What Yo Should Know: The Illusion of Time and Space!

Regarding the illusion of time and space, what is the question we often ask in our daily lives? It is “What time is it now? What day is it today?” We often have no sense of time, we do not know what time it is. If you were put into a cave for some time, you would not even know if it was day or night, let alone what day it was.

So we have no concept of time. Even the laws of time measurement, we may have a biological clock that wakes us up at a certain time, but there is still a time difference. The concept of time is just like the time difference we have in different countries and regions. In other words, the time concept we have is just a convention or default agreement among us.

This time can be assumed to be X, which is a time we set together. For example, we say “What time is it in Beijing?” Now it is 8:32 a.m. in Beijing, which is just the default time for Beijing. However, in other regions such as Toyko, London, or New York, the time is not the same, but we just say it is this time in Beijing.

The past, present and future

Time is divided into three parts: the past, the present, and the future. When we describe the past, we often say “5 years ago,” “10 years ago,” or even “20 years ago.” However, 20 years ago may not be clear enough for others to understand.

We add a time concept to our descriptions, such as “when I was in my 90s,” “when I was 5 years old,” or “when I was 20 years old.” By doing this, we create a scene in our minds associated with a particular time. For example, if someone says, “when I was 5 years old, I fell into the river,” we imagine a scene with a 5-year-old child falling into a river.

Time helps us understand the sequence of events and recreate scenes from the past. However, as humans, we don’t have a natural understanding of time or space. If we are placed in an unfamiliar space without a navigation system, we won’t be able to determine our location.

Thanks to technology, we have navigation systems on our smartphones. This is a great invention because it solves our spatial problem. To determine our location, we use spatial concepts like north, south, east, west, up, and down. In Buddhism, the ten directions of the world describe the spatial concept of our past, present, and future lives.

Therefore, time and space are closely related concepts that help us navigate through our three-dimensional world.

How to determine our position in space?

Scientists and theologians have long been striving to answer the question of who we are and where we are located. Scientists believe that our spatial location is on Earth, in the solar system, which is located in the Milky Way, which in turn is at the edge of the universe. We constantly confirm our spatial location and can explore the universe through scientific means, including studying starlight that may have traveled for billions of years.

To establish our position, we need a reference point in time, which can be divided into past, present, and future. When referring to the past, we often use the terms “BC” and “AD.” For example, we like to return to the Tang Dynasty, which lasted from 618 AD to 907 AD, a total of 289 years. The Tang Dynasty produced many poets, including Li Bai and Du Fu, and cultural and artistic treasures such as “Chang Hen Ge” and “Pi Pa Xing.”

How were these artistic treasures created?

It is through the axis of time that these artistic treasures are imaged. This is a way of describing history, and in geography, we also speak of Danxia landforms, the Ice Age, and even the oldest dinosaur periods. In these cases, we have a concept of time, which replaces the idea of space. In this space, it is more about imaging, and we have a misconception that the past is the past, the present is the present, and the future is the future, and they are parallel because the present is created by the past and the future by the present.

In fact, this is not the case. All spaces are either expanded or folded, and they are not parallel. This means that what happened in the past may continue in another space. You may find it incredible that things from the past have ended and become history books or memories. However, they still exist in a space, and in our space, like a prism, it is folded and reflected. What is reflected is the time axis we thought at that time. This means that what is reflected is just one point of our cognition, and like a prism, it can reflect other points, and there are other folds and feelings in other spaces.

It is just that we do not know that we have become what we have not. Because our current space is reflected by our time, we say that this year is May 2019. This is our default time, and it is also a point reflected in space. This is what we conventionally agree on. In this time, we did not use the Gregorian calendar before; we used the lunar calendar.

And when we talk about time of day, we say “shi chen” or “ji ke.” In ancient times, we said “ji xi.” In all these cases, we are referring to a conventionally agreed time, which means that in the agreed time, we have agreed on an imaging rule. In our fixed time, we have a fixed imaging.

In history, this is a time and imaging convention agreed upon by us. The scope of our imaging depends on the rules of time we have conventionally agreed upon. So, we present a unified image, which means that this image is first determined by our X and then added with a Y.

If there are X1, X2, or X3, X4 later, and there is a slight change in space, which means that there is a change in the illusion of time, the result of your Y becomes Y2, Y3. This means that the space begins to shift and move, and the imaging changes throughout the space. You don’t know it because you are in the XY.

It can be said that if you are inside X1, then your image is inside Y1, and in this world, there is only one thing in our logical minds: whether you believe it or not, the world you believe in is the world you image; the world you don’t believe in is a virtual world.

