Your Companion in Life: Mundane or Spiritual?


During today’s class, we will talk about soulmates. I have infinite happiness that I want to share with everyone. I always wanted to share this interesting aspect of my soul with others and hopefully infect everyone with the same happiness, making them richer and happier.

Life’s happiness is not waiting for love, waiting for others to love you, but constantly expanding your inner happiness like a king, then going out to grab even more happiness, without affecting others, but slowly infecting them.

So what exactly is a soulmate? How do they come about?

Many people have a sense of curiosity and anticipation about soulmates, even many spiritual students who already have a worldly partner, still want a soulmate. Why? Because the soul longs to be nurtured, longs for the warmth of the feeling, it is just so attractive and moving. Single students are even more eager for a soulmate, hoping to get it all at once, is it even harder than winning the lottery?

In our lives, before we are born and reincarnated, we have always been in a state of soul, and the soul is actually a vibration wave of energy. During the process of vibration wave oscillation, we produce division and also aggregation. When we produce division, the soul enters our body during the classification and aggregation oscillation.

born baby

When we are in our mother’s womb, our body forms as a fetus, and at the moment of fertilization of the egg, the heavenly soul, human soul, and earthly soul come together at the same time.

Our mother’s body, our body’s formation, and the materialization of the world will all have relatively lower frequency bands. During the process of receiving high frequency bands in low frequency bands, it is like an appliance that cannot contain too much, so there must be another part of existence.

For example, a sealed jar that is filled with wine, after a few decades, there is still water left in the jar, and we call it evaporation or vaporization. That part is actually the high-frequency part, which cannot be completely sealed or enclosed in this low-frequency jar. It is more like a huge shark or goldfish, put in two large jars. One of the jars cannot hold such a large object, so it is split in half; the head and tail are placed in two different places, like two cans.

Why? Because it is too huge.

So when our souls begin to reincarnate, they cannot be fully contained in one body. Sometimes, there are many splits, and this is our reincarnation. Before we come to Earth, when our souls begin to lower their frequency, all souls begin to split continuously. Our souls don’t split into halves, but into many pieces.

In different dimensions and places, each soul’s mission is different. It’s like the tail of a worm, which can be segmented and then formed into a new entity. Our souls are the same, and we are always looking for the right frequency and bandwidth. Even different regions can produce different frequency bands. So, in the eyes of the soul, one body cannot bear a particularly large soul, so it needs to be split into many small pieces and slowly bear these souls.

In this process, we have a soul in our body. Outside, we deeply attract others who we once were an energetic entity with. This attraction is not only our attraction to the other person, but also the other person’s attraction to us. Why?

Because we once had the same vibrational frequency, we once had the same magnetic field, and magnetic fields and energy vibrations carry ancient imprints, just like very ancient patterns, ancient vibration waves, and even ancient traditions. They are imprinted deep in the soul, and even the soul has a tremble. I can understand that there is a great connection between him and me in my life.

What is this great connection? It is because we once shared the same source code, which is the imprint of the soul, and the automatic program of his internal device.

Where do I come from? From what planet? From what dimension? What is my mission when I come to Earth? There are many similarities between the interests and ideals of soulmates. The topics of conversation between two people are very similar, and even the deep memories of both sides will inexplicably jump. The temperature of their souls will also be similar. It is because they once shared a particularly ancient source code, an ancient imprint, an ancient spell, and even an ancient mission.

Due to our common sharing, it’s like our two hands, ten fingers, although the length, thickness, and appearance are different, we are all derived from one body. We are the closest to each other. I can see you, and you can see me. This is the imprint of our soul.

Are soulmates always one half of a whole and of the opposite sex?

Are soulmates always one half of a whole

Soulmates, or the current concept of twin flames, may not always be just two individuals. During the process of soul fragmentation, it may not be just two, but sometimes five and six, seven and eight, and even more than ten or twenty.

Soulmates or twin flames may not necessarily be separated by gender. In this life, I may be a woman and you may be a man, or vice versa. Sometimes, both individuals may be male or female.

This is because, for the soul, there is no gender division. Gender division only exists in human concepts and thoughts.

