Creating Your Reality: How Your Thoughts and Beliefs Shape Your World

We humans exist because of love! There are many causes and effects, including karma. All imbalances are due to the need to repay love, or to fulfill our own wishes, to love more, or to seek love. We are ultimately pursuing one purpose: to seek and give love. Whether we are seeking or giving, it is all because of love.

In life, we are always divided between yin and yang. In terms of energy, the visible aspect is the yang side, while the invisible aspect is the yin side. For example, things like wifi, ultraviolet rays, and infrared rays that we cannot see are collectively known as the yin side. Although we cannot see them, they are everywhere, but just not visible to the naked eye.

Life forms that we can see are because their movement frequency is relatively low, so they can be seen by our eyes. The physical body limits the frequency we can see, so what we see are only some low-frequency things that are similar to our own frequency, which we call the yang side. The yin side not only includes some low energy, but also some high energy that we cannot see.

In terms of kinetic energy, we also divide things into yin and yang, just like the world of energy. It is precisely because of yin and yang that the world can truly balance and develop peacefully, just like day and night.

body become weakened and aged

The kinetic energy of our body is also very obvious. Our physical body is actually a manifestation of the yang side because it needs sunlight and exercise to become more vibrant and develop in a benign way. The yin side envelops the peace, softness, and harmony within us. When the yin side within us shows signs of anger, complaints, or even negative energy, the yang energy in our body begins to decrease. The entire body then becomes weakened, aged, or even diseased, and the yin and yang become imbalanced.

The dynamic energy in life is what I often refer to. If we want to practice, we need to practice the three aspects of body, mind, and spirit. The body needs to keep moving, continuously providing positive substances, and allowing it to have warmth and positive exercise.

Regarding body cultivation, I will teach everyone about the practice of “Long Guang Gong” in the first and second level offline practice class, as well as Zhan Zhuang, walking, and running exercises. Encourage everyone to exercise together! This is how we increase our positive energy, enhancing the functions of our bodies.

The substance of Yin is the tranquility within our hearts, which is invisible. Whether we have this tranquility or not is only known to ourselves and cannot be measured. This Yin substance depends on more external substances, which are the Yang substances.

In the entire energy world, the unseen substances determine the seen substances. Higher frequency substances determine lower frequency substances. For example, causal karma in the fourth and fifth dimensions determines the manifestation of matter in the third dimension. Our inner Yin substance, which is invisible, and our peace, softness, harmony, and even love, determine our external Yang substances and the condition of our bodies.

You will find that people who are peaceful, kind, and soft-hearted on the inside have a shiny exterior, showing joy, and even their skin has a shiny feeling. While people who are often worried and complain on the inside will have yellowish and dim skin, showing a face of aging or distress.

The dynamic energy of life is divided into Yin and Yang. The visible substances are collectively referred to as Yang substances, while the invisible substances are collectively referred to as Yin substances. Yang substances are just a performance, and the real power lies in Yin substances.

Yin substances are our inner core, the engine that determines how fast the car can run, and the true essence of the external manifestation of things. Our body is just a shell for our soul, a shell for our mind.

This is also what Taoists call dual cultivation of nature and life. “Nature” refers to the state of mind, which is the spiritual state of mind. “Life” refers to the physical state of the body. In our lives, ordinary people turn their minds because of their environment, which slowly changes their state of mind. On the other hand, the sages change the world around them because of changes in their state of mind.

We understand that this world is dominated by our inner spiritual world, our mood, our heart, and our soul. The external world of the body and matter is collectively referred to as the Yang world. Yin substances determine the Yang world, so humans began to have a process of inward seeking, spiritual practice, and seeking answers from our soul: where do we come from? What should we do?

Because we truly understand that the governing force reaches deep into our soul through our consciousness. We have always wanted to trace back to the source, the real truth of life in this world.

In the truth of life, our body has very little control and say over it, except for our eyes, mouth, and limbs. All other organs are just loaned to us and we have no control over them. For instance, if you want to lose weight, your body won’t listen to you; if you want to grow taller, your body won’t listen to you; if you tell your heart not to beat, it won’t listen to you.

Our consciousness, including our body, is like a rented property, loaned to us. This body is meant to reflect an extension of our soul and will, and it does not fully belong to us. It is more like an energetic part of this world.

In other words, this world is an energetic world, and all our thoughts and desires, what we call intention and consciousness, are energy. The world is an energetic body, both yin and yang, and all our thoughts and desires are energy.

The world we can perceive is actually limited by the frequency of our body’s energy. Our body’s energy perception range is very limited. For example, our skin can only feel water that is not too hot, as it will hurt our skin if it is over 70 degrees, and we can’t stand extremely cold water either. If the living temperature is over 60 degrees in the desert, we will quickly become exhausted, and if the temperature drops below -60 degrees, we humans will have difficulty surviving. We need to wear extra warm clothing, and if we don’t, we will almost freeze to death, and our life will disappear quickly.

We also have requirements for oxygen, although we can’t see it. We will have altitude sickness or hypoxia when we go up or down. We also have limitations in hearing. We can’t hear very high or low decibel sounds. We can’t hear ants, earthworms, or bees talking to each other, or low-frequency chatting sounds between trees and other creatures.

Our eyes also have limitations in color and spectrum perception. Too much white light is called white light, but we can’t distinguish between other colors of light, and we can only distinguish seven colors. We can’t see colors that are too low, and we call it black light.

Our physical body is located at a lower frequency, because it needs to eat three meals a day to sustain itself with food. Therefore, the low-frequency physical body can only perceive the low-frequency world, and it is difficult for our body to sense the higher-dimensional frequency world because of the limitations of our vision.

