularly painful, very painful, so I checked her energy.

Then I said: “You’re doing a job you really don’t like, aren’t you? You carry a particularly heavy burden. You feel very disgusted with this job, but you can’t quit at all.”

She widened her eyes and said, “Yes, teacher. You’re absolutely right. I really hate my job, but I can’t quit because this job pays well. What am I supposed to do if I quit? How can I support my family? Education expenses are so expensive now, and with just one person’s salary, it’s impossible to support three people. So I can’t quit. But every time I go to work, the resistance is particularly severe, so that resistance produces a lot of physical pain.”

She said, “What should I do?”

What can you do? You can either let go of that desire to please, to please your family. Actually, behind the desire to please is lack of confidence, and imagining all kinds of negative things about the future.

Or you can let go of your insecurity or change to a new job, to give yourself relief and freedom.

Here, what we often use is what’s in our head to persuade ourselves, to persuade ourselves to stop; even to persuade ourselves: “I am a responsible person, a person who takes responsibility, so I should do it.”

So when the consciousness of the mind comes in, our inner energy begins to become impure. Well then, let me try again!

Although I’m doing something I don’t like, I can endure it, I can force myself. We call forcing ourselves “endurance.”

A person who pleases and endures will often have problems with their back and intestines.


Because in this exchange of energy, there is a blockage, a reluctance and an unwillingness; there is also a lack of sunshine and happiness.

When there is such a blockage, there will be pain inside us; and pain, it will block in our body, so there will be pain points in our body.

I often talk about the three channels: the body channel, the emotional channel, and the wealth channel. They are all interrelated.

When your body channel is blocked, your wealth channel may also be blocked. In this sense of excessive family responsibility, there may be tension, pleasing, and anxiety. Similar to fear, they both stretch the energy infinitely and pull oneself down. When energy is low, our inner peace cannot be maintained.

If a person carries a 50-kilogram bag of rice every day, how can you expect her to smile and love this world? So, in terms of wealth energy, we must reach a state of joy and ease, rather than rejecting it. Only by truly integrating with wealth can we understand what wealth is.

When you carry the burden of depression and self-forcing, your baby will not be willing. In this case, the exchanged energy will begin to decrease significantly.

Another way is to fall in love with our existing work. Regardless of anything, I love this job. It is not a means of survival, but a dream that I pursue. It is also my favorite thing and my career. It is a source of all my happiness.

When we are in this state, all our energy suddenly rises, and the blockage naturally clears up.

In this case, we don’t need to suppress or please people and things around us. Why? Because even if we please, our family members will find that we are not good enough. So, my advice to you is to keep doing what you are doing, you are already working hard and diligently. Then, turn it around: but if you change this and that, you will do even better.

Women’s wealth energy block #3: emotional dependence on men

The third blockage of female wealth energy is emotional dependence on men, on the ones they love excessively. Such people, whether they have a boyfriend or not, whether they are married or not, will have blockages in both wealth and emotion. It is like a curse.

Why is that so?

Because when we exert too much force, in the emotional realm, I once told my students that the relationship between men and women is like cooking steak. If it is seven to eight minutes cooked, it is just right. If it is cooked for twelve minutes, it is no longer edible.

So when a girl cares too much about that emotional relationship and the feeling between the two people, she often cannot calm down and connect with money on the wealth aspect. Wealthy people are those who can connect with wealth energy. Only those who can truly connect can be wealthy.

However, if we put our energy into the relationship between men and women, what happens when we depend on it excessively? It will produce the feeling of being worried about gains and losses. If you say you love me today, I feel happy. If you do not love me tomorrow, I will be restless every day. Why is that so?

Even internally, there will be a desire: money is not important, what is important is that we can be together. I have done many wealth cases where someone wishes for love and declares that money is not important.

What is the result?

The result is that both love and wealth will be blocked. Why is that? Because you have the heart to shift blame. Money is useless, there is no true love, and there is no good love. Therefore, you will feel that love is more important than money and put love in the first place.

This is not wrong. People like loyal and fairy tale-like love stories. But if the time goes on, I told my students that things change constantly. Only when there is a constant feeling of freshness and even a sense of having a soul mate can the two people always feel fresh.

