Meditation to Release the Winning Peptide Pattern

Concentrate in your consciousness, not collecting all the pain and suffering from your past lives, whether it’s money, people, or career. No, it’s not that. You realize that you have reincarnated many times and have been hurt many times, such as betrayal, pleasing others, feeling unworthy, feeling undeserving, and so on. Choose one of them, don’t be greedy. In the meditation that I will give you later, you can repeat it, but don’t bring too much pain into one meditation session.

Choose only one that is often repeated in the pattern of your life’s reincarnation. For example, being abandoned, cheated on, or betrayed, feeling unworthy and undeserving, always trying to please others, feeling guilty and unsure if you have done something wrong, and always feeling anxious and waiting for approval that never comes, no matter how hard you try. Choose one thing that you want to clear.

Find a comfortable position to sit in, not lying down as it is easy to fall asleep. Feel your crown chakra slowly opening like a lotus, and your heart chakra and root chakra opening up as well. Then a group of white light shines down from the depths of the universe. Feel your body getting lighter and lighter.

In your consciousness, there is a white wall that acts like a screen, projecting all the patterns of your reincarnation that you cannot bear, and you see scenes that are repeated over and over again. Take some time to sort them out, starting with the most recent one. Don’t be greedy, just choose one, because the more precise you are, the more obvious the effect of clearing will be. You can use this audio repeatedly to clear one thing at a time.

Take away all the unworthiness, undeserving, anger, and all the emotions that you want to be cleared from your childhood, and choose one thing. Remove it, and you will get back a sense of worthiness and deservingness.

I will use unworthiness and undeservingness as an example in this meditation. If you want to listen to the meditation multiple times, you can choose different feelings that you want to clear, such as betrayal, cheating, anger, being scolded, feeling helpless, disappointed, angry, or always arguing with people around you.

In the white wall of consciousness, all kinds of things that you fear and worry about will begin to appear one by one. Throw them onto the white wall of your consciousness one by one. When you have counted down from ten to zero and projected all the pain onto the screen, begin to collect them again. Count down again from ten to zero, and project them one by one onto the screen.

Throw all the pain and suffering, from the most recent to the most distant, onto the screen, including things that happened in your childhood or teenage years. Let them play out on the screen, and you will see the unworthiness, undeservingness, and fear that comes from within you.

It turns out that there are so many repeated patterns that have hurt you so many times! They begin to appear on the screen, getting bigger and bigger. You see the pain, sadness, and fear that come again and again. From the present to the past, and then to the distant past, you press the delete button, just like deleting a movie. More and more light starts to shine, formatting and deleting all the scenes you have seen.

As you count down from ten to zero, press the delete button, and you will feel your brain becoming more and more blank, unable to remember anything.

Once again, project the remaining memories and images onto the entire screen and feel them vividly. Although only a portion remains, you realize that there are still so many vivid and painful memories that can be recalled. These images begin to play out again, and you decide to press the delete key. The grid in the sky starts to become denser and denser, formatting everything meticulously.

In your mind, silently repeat: Delete, delete, delete, delete, delete, delete, delete, delete, delete, delete… When I count down from ten to zero, everything will be deleted. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, zero.

Let’s project these remaining scenes, images, and injuries onto the entire screen for a third time. Although many have disappeared, some remain deep in your memory and are reappearing on the screen. You know it’s time to say goodbye. You know it’s time to stop feeding these repetitive stories. You know you have experienced enough. This is your soul’s experience. You know it’s time to be liberated and break free from this script! It’s time to start a new play about happiness and joy.

Let all the remaining power emerge once again. You decide to press the delete key: Delete, delete, delete, delete, delete, delete, delete, delete, delete, delete, delete… When I count down from ten to zero, everything will be deleted! It all seems like someone else’s story, with no connection to you. Every time you think about it, you realize it’s just someone else’s pain and has nothing to do with you.

When I count down from ten to zero, everything will be deleted. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, zero. Everything has been deleted. You feel much lighter when you review these pains, as if you’re watching someone else’s story. If there are any remaining scenes that you don’t want to forget, let’s project them onto the entire screen one last time.

All the pains, sadness, anxiety, unworthiness, inadequacy, and people-pleasing, whatever it may be, let’s project them one by one onto the wall. You know this is really the last time to feel them, to feed them, to remind yourself that you need to experience these feelings and scripts.

Replace everything from the past with light. Every time you recall these memories, you find that they have become light and smiles. You no longer remember all the events and pains.

You find that every time you remember, it’s all light. You realize that you can’t remember all the true events, they have all turned into light.

For everything, one last time, delete and format them. You know that you don’t have to think about death anymore in your remaining years, especially the pain and scenes of your youth.

Delete, delete, delete, delete, delete, delete, delete, delete…

When I count down from ten to zero, it’s all deleted.

Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, zero.

More and more light is coming in, so let’s download the white light of the universe. More and more light rushes into your consciousness and the screen you project on, all the supporting roles that accompanied you, you find that they have all turned into light.

Let’s download, over and over again, some of the past pains that turn into light every time you remember them. Let’s turn them into light in the old places.

Download the light of the universe, the white light of the universe, every time you remember it becomes white light.

Download, download, download, download, download, download, download, download…

When I count down from ten to zero, all the light is downloaded.

Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, zero.

