Quick Manifestation: How to Use the Law of Attraction

Due to the impact of the pandemic, although work has resumed, the entire economy, including ourselves, especially those who run companies and businesses, have suffered greatly. Many people have found themselves with little or less money, and are faced with great confusion and choices. Some places have not yet resumed work, and those who have returned are in a semi-working state.

How can we respond to such a wealth change? In my wealth courses, I often talk about two forces in any change process: heavenly force and human force. Heavenly force is when we anchor ourselves internally and order from the universe. Human force is our efforts and the hard work we put in mentally. In wealth, both heavenly and human forces must be present to create a unified force. If one is missing, regardless of what is lacking, all will be damaged in the energy flow of wealth.


So what is heavenly force? It is when we order from the universe. Why do we need to order from the universe? In my wealth morning courses, I explain a lot about conscious energy flow, including how to order from the universe and how to allow the universe to easily manifest everything you want. The core of heavenly force is accuracy in placing orders with the universe.

Heavenly force is essentially about consciousness, the slow vibration in the bottom of consciousness, and like a hook, I hook it onto a very large point in my universe order. What is the core of this point? Quantum entanglement, which is a signal emitted by your thoughts. What is that point in your signal? What kind of heavenly force are you reflecting? You don’t need to think about what you want to do with human force, but rather focus on that point.


Let me give you an example of a recent experience I had. I own a house in a school district and my son has already been accepted into high school. I want to sell the house because I already own a lot of properties and have exceeded my limit, making it difficult for me to buy any more. I wanted to sell it before the Lunar New Year, but due to the pandemic, I couldn’t. However, as the situation improved, I was able to put it up for sale.

Strangely, even though my asking price was not the highest, it was also not the lowest in the same district, but the house just wouldn’t sell. I made plans to go on a retreat to Mount Zhongnan in May and I wrote a manifestation order a few days ago, hoping that the house could be sold by the end of April or before I leave in mid-May.

Normally, I can manifest things very quickly, but this time it was much slower than expected. Even though my goal was to sell it before mid-May, ideally by the end of April, there were inquiries but no buyers. The manifestation process was much slower than usual, and this made me enter a period of self-awareness and reflection.

This example may provide you with inspiration and help you understand the concept of manifestation. When it comes to “self-awareness,” we often talk about “awakening.” What does awakening mean? It refers to those with great wisdom, such as bodhisattvas. “Seeing” means seeing everything in the same way as sunlight illuminates all darkness and shadows.

As a person with strong self-awareness, I can see where the problem lies. In this particular case, I found that I had a lot of deep emotions attached to the house.

I wake up at around 5 am every day to cook for my son, put him to sleep, give him a massage, and accompany him to school. Even when he no longer needed me to go with him to school, I still did because we had a close mother-son relationship. Eventually, he was accepted into a prestigious high school, and we were happy.

So, that house was not just a home and a house, it represented a part of my life and my emotions with my son. I realized that I had invested a lot of emotions into it, and my subconscious was reluctant to sell it even though I had multiple properties and could not afford more.

My rational mind told me to sell the house, but my emotions told me otherwise. Despite being a person with strong manifestation skills, I found that my emotions and subconscious mind were in conflict with my conscious mind. Therefore, I needed to reconcile these two parts of myself.

I began to let go of my emotions and to detach from my attachment to the house. I did this by going through my emotions and memories and separating them from the house. In doing so, I was able to release my emotional attachment to the house and let it go.

My son was in junior high school for three years. Every morning, I would wake up at around 5 am to make him breakfast, help him sleep, give him a massage, and accompany him to school. Later on, when he no longer needed my help, I still accompanied him to school and returned home after dropping him off at the school gate. Our mother-son relationship was quite deep, and we were very happy when he was accepted into a prestigious high school.

So, that house was not just a home or a house; it represented a part of the emotions and nostalgia of my son’s and my lives. I discovered something. I had a great realization that I had invested a lot of emotions in it. In other words, my subconscious was reluctant to sell it, and I had a lot of emotions and nostalgia associated with it.