But when we have not achieved this, we will continue to exert force. What is the process of exerting force? It is demanding.

I feel like I’m unlovable, unworthy of love, and undeserving of love. Therefore, I cling to my partner like a rope.

You treat her well, using love and obsession as a way to kidnap her emotionally.

In this emotional kidnapping, you ask, “Do you love me or not? I love you with all my heart and soul. Now, tell me, do you love me or not? I feel so sad when you don’t love me. Why don’t you love me anymore? I’ll give you all my money. I want to prove that I’m an outstanding woman. Money isn’t important, but our emotional connection is.”

When you position wealth in your heart this way, money will quickly leave you. Why?

Because you don’t cherish it, so it won’t cherish you. Money is like a friend or a best friend. If you don’t love me, then I’ll leave, and I won’t persuade you, nor will I bad-mouth you. Since you think others are more important than me and that they have more fun together. So, okay, bye-bye!

Apart from losing money, you work so hard to treat your relationships this way, but these relationships often end without a clear reason or with many bumps along the way. Why? It’s like overcooking a steak, it’s not tasty anymore.

Women’s wealth energy block #4: a natural sense of inferiority

No matter how excellent a woman may be, there are always lingering doubts and feelings of inadequacy about being a woman. Even the most beautiful girls and ladies have some self-doubt, a hidden belief that they are not as good as men or not perfect enough. Some even feel they are not pretty or thin enough, despite being quite good-looking. Many people find it hard to fully trust themselves and feel completely confident.

When this sense of inferiority persists within us, we tend to hide it and try to project confidence, ease, sunshine, and happiness. We do not want others to sense our energy of inferiority. However, this feeling of inferiority also affects our wealth energy. We either try to accumulate more money to compensate for our self-doubt or give up and let things go as they are, hoping to be content with little. Some may even take on the role of homemaker, believing that their identity is tied to supporting their husband and children, and they do not have other ambitions.

I have a friend who is an outstanding woman, a high-achieving graduate of Fudan University, and her husband earns a lot of money. She is a housewife whose biggest job of the day is to buy groceries. She rushes home at three or four o’clock to buy groceries because her husband dislikes socializing and prefers eating at home. We laughed at her and asked her, “Why do you waste your high-level education on buying groceries every day?”

She replied calmly, “What else can I do? I have such a husband, what can I do? I have to accept it and just do what I’m supposed to do.” As a woman, she believes that if she wants to marry a man, she should accept her fate and do what a woman is supposed to do, even if it means cooking for her husband. After all, it’s not good for both of them to go hungry. Her husband is lazy, picky, and not a good cook, so she puts up with him and takes care of him.

Later, she would say every time that she did not have enough money, even though the money given to her for household expenses was limited. She felt very stressed about money. I suggested that she could work and earn more money for herself, but she replied that she couldn’t because she had to cook for her husband. When I suggested hiring a cook or housekeeper, she replied that her husband didn’t like their cooking. I had no choice but to let it go.

This is an explicit example, which means it is more obvious. However, there are still many women who have implicit energies and feel that they are not good enough. They will therefore constantly strive to prove themselves and turn themselves into “tomboys.”

Why become a “tomboy?”

Because I feel that if I don’t have any connection with “boys,” I can’t achieve anything, and I can’t earn as much money.

So not only do you lose the femininity and gracefulness in emotional relationships, but you also lose the soft and gentle yin energy in emotional relationships, as well as the connection with wealth.


Because wealth gives you confidence and happiness, not to make you feel inferior and constantly suppress and deny yourself.

The energy of wealth is joy, happiness, and ease.

Wealth is the easiest energy to manifest in this world. What is difficult to manifest is the loyalty and commitment to a lifetime partner, as people’s hearts change. Another difficult thing to manifest is the ability to reverse the aging process in our bodies.

The energy of wealth is constantly flowing in this space. It flows to those with higher energy, and those with greater ability. Therefore, we need to work on improving our energy bit by bit.

How can we increase our energy?

By being happy, joyful, and grateful. When you have gratitude and appreciation for others, and a joyful energy within you, your inner vibration will increase significantly.

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