Just like before, we thought the solar system was in the center, but later we discovered that the Milky Way is not in the center of the universe, and that there is a lot more information in this world that is larger than Earth and the Sun. This is proved by scientists, and in this proof we have further proof that the universe is infinite in its vastness and infinitesimal in its smallness.

These sizes are truly inexplicable, only limited by our knowledge, which has always been confined to a flat plane. We believe that the world is flat, with length, width, and height, and that there is a past, present, and future, which is an image from time.

Assuming it is now 2019 AD, but if the counting rules change, or if people’s conventions change, the image will naturally begin to change. So in the folded space, there will be other dimensions and other images. Therefore, in our time and space laws, humans are not the only ones on our planet, and even our Earth and our Milky Way are not unique. There are certainly other creatures in this world, as well as other spaces and other dimensions, and even other physical bodies that can see their other dimensions.

Like the calculation of light-years, a light-year is calculated according to the calculation method of our Earth, and when it reaches a constant speed that includes its attraction and gravity, all of which are ignored, we call it a light-year. However, when we truly launch into the universe, or even travel to other star systems, a light-year is only a hypothesis, because when you arrive at another star system, its time, space, and even gravity will change.

I remember a movie that said when time reached another planet, time would become very, very fast. So when he returned in a few minutes, he had become an old man. Although it was a science fiction movie, the laws of time in other cosmic spaces are indeed different from ours.

Because the material we form, the interface we form, every person, every planet, including the cosmic sky, including the Milky Way, including other systems like the fairy constellation, etc., all of them are sealed, and a force of rules and regulations is formed inside the seal, including the laws of time and space that are different.

In other words, just like laws, the laws of each country are different. Just like the languages of each country are different, the way of communication is also different. Therefore, including the thinking mode we talk about, the logic system of thinking will also have some small differences.

Although we are all collectively called human beings, just like in China, which is vast and rich in resources, there are differences between the North and the South. The thinking, logical habits, and even living habits of people in the South are different from those in the North. This is the difference in our region. Therefore, on our planet, we will inevitably have differences in time. And the difference in time will also generate differences in the folding of space. That is to say, the past, present, and future are not a single axis, but a folded space.

When you know that time is an illusion, then space is also an illusion, and it will be folded and come. It’s just that because our physical body is too heavy, and the frequency of our physical body is too low, it is impossible to suddenly cross to other spaces. Because our entire energy body is relatively low. However, when the energy body reaches a certain high level, it can actually be folded.

Because the Earth is one to two, two to three, and three to ten thousand things, the two are yin and yang. Therefore, the plants on our planet are divided into yin and yang, our weather is divided into day and night, all animals are divided into male and female, and all fruits are also divided into yin and yang. Therefore, when we give birth to children, we must of course combine yin and yang to have children.

In other planets, they will think that our Earth is relatively inferior because we still need men and women to be together, and there are many uncertain factors, including the fact that we cannot decide whether to have a boy or a girl.

On higher-level extraterrestrial planets, they can directly choose whether to have a boy or a girl and what they look like, just like configuring it, and then just like a robot, they can directly make a child. They are more advanced in this way, but they lose our human waiting and expectations, unconditional acceptance and love, and how much fun they lose.

These aliens will think that we earthlings are relatively silly, with lower-level cultural knowledge, including our entire heritage being relatively low, but we will feel that they lack a lot of fun.

Do wormholes in space really exist?

Yes, they do exist. Just like the differences in laws and languages between different countries, there are channels, boundaries, and interfaces between different spaces. The energy field, magnetic field, attraction, and feeling in each space are all different. Therefore, there are tunnels between spaces. Simply calculating the distance from one point to another using the laws of time is wrong, unless you are only moving on a two-dimensional plane like a sheet of paper.

When you move beyond the sheet of paper, and start to draw in the air or in other places, your speed becomes variable when you encounter obstacles. In the wormholes of space, this variability of speed exists. In each space, the folding system and imaging rules are also different, which stems from our calculation of time and the different rules within each space.

Just like the differences in laws, the originator of the manufacturing rules is what we usually call the Creator. The Creator is not really a god, but rather, the natural laws that formed when the universe was created. These rules are what the Creator thinks they should be. In our universe, we use the laws of time to define the meaning of space, but this is not necessarily true in other universes.

There is a difference between the universe we see and the real universe. Therefore, in Buddhism, it is often said that the mind cannot obtain the past, present, or future. The mind of the past cannot be obtained because it is just a form that has arisen and disappeared. The mind of the future also exists as a form but has not yet come into being. The mind of the present is constantly changing, and this form has also disappeared. In the grand scheme of things, all forms are illusory. What we see is just a form presented at this moment in time, and it is naturally false.