Rationally, I should sell it because it was of no use to me. I already lived in my current home and even moved my household registration to another district. When buying a new house, one must move their household registration to that property’s name so that the child can attend the school in that district. So, I moved my registration early and prepared it for someone else.

However, I discovered that there was a conflict between my conscious and subconscious. On the one hand, I wanted to sell it, but on the other hand, my emotions were attached to it. My subconscious did not want to let it go, so it was not being sold.

Although I am a person with strong mind power, what is it based on? It is based on my subconscious, the most powerful part of my mind and emotions, not my head.

That is to say, our relationship with money, the part of our inner conflicts and the most authentic part of our hearts, is the most real connection with the universe’s power.

After realizing this, I began to adjust and modify myself. I began to retrieve those emotions, go back to the present moment and let go of the feeling of reluctance. I started to declutter my emotions.

I have talked about decluttering before, such as getting rid of clothes or even people. But there is another kind, and that is decluttering our inner emotions, especially those emotions of reluctance.

So, when I started to declutter my emotions, I separated my attachment to the house from the beautiful memories my son and I had. I decided to make a big cut, imagining a big slash between myself and the house. I decided to sever this connection.

When I had this feeling of separation, I could see all the energy waves. I found that the line between me and the house began to thin and even disappear. It was very interesting that after doing a meditation on the universe’s power, I regained my precision and decisiveness. I knew that my previous emotions had made me unable to see myself clearly. I said I wanted to sell it, but my emotions were making me reluctant to let it go.

So, I requested the universe to give me a new opportunity to truly let go of my emotions and nostalgia and sell the house. It was ineffective and meaningless.

The expression of love is towards people, not towards a house.


When I re-examined my feelings, I found that the energy began to flow back to me, and I could see that the line had been cut. After doing meditation in the evening, I knew that the speed of selling the house would increase.

There were still some things left in the house that had not been moved out, so the day before, I told my husband, “Next week, you have to bring back all the things you need from the house, including some large items like the refrigerator.

I know this is the universe delivering goods.

I said, “Not yet, it’s still with the agency.”

She said, “My brother wants to buy a house in a good school district. Your house that you’ve taken care of must be especially nice. I want to buy your house.”

I said, “Sure, go take a look first.”

She said, “I’ll go take a look the day after tomorrow. If I like it, can we skip the agency? We can save on the commission.”

I said, “That’s fine. We’re already acquaintances and good friends, so that works out well.”

She said, “I’m afraid someone else might buy your house.”

I said, “No, it’s strange. Many people have seen it, but for some reason, nobody has made an offer. If you like it, I can sell it to you, and I can even give you a bit of a discount.”

I told my husband, “Someone wants to buy the house. Bring back the furniture and fridge in two days and find a moving company.” He stared at me in disbelief and said, “So fast! You only told me about this last night. How is this possible?” I joked, “Don’t you know that I have a knack for predictions?” He replied, “Indeed, it’s pretty amazing.”

This example is about what?

In other words, when you want to achieve a goal in the universe, you first need to ask yourself if you really want it, if you absolutely want it, if you strongly desire it. Is it true? You must ask yourself and be clear about it.

Because our minds may really want it, but there may be many conflicting desires in our subconscious that we are not aware of.

When you cut off these conflicts, the manifestation will really happen quickly.

Quantum entanglement, once you hook on, someone will immediately ask, and the universe will knock on your door and deliver goods.

For me, I have always had a strong awareness of this. Although my order was scheduled for mid-May, I know that it must be my own problem and that I have not utilized the power of the universe well.

I often tell people in my wealth class that manifestation is a technical activity. You just need to keep practicing, and you will get it. When you find that your manifestation is slow or doesn’t work, it’s definitely not the universe’s fault. It must be that there are many unclear and ambiguous thoughts in your consciousness and subconsciousness, as well as unclear orders, which create hesitation and lag.

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