The Greatest Force of Samsara – Love

In the origin of life, we all come because of love, leave because of love, and reincarnate endlessly because of love.

So, the most fundamental cause and effect cycle in life and energy imbalance are all because of love, because of unrequited love or unfulfilled love, which leads to hatred.

It’s because I didn’t love enough that I want to love you again in the next life.

Therefore, whether it’s resentment or longing in our reincarnation, it’s all because of one word, love.

Love is the biggest driving force behind the energy, driving all cause and effect, all karma, and all reincarnation.

Just like wealth, it’s also a branch of love. The ability of wealth is a kind of energy that loves, enjoys, and appreciates others, just like a branch growing out of a tree. In the end, all the energy is love.

When we create money and wealth, it’s all because of love. When we think money is not good, it’s because of the labels we attach to it. But its essence is actually the circulation of energy, and this circulation of energy is also a circulation of love: I appreciate you, I love you.

Even a man’s sense of responsibility is reflected in the burden of money and family. The principle behind it all is because of love.

When we understand the origin of life, we even know what we came to this life to do.

No matter what our mission is, no matter what we specifically want to do, whether it’s to enlighten others, to heal others, or to be a better painter.

Whatever it is, the underlying driving force is love.

Why are we alive? We are here to love ourselves and to love others better, to know why we are alive, and what we came to this world to do.

The so-called origin is all because of the imbalance of love, whether it’s loving this or loving that.

Even loving someone less is a process of doing homework and paying off debts. The core of cause and effect balance is love.

In love, we must first forgive ourselves and let go of all judgments against ourselves. As I often say, the joy of the present moment is priceless.

When there is joy in our hearts, as I often say, the most beautiful words to say to a lover are not “I love you”, but “don’t rush, take it slowly.”

So at the end of the course, I am very happy and want to tell everyone, “Don’t rush, take it slowly.”

We now know the origin of life and the driving force behind our energy, which is love.

In the process of love, we must first love ourselves.

When you love yourself, you will have the energy to balance other causes and effects. When you find out what your mission is, you will have a source of power, which is to do what you want to do.

Love is a balance point inherent in all energy. When we are full of love, all cause and effect, all karma, and all reincarnation will end, because we use love to replenish the leaks from the past. When you can truly replenish those leaks, all cause and effect will slowly come to an end, in a process of no longer owing or meeting each other.

And in our lives, the truly enlightened ones are all here because of love.

Because of the perfection of love, the end point of all consciousness, whether it’s reincarnation or all realizations, is sealed with love.

So today, we start with love and end with love, because love is the greatest force behind the cycle of this world.

Behind this power, there is a primal point – whether you love yourself truly or just out of a protective and fearful force.

When you are able to return to your inner power, not for the sake of protecting your physical safety, but out of a genuine liking and joy, that’s when you truly appreciate yourself and experience sincere love.

In all of our conscious journeys, the first step is to begin with loving ourselves when we are aware and awakened. When you truly love yourself, a door to the world quietly opens, and many lights begin to shine in, allowing you to see more of the beauty in the world.

Every day, I live in the joy of this feeling of life. I feel moved every moment, filled with joy, immersed in love.

My students love me so much, and I feel so moved. Being with them is like being with family, super joyful, and without reservations.

In this world, every day, morning and night, you will find that everything is different, every scenery has its own beauty.

I discovered that all the beauty in this world lies in my love for myself, my love for this world, and my love for all the people and things that I encounter in this mortal world, so that everyone can gradually cultivate their own sense of joy.

Every flower, every blade of grass, and every tree has its own joy, its own sense of life, and its own good love for oneself. And with this sense of joy, you will find that a beam of light shines into all aspects of your world, slowly illuminating all ignorance and bringing you more joy and happiness in life.

Living in the present moment, every moment is joyful.

I am very grateful to all my beloved students. I have a very deep love and joy within me, and it unconsciously begins to overflow.

I feel particularly joyful, feeling that there are so many joyful things in this world, just like a few buddies, I want to hold your hand and tell you everything, so that you can share the joy and happiness with me.

I love you, my dear students! Love you very much, love this world very much. I love you who are in this mortal world, the flowers, the grass, and everything else. I feel deeply in love, sensing the infinite beauty and emotion.

I just hope that one day, I can infect you little by little, and hope that all of you can love yourselves and love this world just as much as I do.

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