Chinese ancient wisdom – the concept of time and space

The concept of “he guang tong chen” in Taoism is the same as “light and dust have no difference.” However, in our worldview, there is often binary opposition, right and wrong, good and evil. Therefore, we often say that cultivation is about cultivating a harmonious heart and cultivating a heart without dualities. Only when we achieve a harmonious state can we slowly transcend the limitations of our spatial understanding and gradually see the essence of events beyond their appearances.

Sometimes, we feel that Chinese people are truly great, as we have summarized many experiences based on time and numbers to determine the scope of our spatial understanding. For example, Taoism says “Dao gives birth to one, one gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, and three gives birth to the ten thousand things.” Buddhism talks about the three characteristics of existence: impermanence, suffering, and emptiness. All of these concepts are related to time and space.

When it comes to positioning ourselves, we talk about the four cardinal directions: north, south, east, and west. Later, we added the five elements: metal, wood, water, fire, and earth to locate time and space based on material things.

We also talk about the number seven, which indicates important stages in our lives:

  • tooth replacement at seven years old,
  • puberty at fourteen,
  • starting to learn at twenty-one,
  • starting a family at twenty-eight,
  • and menopause at forty-nine.
  • Even our cells have the opportunity to regenerate every twenty-eight days.

The idea of “sevens” is related to the moon’s gravitational pull, which affects the magnetic field in our bodies. This concept helps us understand the law of space based on time.

What is 8? Our ancestors were truly wise, as they were able to summarize the most important texts and teachings. Among all the classics, the Book of Changes (Yi Jing) is considered the most important, not just in terms of divination, but in the field of philosophy and wisdom as well. The Book of Changes is all about summarizing and deducing the direction of time and space.

Through the use of divination, the Book of Changes determines the overall direction, which is expressed through the eight trigrams: Qian (Heaven), Dui (Lake), Li (Fire), Zhen (Thunder), Xun (Wind), Kan (Water), Gen (Mountain), and Kun (Earth). By understanding the changes in the trigrams, one can deduce the past or future direction of space.

There are many teachings in the Book of Changes, such as “Kang Long You Hui” (pride leads to regret) which all represent a summarized imaging of space. The concept of 8 is closely tied to direction and imaging in the Book of Changes.

So what is 9? It is an extreme number, the largest of its kind. It is also a residue, the remainder after subtracting 1 from 10. In other words, in a base-2 system, when the base is reduced to 1, the largest possible residue is 9. Therefore, 9 is the largest residue in the world.

We often talk about the “Jiu Wu Zhi Zun” (exclusively used to describe the emperor in ancient China), and 9 is also used to determine direction, like the “Nine Heavens, Nine Earths, Nine Gates, and Nine Stars” in the Qimen Dunjia. Our Chinese ancestors’ wisdom lies in using the constant of time to determine spatial location, not only determining our current spatial location but also inferring past and future spatial images.

For example, the Plum Blossom Divination, the Book of Changes, and Qimen Dunjia (奇門遁甲) can predict what will happen in the future months, years, or days, and the predicted events match reality perfectly. Why? Because it is a spatial image, and this image is created by reflecting a point that is pushed by the changing rules of time. The future space image can be deduced from the present time point, because time is constant and its speed is uniform.

This is the wisdom of our ancestors. It is not superstition, but induction and summarization, more like a mathematical problem. When you apply the right formula, you get the correct answer.

The relationship between time and space speaks to the fact that our universe is not just parallel, but rather a folded space. The past, present, and future are actually interacting with each other, and there is no true past, only a location of the past time point that we perceive. That time is fixed, but what we perceive as the past is constantly changing. In other words, our space and time points are changing at every moment.

Since time and space are constantly changing, we enter into a larger system of rules, namely the cycle of creation, existence, decay, and emptiness, the process between 0 and 1, which is presented in this way because it is constantly changing and oscillating between existence and non-existence.

For those interested in spiritual travel or even connections to higher dimensions, including connections to the central meridian and the gateway to enlightenment, I would like to take everyone to see the gateway to enlightenment during the 2.5-level course in England. The gateway to enlightenment is the connection between the small world and the large world.

In the fleeting moment when our small world and the large world are connected, we can see that everything is illusory, and we can even allow our consciousness to truly break free from the fixed mode of thinking that we have on Earth.

I welcome everyone to come and play with me, and let our consciousness and energy go out to see more of this world, like traveling. Let us carry with us joy, curiosity, and love every day in this world. Before going to bed every night, I always have a deep gratitude for being alive. Every day, I am full of gratitude and joy.

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