Material and Energy United: The Essence of Money

Today’s class is about money.

Money is the cheapest thing in the world, let me explain why.

Now everyone is lamenting that it is especially difficult to make money, because we all have no money, so let’s start with this.

First of all, money is something we all have in common, which means that money is actually shared by everyone, it is not about you having more or less, and it is not that if you have less, then I have more.

Money is created and owned by everyone together.

Just like love, it’s not that if I love you and give you love, then I have less and you have more. No, money is not a completely material thing.

Confessions of an Intuitive Teacher

As a teacher, I consider myself an intuitive one. There are three types of teachers, and all three are good in their own way.

The first type is the sensory teacher. They worry that you won’t understand, so they repeat examples until you do. They are responsible and make you feel emotionally attached.

The second type is the cost-effective teacher. They will tell you repeatedly how valuable their course is, how lucky you are to be taking it, and why you should take it.

The third type is the intuitive teacher. They go straight to the point and deliver the core content within ten minutes. Whether you understand or not is up to you.

Regarding my teaching style, I’m an intuitive teacher. Whether it’s my online courses, in-person classes, or other workshops, I go straight to the point within ten minutes.

Many students tell me that they have to keep taking notes because everything I say is important, and they need to listen to the course multiple times. Some even have to wait a month or two to listen again because their vibrations have changed, and they hear something new.

I want to tell you that my teaching is meant for the soul, not just the mind. If you don’t understand, don’t force it. Believe that my course is meant to be heard by your soul. Like sunbathing, we don’t have to analyze the spectrum of the sun. We enjoy the feeling.

All courses are not for your mind. Knowledge is something your mind can acquire, but what you truly learn is your instincts and subconscious.

Making money is a human instinct

We’re talking about making money. I often say that making money is like animals searching for food – it’s an instinct, not something taught by others. Breathing is also an instinct that we’re born with, not something we’re taught. So, making money is like breathing – it’s a natural instinct.

My purpose is to awaken your instincts and your consciousness, not to teach you technical skills. If you want to learn more about this, you can enroll in our Wealth Training Camp.

Wealth is not purely material. Only pure material things can be divided into more or less. For example, if I take something away from you, you will have less of it. But wealth is not just material – the other half of wealth is energy. That means wealth is composed of both material and energy.

When we work hard for material wealth, such as by working hard to make money, there are several ways to do it. The first way is to use physical labor, such as being a delivery person or a cleaner.


The second way is to use mental labor, and this is also an exchange. What’s exchanged is knowledge, accumulated learning and experience. For example, an accountant, a lawyer, a musician, or a painter. You might see a painter sketching something out in a few strokes, or a musician playing a beautiful tune in just a few minutes, or a lawyer answering your question in 10 minutes.

It seems so easy to make money that way, but you don’t see how they’ve accumulated their knowledge, learning, and experience over 10 or 20 years. They’ve spent a lot of time and effort, as well as mental and emotional energy. Perhaps you don’t understand what I mean by “mental and emotional energy.”

The Energy of Mind and Spirit Covering

I want to explain to you the importance of mind and spirit covering. What does it mean to have mind and spirit covering?

Just like memorizing text, every time you recite it, you’ll find that you’re more connected to it, and it’s like you’re learning it more and more. This is the energy of mind and spirit covering.

Let’s take a child as another example. Many new moms feel nothing when their baby is born and may even wonder, “Is this really my child?” But after two months, they completely get into their role as a mom. They’ll wake up in the middle of the night when their baby cries, even though they were able to sleep soundly before. This is the process of mind and spirit covering.


The process of mind and spirit covering is a long-term covering of time and mental power. This coverage generates energy, such as why we love our children, why we can draw or play music. It’s a process of thought and energy driving.

When the purity of this driving energy is higher, we call it the power of maternal love or the ability to learn and comprehend things quickly. These are all processes of mind and spirit covering.

Let’s talk about the process of exchanging skills. What is exchanged in this process? We exchange our previous mind and spirit covering, the time we’ve spent accumulating knowledge and experience, and the time cost we invest in the present.

Making Money Has Its Rules

Making money has its rules, which means that the accumulation process over time is more efficient than physical labor and earns more. For example, employees of companies like Huawei tend to earn more, but this depends on the brand and the technology field they are in at the time, such as lawyers. The amount earned by a junior lawyer may be different from that of a senior lawyer. The same applies to doctors and artists.


So what is the difference here? The difference lies in the level of enlightenment covered in our minds, which we call spirituality and enlightenment. However, unless it is a rare case, normally about 70-80% of such exchanges occur at the level of intellectual exchange. The exchange process of physical and intellectual labor can be measured, and the measurement is also a material exchange.

Intellectual labor involves skills such as our brain, past accumulation, and half the conversion of energy. The amount of energy converted depends on our level of understanding of such events, including our perceptions, feelings, and understanding of things. Therefore, there are measurable amounts in material exchanges. So where is the variable part? It is the energy part. Do you understand?

For example, a dancer’s salary is measurable, depending on where they are dancing. If you are dancing in a disco or bar, the number of shows you can perform in a night is measurable. If you are dancing in a dance troupe, it depends on the dance troupe you are in, which is also measurable. But if it is Yang Liping, it’s hard to say, it depends on the stage and program.

In essence, there is a fundamental exchange in the exchange process, but the variable part in the middle depends on your level of spirituality, enlightenment, and the clarity of your mind, as well as the amount of energy. In money, it already contains two parts: material and energy.

So how can we balance and distribute material and energy, and how can we make money? It is actually a process of combining natural forces and human forces.

Here, I want to tell you a secret. Making money is really an easy thing to do. Why? Because it has its rules.

(To be continued)

Do you want to know the rules for making money? Stay tuned for the next chapter.

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