The Myth of Intuitive People and Money Desire

Intuitive people may have a poor understanding of the concept of money. They may be preoccupied with value for money and calculating every penny, but in reality, they don’t attach great importance to money.

Intuitive People Don’t Keep Accounts

Intuitive people may be interested in making money, but some may not be interested in earning money. They are not interested in money and even less interested in the results. As long as they can eat and dress warmly, and enjoy their leisure time, they think it’s good enough. They don’t feel the need to please others for future planning, they believe in pleasing themselves.

We mentioned earlier that feelers like to please others, but here, intuitive people don’t please others, they please themselves. Does this mean they’ll have money?

No. What are intuitive people like? They are shallow and often live from hand to mouth. They have little savings because they live in the present moment and only care about the current feeling of happiness, satisfaction, and security.

Their insecurity comes from survival. When they are particularly short of money, they will pay close attention to value for money. When they have a little bit of money, they return to their original intuitive nature. The biggest characteristic of intuitive people is that they are lazy.

What is intuitive people’s greatest pleasure? It’s lying down, whether it’s lying on the couch, bed, or enjoying lying in different positions. And when they are lying down, they may hum and say, “I’m so tired. Why am I so tired?” Yes, intuitive people enjoy all the good things, but still feel mentally and physically exhausted.

We say there are two types of people who are indifferent to money: feelers and intuitives. Feelers calculate, but don’t like to. They like to please others and let those who like them do the calculation.

Intuitive people neither let others do the calculation nor do it themselves. What can they do? They can estimate roughly, relying on their intuition. Many intuitive people create wealth. After creating wealth, if there is no one to help them manage and control the process, they may become inconsistent.

So what do intuitive people like to do? It’s inconsistency, making a big splash but ending up with little result. They are very impatient with the trouble, hassle, and chatter about money.

Forget it, let’s stop counting. Let’s just say it’s this much. Don’t say anything anymore, don’t nitpick, don’t nag me anymore. I don’t want to hear it anymore… This is intuitive people.

Intuitive People Find It Hard to Save Money

don't remember things

Intuitive people find it hard to save money because their desire for money is relatively low. For example, if you give me a pocket money of 200,000, I would feel very happy, but if it exceeds that amount, I would give it to my husband because I don’t know what to do with it. It would be a burden for me to hold on to that much money, and it’s useless to keep it.

Intuitive people are more aware of their own time, space, and even loneliness when it comes to survival. They may have a creative mind when it comes to money, but they struggle with managing it. Therefore, every intuitive person should have a person who focuses on value for money, or an assistant, spouse, or friend to help them manage their finances.

Value for money people can help intuitive people manage the outcome. Without such people, intuitive people need to activate another part of their brain, that is, the part that focuses on value for money and manpower. We mentioned earlier that value for money people lack the part of heavenly power, which is complete relaxation and surrender.

There are three types of intuitive people:

The first type is those who were abandoned by their parents when they were young, and have a deep sense of being abandoned. They feel that the whole world is against them.

The second type is most of the children born after the year 2000, who are straightforward and sometimes suffer from depression. They resist the civilization of the earth and don’t like to learn. They think it’s stupid and don’t want to learn the rules, etiquette, and other things of the earth. This is an innate intuition, and intuitive people have no concept of money. They live in their own world and do what they please.

The third type of intuitive person is the practitioner. The thoughts and actions of a practitioner are based on their true nature and their original state of being. From breathing to the physical body, to thoughts, and karma, everything returns to their original state of being. Therefore, they instinctively return to a state that is neither more nor less, neither pure nor impure.

Intuitive people forget easily

All three types of intuition rely on inspiration and supernatural powers rather than human effort. Therefore, the biggest characteristic of intuitive people is what? They forget quickly and do not remember with their brains.

Therefore, it is recommended that all intuitive children increase the logical part of their brain that relies on human effort, just like the cost-benefit ratio. Just balance it out.

When I talk about the cost-benefit ratio and logical thinking, it’s not for you to understand which type you are so I can make others understand you without restraint. No, it’s because what? It’s because I know what you lack, and I will give you what you need.

When we spiritually elevate ourselves, all of these types will dissolve, and we will reach a state where we are neither ourselves nor other beings. And these three types will slowly disappear into your consciousness.

So what is this indiscriminate, undifferentiated cultivation?

It is a heart of nonduality and harmony, which is the natural state of life when the heart is always in a state of conservation. What is the natural state? It is a state of play. In fact, everyone comes to Earth for sightseeing and tourism, but we have forgotten, and we are too deeply immersed in the drama.

Intuitive people are free-spirited, so what is the best way? Dual-system operation.

I also talk about it in the chat class. The best way is to operate with a dual system. If you are cost-benefit oriented, you should increase your senses and intuition. If you are intuitive, you should increase your cost-benefit ratio and intuition. If you are an intuitive person, it is difficult to stick to things.

So, you should increase your cost-benefit ratio and let your left and right brains work at the same time. This means that you can have inspiration and flashes of insight and also let your brain come out to work and stay active. Because the most active part of your brain is how to do it, what should I do.

Intuitive Types Activate Dual Systems

double systems to earn money

Intuitive types rely on inspiration and intuition, rather than human effort. As a result, their greatest characteristic is forgetfulness and an inability to remember things. Therefore, my advice to all intuitive children and individuals is to increase the logical part of your brainpower, just like cost-effectiveness. You just need to balance it out.

