The Spiritual Benefits of Wealth: Why Making Money Matters

What exactly is the relationship between wealth and spiritual practice? Can practicing lead to earning money and breaking the attachment to the self within us?
Firstly, what is spiritual practice and what does it entail? Essentially, it involves the cultivation of the mind.
And what is this mind? It is a state of freedom.
Why do we need to cultivate this state of freedom? So that we can be the masters of our own lives.
Therefore, to practice spirituality is to cultivate this state of freedom within oneself. This freedom includes financial freedom, physical health freedom, and emotional freedom in relationships.

I have worked on many wealth accumulation cases and witnessed the joy of financial freedom in many people’s lives. However, I have also observed many blockages in people’s thoughts about wealth that prevent them from achieving financial freedom.

Is Talking About Money Vulgar?

In consciousness training, we learn that thoughts can create our reality, and there are many thoughts that act as blockages to our financial freedom. One of the biggest blockages we face in our spiritual practice is the belief that talking about money is vulgar. Many people believe that as spiritual practitioners, we should focus on asceticism and not talk about money. They think that true spiritual practice is all about selflessness and generosity.

However, this belief is actually one of the biggest lies and blockages in our lives and thoughts. Our spiritual practice involves cultivating a unified heart and eliminating our dualistic thinking, which means letting go of our attachment to the self and the law. In the process of enlightenment, we realize that we have no distinction from other sentient beings. We are all interconnected, and our fixation on money becomes irrelevant.

Therefore, when we think that talking about money is vulgar, we are actually projecting our own subconscious self-criticism and limitations onto others. It is like looking at a mirror and seeing only our flaws. Similarly, if we think that talking about money is vulgar, we will judge others for their wealth and perceive them as unenlightened.

Are Wealthy People Vulgar?

In reality, having money does not make someone unkind or vulgar. Talking about money and wealth can be an essential part of public service because it enables more people to manifest abundance and prosperity in their lives. With financial freedom, we can have more time and resources to pursue our passions, choose our teachers, and experience greater levels of freedom in our lives. Wealth can be a powerful tool for good, and it is not inherently negative.

Therefore, let go of the belief that talking about money is vulgar. It is time to embrace financial abundance and use it as a means to serve others and promote greater freedom in our lives. When we realize that wealth is just a tool, and it is our thoughts and actions that truly define our character, we can start to manifest greater abundance and prosperity in our lives.

I cannot allow myself to become rich

If I have money, I will become too vulgar…

If I have money, my family will be unhappy…

If I have money, there will be more obstacles and torture, and I will suffer the consequences…

If I have money, there will be karma…

We confine ourselves, preventing ourselves from having money. What if I become vulgar if I have money? How will others perceive me?

I will not respect myself, lose my original intentions, and become intolerably vulgar. What if I lose true feelings if I have money?

What if he falls in love with money or someone else?

What if he becomes corrupt because of his wealth?

If I have money, will it affect my karma?

Will it deplete my fortune for future lives?

If I have money, will I encounter more obstacles and torture?

If I have money, have I harmed others and taken on more karma?

Will I suffer more retribution?

Karmic consequences of money

Some people ask me: Teacher, you often talk about money. Some students have become very wealthy because of you and have turned their fortunes around. But aren’t you creating karmic consequences? What if they all become wealthy? How will the consequences be calculated?

Karma is real, but in our four- or five-dimensional space, higher dimensions are like the gravity of the earth. It disappears on the moon or even in space. But karma exists in our three-dimensional world.

Good intentions lead to good results, and evil intentions lead to bad results. In fact, all fate and future are not set in stone, and they can change.

We all know the story of the “Liao-fan’s Four Lessons,” whose fate was initially bad. But because he changed his destiny through his thoughts, he not only changed his own luck, but also the feng shui of his entire family and descendants. His fortune changed because he had good intentions, and his karma was completely transformed.

In this transformation, who needs to bear his original karma? No one.

If a person becomes better and radiates more kindness, gratitude, and love towards the world because of their wealth, it is actually a blessing or even a merit.

Every time I give a lecture, I see more babies experiencing happy families, changes in family relationships, emotional relationships, and wealth changes because of me. They feel more joy and love, and more tolerance and love towards the world and others. When this love arises, the karma has already dissipated in this space. I receive more blessings and love, and there is no more karma.

We are not born to be punished or to suffer in this world. We are here to experience all the beauty in the world.

When you are happy and grateful, and choose the kind of happy life you want, the world welcomes you with open arms. How can you be punished?

I can see that everyone actually has two or three futures, and they are not fixed. The only thing that is fixed is the original trajectory of fate, while the thoughts are not. This is what the Buddhist teaching of “one thought of goodness, one thought of evil, one thought of Buddhahood, one thought of demonhood” means. The results are all determined by your thoughts. Therefore, when you consider taking action, you must examine your initial intentions.

Many people like my voice and feel that my voice sounds too young and doesn’t match my age!

Yes, this is also the reason why the universe chose me. It allows more people to feel closer to me because of my voice and choose this channel of light and love. It allows more people to come in, have good intentions and love, and face this world.

The process of moving from financial freedom to spiritual awakening slowly allows us to have more freedom in this world and to slowly realize how wonderful this world can be! The awakening of the soul is so beautiful that it can take us to higher dimensions and give us the freedom we have in this world.

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