It is similar to the world of ants, which cannot know about the existence of elephants or airplanes!

For us humans, due to the limitations of our physical body, our thoughts, consciousness, and vision are like that of ants. We cannot know the deeper world beyond the three-dimensional world because of the limitations of our body.

Our soul is free, and our soul can slowly explore the inner world, searching for greater light, freedom, and ease.

Who am I? Why am I alive? Where does this energy in my life come from? How should I live? Humans have never stopped exploring these states of life.

Because we can return to our inner selves, expand the yang energy back into the inner yin energy, and when the yin energy expands, our yang energy also gradually expands.

In other words, when we are in the yin energy, we actually want to know whether there is a palace on the moon, whether there is Chang’e (the goddess of the moon).

What is the world outside really like?
Is the earth really the center of this world?
Is the sun the center of this world?

When we have such a desire for exploration inside us, when such thoughts and energy arise, the external material world also begins to change, and we humans start to arrange ourselves in an orderly manner like ants.

Some become scientists, some become astronomers, some become mathematicians, some become aerospace scientists, researchers or pilots, exploring the ultimate goals of human beings inside. After these goals are explored, we humans have deeper goals, such as the dark matter in outer space. Is the universe real?

Therefore, we have more exploration and proof outside because of the collective energy resonance of human beings. Who am I? Where do I come from?

This exploration of energy actually comes from within. From this, we can understand that the energy world in which we live is our internal yin energy, which is our state of mind, our thoughts, and our decisions that determine all the external worlds and materials, including our work, mission, responsibilities, and the structure of our entire world.

We understand that all the kinetic energy in life actually comes from within us. If we want to change this world, and even change all kinds of causes and effects outside, it all starts with our thoughts.

In the book “Liao-Fan’s Four Lessons” that we are familiar with, Liao-Fan’s original fate was not good. Fate represents the external world, but because he had good thoughts, the energy waves produced by this thought began to change his fortune. Fortune can change fate. He not only changed his own fortune, but also changed the fate and fortune of his entire family, and the fortune and fate of all his descendants, just because a thought rose within him. This thought is what we call yin energy, which produces this energy and changes the external world.

Also, the energy wave generated by our thoughts and intentions is actually the real core. When this inner core of negative energy produces a greater energy wave, it is what we call some spiritual and volitional power. The magnetic field and energy field of human beings, including their frequency and intensity, begin to change. And the change in this magnetic and energy field is what we often call “luck.” When luck changes, it changes our destiny, changing the patterns of life we are supposed to experience, which is positive energy.

Negative energy determines positive energy, because negative energy is high-dimensional and high-frequency, acting on low-frequency energy. Negative energy determines the manifestation of positive energy outside.

What is the driving force of our lives? It all depends on the thoughts that arise in our minds and the transmission and dissemination of the negative substance energy inside us.

In other words, when you have good thoughts, the magnetic field and luck around you begin to change. When you have bad thoughts, the magnetic field around you also begins to change, and your body, your appearance, and your organs also start to change.

People who are always full of complaints, grievances, and negative energy have a sad expression on their faces, and their mouths, eyes, and eyebrows all droop downwards. Their stomach and liver also begin to feel uncomfortable.

If they are constantly joyful and happy, you will find that the corners of their mouths often turn upwards, and there is a bright light between their eyebrows and eyes. They emit a faint sunshine and a joyful feeling throughout their inner being.

In other words, your thoughts not only determine your emotions, but also the material world of your body and the external energy field. You will find that when a person is particularly happy, she has many friends around her, and many people love her. Why is that? It’s because she has a little sun inside her, and many people like to bask in her sunshine and be with her. It’s simply because she has warmth.

We understand that the dynamic energy of life actually comes from our thoughts. And what kind of thoughts and heart should we have? Love is the best medicine in the world. When you open your heart chakra and fully love the world, all martial arts and tricks become meaningless. The ultimate goal in the book “The Ultimate Law” is love, just like the book “The Book Without Words”. Love is the most powerful weapon in the world, because with love, the world begins to reconcile, to achieve peace, to achieve karmic balance, and to interact with each other.

In our thoughts, only love can gradually open our lotus flower, allowing us to accept all that the world has to offer. Among the branches of love, the first is joy. There are many students in the talk therapy class who are healers, hypnotherapists, and deep communication specialists. Some don’t know anything and haven’t even attended my surface class, but they come for the purpose of self-healing.

During each case study, many people shed tears, touching their childhood home and the emotions that come with it, even though many years have passed. Those thoughts and feelings still linger and affect our mental and behavioral patterns. We still can’t escape them! Mental patterns include how we think, what we should do subconsciously and unconsciously, while behavioral patterns are what we do in response to a situation.

Approval-seeking patterns, indifference and rejection patterns, lack of confidence, inferiority, and even the grasping and panic related to money—all of these behavioral patterns and mental patterns are due to the trauma we experienced in our childhood, which created those thoughts and energy bodies.

In other words, our yin energy determines the external yang behavioral patterns, even with far-reaching consequences. If we want to change our mental and behavioral patterns, we must trace them back to their source—the moment when those thoughts were first produced. We must constantly delete, replace and format them, and talk therapy classes teach us these techniques. However, I must tell you that all of these techniques and methods are inferior to the love in our hearts.

For all healers, when they go to a venue to heal others, what is their greatest mindset? It is simply love. That’s why we want to be with you, and that’s the real dynamic energy of humanity, and the most powerful weapon is love and joy. When you have love for this world, you can not only heal yourself, but also heal others.

When you have joy for this world, you begin to feel the warmth of the sun and radiate to the people around you. You can heal yourself and radiate to more people. The core of this dynamic energy is a sense of joy!

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