Soulmates do not have to be like romantic partners in the world. They do not necessarily have to live together, or accompany each other all the time. Perhaps we are just friends, or even just buddies. The most important thing is that we can understand each other’s thoughts and relax together, even to the point of the human need for the most: I understand you, and you understand me.

In fact, it is the sharing of brain waves and magnetic fields. This means that I can understand what you are thinking and even what you haven’t said yet.

How are life partners come?

Are you in love? Where can you find such a sweet partner?

Actually, it’s not necessarily sweet, because each of our souls has its own mission, its own things to do, and its own direction.

First of all, soulmates must have something in common, even if it’s just enjoying the scenery.

But most of the time, we don’t find soulmates. Not everyone is lucky enough to find their soulmate, the probability is really low.

We mostly have partners in the mundane world. How do these come about?

The partners in the mundane world are actually the result of all the emotional investments, including attachment, debt, grace, and love that we have accumulated in our past lives, without completely balanced quantum entanglement, without balanced results. We call this karma.

life partners in the mundane world

Because it hasn’t been balanced, it produces kinetic energy, and in this life it generates even more energy.

In this life, either you owe me or I owe you, am I here to compensate or to collect debts?

In any case, we are all here for balance, and the final outcome is to balance all the karma with love. So some couples argue and fight, but they can’t separate or divorce. Breaking up or divorcing is just something they say when they’re angry. After the argument, they continue their lives together.

Why? The “accounts” are not settled yet. Whether you owe me or I owe you, this “account” wasn’t settled in the previous life, so it must be settled now. Let’s slowly settle it!

When there are debts between each other, of course they can’t be separated, even if they have the intention to do so, they still cannot separate.

What special significance does the companion we meet in this life have?

What is the special significance of meeting a mundane companion? They help us better understand ourselves in the red dust and better balance our karma.

A mundane companion is actually a condensed representation of our inner thoughts and feelings about the mundane world, our parents, and our original family. For example, if you lacked love in your original family, you may find that you also can’t find love in this relationship, and your companion is also lacking in love. This is because of the law of attraction; you attract people who are resonating with you on the same frequency and who are also in a state of lack.

Therefore, in the process of mutual need, both of you start to correct your own concepts, feelings, and thoughts. However, this love and marriage may also cause harm, friction, and growth to each other.

Our partners are often influenced by their original families and create new magnetic fields to attract people around them.

Classification of Mundane Companions

There are two types of mundane companions:

The first type is balanced through past-life karma, a gift from the universe to balance the scales of enmity or gratitude. Is it an enemy or a benefactor? Let us calculate it in this lifetime!

The second type arises from our original family environment, with our inner fears, blessings, complaints, or a desire for compensation for a lack of love in marriage or romance.

Just like the final payment, who will settle it?

For example, we have a student whose father gave her very little love, was always busy, and did not have time for her. Every time he saw her, he felt she was stupid and beat her up. She was beaten into submission and became afraid to come forward. She felt completely devoid of any fatherly love, which caused her to reject and escape from men.

Because she was afraid of men, when a man was nice to her, she felt like her whole being was collapsing and she would fall in love with him immediately. It completely compensated for all the shortcomings of her marriage and original family environment, because she was too deprived of love and respect.

The Influence of Original Family on Marriage

Our original family’s lack of attraction is what we resonate with, attracting someone who can be good to us emotionally, which is often our biggest wish. We don’t think about any soul connection in marriage, just wanting someone who can be good to us emotionally. This is like the two sides of a coin, where we can attract both the positive and the negative.

Sometimes we attract someone who is even more deprived of love than we are. We are both lacking in love and stuck in each other’s original family’s negative patterns, but we slowly correct our beliefs, feelings, and thoughts about them.

There is also a kind of attraction where we attract someone who is just right for us, someone who can make up for what we are lacking. We feel grateful for them and often end up marrying them. Sometimes we even have specific preferences based on our original family, such as liking older men because we lack fatherly love and feel more secure around them.