I’m not talking about the cost-effectiveness and logical part of your brain to make you understand which type you are, so that I can make others understand you recklessly. It’s not that. Rather, it’s because I know what you lack, and I will give you what you need.

As we spiritually grow, all of these types will dissolve, and we will reach a state where we are neither ourselves nor other beings. And these three types will slowly disappear from our differentiation.

So what is the non-discriminatory, non-differentiated practice?

It’s having a single-minded and harmonious heart, always in a state of stability, which is the original state of life. What does “original state” mean? It means the state of playfulness. In fact, everyone comes to Earth for sightseeing and tourism, but we forget, and we get too deeply involved in the game.

For those who are intuitive and prefer to go their own way, the best approach is dual system operation.

In the class, I also mentioned the best way to operate is with a dual system. If you are cost-effective, you should increase your sense and intuition. If you are intuitive, you should increase your cost-effectiveness and intuition. If you are an intuitive type, it may be difficult for you to stick to it. Therefore, you should increase your cost-effectiveness and let both sides of your brain work together. This means that I can have inspiration and insight while keeping my brain active, constantly thinking about what to do and how to do it.

Dual system operation is the best way to overcome the weaknesses of these three types. The best way is to absorb the calmness, logical analysis, and calculation of cost-effective individuals. Here’s a solution for everyone: if you’re not cost-effective, communicate more with those who are. They have sound and reasonable calculations and are constantly calculating. During this process, you will find that their number analysis is really great, and although you couldn’t understand it at first, after being exposed to it for a while, you’ll start to become interested in numbers.

Intuitive and sensory types are not sensitive to numbers. You can see salespeople who are very clear about numbers. So, you can keep looking at reports and numbers to cultivate your cost-effective part. If you’re not a sensory type, what can you do? Be more grateful, happy, and even attend more classes.

I remember some students asked me: “I’m not a sensory type, what should I do?” I see sensory people saying “I love you” to you every day, even after every class, they say it again, and they even ask for hugs. I thought, “Why does he think they’re stupid?” It’s because he’s not a sensory type, he can’t feel the sensory type, which is a vibration of the heart chakra. He can’t feel the happy state in the sensory type, and he thinks they’re foolish for expressing it. It’s not that they’re stupid, it’s that their feelings need to be expressed.

Therefore, if you’re not a sensory type, what can you do?

Accept those who are sensitive and listen to them say, “Wow, this is so beautiful,” or “This is really good.” At first, you may find it annoying or even tedious, but over time, you will discover that there is a lot of tenderness and sentimentality within them.

Intuitive people have less joy, and those who value cost-effectiveness have less gratitude. Intuitive people also have less gratitude, so it is important to be grateful and happy as much as possible. If you can’t, then take more classes and immerse yourself in the experience for two years.

Many students say, “Teacher, I have been with you for three years, but all of my changes came after two years. Before that, I was a very bitter woman, naturally bitter and bitter from experience. I had a lot of resentment. Now, I am completely happy and joyful. I can’t imagine how I became like this. Teacher, you have transformed me. You have completely turned me into a different person.”

Gratitude and Joy Attract Money

practise to earn money easily

Why do we need to be grateful and joyful? When you feel grateful and joyful, your internal magnetic field will form a fixed and stable magnetic field to the outside world. Magnetic energy generates electricity, and what kind of energy is electricity? It is the energy of money, so you can attract money.

When money starts coming in, you will feel greatly nourished, forming a virtuous cycle of more gratitude and more joy. Your money can multiply by many times.

Many wealthy people actually begin to take on debt before they start developing. After incurring the debt, they suddenly take off and break through. This is actually a rule of money.

However, intuitive people lack the subtlety and beauty of emotional people and the cost-effectiveness of rational people. Intuitive people are reckless and rough, authoritarian and arrogant. They always think they are right, but they may not be good at managing money. So try to maintain a cost-effective mindset.

Maintaining a cost-effective mindset does not mean being afraid of cost-effectiveness. The purpose is to eliminate your own fear and introduce the advantages of the other two types. We often say that you are a mixed type, occupying the fear of three types. If you are more of a mixed type, for example, I am emotional and cost-effective, or I am intuitive and cost-effective. If you are a mixed type of three types, then you may face more challenges in money.

If you are a mixed type of intuition and emotion, then you may be poor because intuitive people dare to spend money and do not think about tomorrow. Emotional people live in their own feelings and illusions, and spend money recklessly. If you are a mix of emotion and intuition, then you may be relatively poor, what should you do?

Absorb the advantages of other types and slowly overcome your own fears. If you want to know how to do this specifically, it cannot be explained in one session. You are welcome to join my wealth morning class. I suggest you participate in both the root chakra and heart chakra classes. Why? Because the root chakra vibrates with our masculine energy, which is our power with money. The heart chakra vibrates with our motherly energy, which is the power of interpersonal relationships. Both are related to money. Without opening these two chakras, it is difficult for money to come in.

Understanding is one thing, but being able to do it is another. Knowing and doing cannot be unified, and the difference is energy. Where does this energy come from? It is cultivated, just like developing abdominal muscles. Therefore, you just need to train yourself. Each type of course has a different style and energy, and you are welcome to come and try them out.

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