The Vitality of Life: Love and Joy

Let’s do a test today, rate each question on a scale of 0-10:

  1. How much do you love the flowers, plants, and people in this world around you?
  2. How much do you appreciate the bright sunshine in this world?
  3. How do you feel when it’s pouring rain outside?
  4. How happy are you when you’re with your good friends?
  5. How much do you like being with your colleagues?
  6. How satisfied are you with what you eat every day?
  7. How would you rate your happiness when you’re with your partner?
  8. How happy are you when you’re with your children?
  9. How satisfied are you with your own happiness?
  10. How do you feel about your relationships with your parents, siblings, and family?
  11. How do you rate your financial situation?
  12. How satisfied are you with your own physical appearance, weight, health, and beauty?

This joy you feel, is it real satisfaction or just a compromise? How many points would you give it? Add them up slowly, and you’ll see what your perception and attitude towards the world is like. It determines your physical condition. Looking back at the points, you’ll know what state your body is in.

Through this process, you’ll gradually gain more clarity about yourself and realize that you might not be as joyful as you thought. Those who experience joy have probably soaked in my micro-lessons for at least two to three months, and I have been able to cultivate a healthy, carefree disposition in them. Otherwise, they would mostly be just getting by around the age of fifty or sixty.

Therefore, you’ll find that your body is in a suboptimal state, struggling to get by, with no significant dissatisfaction or satisfaction. I often say “er er more healthy” and encourage people to be carefree. When you understand that our inner selves determine our outer circumstances, and allow yourself to become a little more foolish, you’ll find that there will be many unexpected blessings and your body will gradually become healthier.

Why is that?

Because the way is simple. As the Tao Te Ching says, “To follow the way (of the Tao), you must reduce yourself until you become simple and humble.” In other words, do subtraction, subtract more and more. When you do subtraction, your entire life state becomes simpler, purer, and more innocent. When your mind is pure and your thoughts are clear, you’ll find that the whole world becomes simpler and happier.

When you transmit this happiness, you’ll find that your emotional relationships improve, your wealth increases inexplicably, and your life, even your physical health, improves in every way. It all starts with a change in your inner self. That’s why I want to start online lessons – to gradually summon the voice of your soul and slowly tell you that the alarm clock has gone off, don’t hit snooze, it’s time to change your negative thoughts.

If you don’t want to change, let me slowly invade your mind and change your negative thoughts into joy and carefree thoughts. You don’t need to think about anything; every day will be a good day. Having a good mood is actually something we cultivate within ourselves. It’s easier to pile on complexity, but it’s harder to simplify things. We can’t let go, and we have to judge everything. When judgment arises, it’s hard for us to relax internally. Therefore, simplicity is often difficult to cultivate.

relax inner side

The great way is exceedingly simple, yet this path is difficult to cultivate. Within the path, there are many branches, methods, and techniques. However, true techniques, regardless of their flashy appearance, cannot compare to the intangible inner path that leads to happiness.

When you return to happiness, you will find that life blossoms like a flower, with many petals unfurling. Some students tell me, “Teacher, I have nothing to be happy about. My child doesn’t listen to me, and my boss is mean to me. If only he treated me better, then I could be happy. My friends owe me money, and if they paid me back, I would be happy.”

In this way, we give away our right to happiness to others. When you give your thoughts and energy to others, you cannot take them back. In this world, we must become masters of our own lives, so every thought and every moment of happiness is determined by us, and it is something that we must give ourselves.

Why do we need to cultivate ourselves? We do so for one reason: to have the power to say, “I am in control of my life.”

I am in control of my emotions and relationships, I am in control of my financial situation, and I am in control of my physical health.

Why can we say that we are in control? Because our thoughts and energy come from within us, and we can change ourselves from within. When we cultivate ourselves to become peaceful and harmonious, even to become foolishly happy, we will find that our souls will radiate a joyful aura, and our external lives will be filled with good luck and happiness.

You will discover that many things in life will come to you without asking for them. When you have a thought or desire, the universe will deliver it to you, and people and events will align in your favor.

For myself, I only need to focus on being foolishly happy in life, and I don’t worry about anything else. I only need to say hello to the universe and ask for what I want, and I know that it will be delivered to me. Just like my agents, they all came to me on their own, and I never had to ask or interview them. They all came to me because the universe brought them to me.