However, this attraction is not love, and most marriages in the mundane world are compensatory marriages. We have been using marriage to compensate for the wounds we suffered in our childhood, in our original families.

hurt by original family

I once had a case where a man had already divorced but was still depressed. He came to me and said, “I feel like I’m getting depressed. I can’t stop blaming myself.” He said his wife was actually very good to him, but his mother was a very strict and serious person who demanded strength and had no tenderness, always fighting with his father.

“I admire my mother very much and am very close to her. I want to find a woman who is as strong and powerful as her,” he said. “But I lack maternal love, and I crave it. My wife is like another mother to me, giving me a lot of warmth and making me feel at home. I’m very grateful to her, but my heart also yearns for a woman who is as strong as my mother. But my wife is not like that, she is very gentle.” So he cheated, and his wife, being a warm and gentle person, forgave him.

“And within a few years, I cheated again. Each time, the object of my infidelity was a particularly strong, capable corporate white-collar or high-ranking woman, who was very strong-willed and competent. I was attracted to these women because I saw in them the feeling of not having been comforted by my mother in childhood.”

He said that when he cheated for the second time, his wife also broke down and could no longer forgive him. His wife insisted on divorce. He felt so ashamed that he couldn’t face his wife anymore. He ended the relationship with his mistress and ended his marriage. He felt that he had sunk into a deep state of self-blame and depression.

He asked me, “What’s wrong with me? I don’t even respect myself. I want to control myself, but I feel like I can’t. What should I do?”

I analyzed for him: It’s actually because his mother was so strong-willed that he believed that motherly love and love in the world should all be as strong-willed as his mother. But he also fantasized about the gentleness of other mothers, so he has always been looking for compensatory love in his marriage.

If he had found a strong-willed, decisive female boss to be his wife, then the object of his infidelity would have been gentle, understanding, and the kind of woman who could understand everything you said. But he chose a gentle wife and also wanted a decisive, strong-willed woman, which is a bit like a red rose and a white rose.

This is actually all about compensatory love in the original family. I want to say that it’s not his fault. Although cheating hurt his family and other people, he has always had an attachment to his mother deep inside him.

In other words, even though he is an adult, that love has never been weaned. Most marriages in the secular world are based on this. It’s because we haven’t been weaned that the partners we choose are all our comfort pacifiers and substitutes.

But then, we began to become impatient with the pacifiers in our hearts. Why?

Because we started to be picky about this pacifier. It’s not good enough because we bite it for too long, it tastes bad, the style is old-fashioned, and it’s very embarrassing. Most importantly, it’s very different from the real thing, and we are very dissatisfied with ourselves.

So what do we do?

We switch to another pacifier. When we switch to another one, we find that it’s still not working well.

It must be their problem, so let’s switch to another one. If we don’t switch to another one, we will feel resentful, thinking why can’t you improve yourself well?

So, our requirements for life partners are basically based on compensation. If the compensation is not good, then it must be their problem.

And the demands we make of our partners are to make them better suited to us, better at compensating for us, and to make our compensatory pacifiers have better taste and feeling.

It’s actually because we have a lot of inner patterns in our original family that lack love, warmth, and affirmation.

There is a big difference between a mundane partner and a soulmate in terms of origin and formation.

How to find a soulmate when you already have a life partner?

have a life partner

My advice would be not to look for one.

Why is that?

There is a common misconception that finding a soulmate requires a strong spiritual connection and a feeling of earth-shattering passion. This can sometimes interfere with our current partnership.

I often say that before embarking on any spiritual journey or elevating our consciousness, we must first focus on ourselves and our immediate relationships. That includes loving our partners the way they deserve to be loved.

So how do we love our partners?

Let me declare a pardon for all and relieve you of your duties as a pacifier. Instead, become my true companion and playmate in this worldly life. Take your rightful place beside me.

From now on, I have weaned myself off the pacifier and do not need any further comfort. Nor do I require your comfort. I only need you to hold my hand and go to preschool with me so I can grow up happy.

Our partners in this world are meant to provide us with joy and help us become more interesting and fulfilled beings. Pacifying each other is not the purpose of our existence.

Our mission is to help each other grow and become more self-aware so that we can enjoy our time in this world to the fullest.

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