In this way, you feel that all people, things, and objects are filled with white light, the once heart-wrenching, sad, and unworthy feelings seem to slowly dissipate, replaced by light.

Download again, download, download, download, download, download, download, download…

When I count down from ten to zero, the download is complete.

Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, zero, download complete.

You feel a sense of ease, all people, things, and objects are filled with white light and joy.

It washes over every cell in your body again and again, wanting to tell you that you are worthy, deserving, and you deserve to have the best and most beautiful world.

You don’t need to experience pain and suffering anymore, to remind yourself that this script has already been played out and you have been liberated.

You need to turn on the bike lane mode and rush towards happiness and freedom, as everything is just a game at the subconscious level.

You have already played it this time, you can be liberated.

So more and more light is downloaded, there is no right or wrong, only more and more light shining in.

Download, download, download, download, download, download, download, download…

When I count down from ten to zero, the download is complete, and every cell is filled with light and joy.

Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, zero.

Let’s download light and love again, you find that your inner self is filled with lightness and joy, and you have found that lighthouse-like inner self. You know it has grown little by little through anger, sadness, and anger.

All the anger, sadness, anxiety, fear, and even the painful nights, began to gather together. You notice more and more light shining in, and they begin to transform into light, becoming light.

Download, download, download, download, download, download, download, download, download, download, download…

When I count down from ten to zero, the download is complete.

Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, zero.

For the last time, we download everything, telling every cell in your body that you are worthy, deserving, and capable of having the best love in the world, and your life is going to be even better than you ever imagined.

More and more light pours in, slowly breaking the curse, bringing more and more reconciliation, peace, and calmness. A white lotus flower blooms in your heart, filled with love and joy.

The lotus flower grows bigger and bigger, expanding beyond the entire room, reaching deep into your consciousness, expanding endlessly.

For the last time, we download all the pain and sadness into the light, transforming them into the light itself.

Light is the biggest magnet in this world. It can turn everything into love and joy.

Download, download, download, download, download, download, download, download, download, download, download…

When I count down from ten to zero, the download is complete.

Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, zero.

More and more light floods in, and you start to forget the memories from before. They seem like someone else’s stories, unrelated to you.

Your heart is filled with boundless joy. When you think back to the past, everything seems like someone else’s story, unrelated to you. Your lotus flower continues to grow, enveloping the entire room, expanding endlessly. You feel an incredible sense of peace and happiness.

You know that the curse from before is slowly breaking. Even if you fall again, it’s only because the brakes from the previous cycle were not applied fully. You know that everything is a gift from the universe.

As this consciousness slowly fades away, you find that your energy is being raised, breaking free from the cycle. Your heart is filled with joy, happiness, and freedom.

More and more light enters, circulating throughout your body, from head to toe, from toe to head, leading you towards the light. You realize that the light entering your body is slowly building your belief in happiness and freedom.

Let me count down from ten to zero.

From head to toe, from toe to head, everything is joyous, relaxed, and free. You forget all the pain from before, as if it was someone else’s story, unrelated to you.

Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, zero.

Your heart is filled with joy and beauty. More and more light enters your consciousness, bringing immense peace and comfort. You know that this is the life you want, and you have broken the curse.

If interested, you can modify other curses, modify the lighthouses that have troubled you in the past, and transform each one into light.

You will find that they slowly disappear into the light, as if you have become a different person, gaining more and more confidence, becoming more and more sunny, more and more willing to smile, and your life becoming more and more beautiful.

Today’s meditation ends here. I know that you are worthy and deserving of love. You can listen to this audio repeatedly and use it to clear any emotional baggage or patterns that you no longer wish to experience.

As you discover more and more light, it blocks all possibilities of repetitive events. You can now manifest the life you desire and deserve.

Feeling worthy and deserving is important, and it’s essential to love your physical body every day. Show gratitude for your body, finances, relationships, parents, and children. The more you show gratitude, the happier the world becomes.

Loving yourself is a crucial element of feeling worthy and deserving. People who frequently feel unworthy or undeserving do not love themselves enough. Even though I know that emotional baggage may interfere, it’s most likely because you don’t love yourself enough at your core.

Please love and cherish yourself. People who try to please others often get sick. Only when you stop taking yourself seriously and love yourself more will you discover more happiness and self-love. In the meantime, others in the world are also showing you love because they love themselves too much.

I love myself so much that I share this love with others because there’s too much love. I love my husband because I love the world too much, so I want to give him a love that comes naturally. When everyone treats it as a casual thing, you will find that you have become the main focus.

Today’s emotional baggage is a vital lesson. It dismantles our entire transmission tower. In the future, I will provide more significant suggestions on how to pamper yourself, such as how to do it and how to love yourself.

The essence of it is to clear away the emotional baggage and then love yourself deeply. The trick here is to constantly admire yourself. How can you do this? In any case, loving yourself is the right thing to do, and it’s what a good person should do.

This world is meant to be played with. Don’t be too sad or serious. Everyone in the world is here to play with you, including me. You are worthy and deserving because the world revolves around you and is here to play with you.

So please continue to deeply feel your worthiness and deservingness, love yourself deeply, and enjoy the feeling of playing with the world. One day, you will find that your life is much better than you imagined, and it’s truly a fantastic journey.

Love yourself, and loving yourself is the right thing to do. Let’s slowly remove the cycle of emotional baggage, and everyone can take their time.

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