I want to teach online courses, sell flower essences nationwide, and create mandalas…

When I create mandala paintings, I found that the mandala paintings are consistent with the cells in the human body. Therefore, I wanted to create a mandala album for emotional relationships, marital relationships, parent-child relationships, including relationships in the original family, wealth, and physical health. Because it is related to the combination of cells, I want to create this. Two painting geniuses immediately appeared to assist me, and I actually did nothing, I just needed to have the intention.

When I wanted to make flower essences, someone contacted me, including the most authentic flower essences from overseas. Experienced salespeople also came to my side, telling me how to do it, and I just needed to have the intention. I just need to be responsible for being silly and happy.

In the process of being “silly” and happy, there is an inner core, which is my deep love and joy. I love myself, I love the world, and I love every person, every flower, every tree in the world.

I have a deep joy in this world, and I feel that everything is good. I feel particularly happy and good.

Some students ask: Teacher, is it because you are already good that you can love and be happy?

No, it’s because I had the intention of joy, and the world gradually gave me more abundance and feedback.

In this world, I wasn’t treated well all at once, but I started to change my thoughts. I had many situations where I almost drowned at least twice, feeling that death was near because I opened my third eye and could see the god of death coming towards me. Later, I slowly relaxed and came back to life.

Then I was diagnosed with suspected breast cancer, but it was a misdiagnosis. I only had two surgeries to remove a breast tissue and then had it sutured.

When I was starting my company, my hair was falling out in large clumps, and my whole body was weak. I had to wear winter clothes one season earlier than others and had to wear cotton boots and a foot warmer in the office.

At that time, I was working hard to create wealth, really hard. I worked hard every day to “deliver takeout”, in the wind and rain, but the universe didn’t care about me. It didn’t give me a five-star rating.

I found that when I changed my thoughts, and when I was full of joy, happiness, and love for this world, I found that my five-star rating was increasing, and the world was treating me better.

I realized that because of my inner negative energy, that invisible energy of love began to spread and expand.

Many people come to me and say: Teacher, I love you, I’m voluntary.

Every time I hear that, my heart is filled with joy because there are many new babies, and they don’t understand our happiness that I previously talked to them about.

I always “bully” my son.

I ask him, “Do you love mommy?”

He says, “Yes, I love mommy.”

Then I say, “Say, ‘Baby loves mommy, and it’s voluntary.'”

But every time, he says, “Baby is forced.”

Then I laugh and tickle him.

I say, “You have to say, ‘Baby loves mommy, and it’s voluntary.'”

He squints his eyes and says, “Baby loves mommy, and it’s voluntary.”

Then he says to me, “The wise adapt themselves to circumstances, as water molds itself to the pitcher, Baby is forced.”

happy mommy and baby

We have a lot of fun together. Many students who have heard this story message me saying, “Baby loves the teacher, and it’s voluntary.” Every time I hear it, it brings me joy and happiness.

At that time, I felt like a great king, capturing the hearts of many beauties. Everyone said that they were voluntary, and I felt that the world was so joyful, making me incredibly happy.

So here, I want to tell everyone that it’s not because the world has treated you well that you feel happiness and love. The direction is the opposite. It’s precisely because you have love and happiness that the world will treat you well.

This energy can only begin to unfold if you first use love and joy to ignite the engine of the car. The engine can then truly start.

The energy in life, yin and yang, we say that yin substances determine yang substances. What we can’t see is the high frequency that determines the low frequency, which is the part of our material manifestation. In yin, our thoughts determine our yang substances.

And within our thoughts, there is the most powerful weapon, love and joy, like peeling an onion, layer by layer, until it reaches the heart, which is the meaning of love and joy.

When you have the feeling of joy, in silly moments, the world will inevitably begin to treat you well, because you have thoughts of joy and gratitude towards the world, generating such energy waves, radiating from the inside out, layer by layer, slowly reaching the periphery.

feeling of joy

Because I have feelings of joy towards this world, I deeply feel that I have been treated well.

I am deeply grateful that the universe has chosen me as a channel for energy, to spread light and love to more people. I am especially grateful for the opportunity given to me by the universe to be a small hand that lights up the hearts of others, slowly illuminating light and love. In this process, I have experienced so much emotion, so much joy, and have felt that life is so wonderful!

I hope that with love and joy, you will slowly generate more energy in life and be warmly treated by the world. I hope that you can be treated well and loved by this world like me.

I wish everyone every day, every moment, will have a love for life, a love for beauty, gratitude, and giving back, with such feelings of joy.

Everyone deserves to be loved, deserves the best love, and deserves to be surrounded by all the love in the world, loved and treated well by this world.

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