Intuition and wealth: Tapping into the power of your inner voice to make money

Do you love money?

Originally, I didn’t feel excited about money. To be honest, I’ve always enjoyed meditation and spiritual practice, so my feeling towards money was relatively weak. But I’m really being choked by money now! I have to rethink my attitude towards money, and I realize that all the arrogance, hard work, grasping, and pleasing others are useless.

So, what works? It’s the feeling of complete and pure excitement and joy towards money! It’s like participating in a sports competition just for the sake of eating popcorn and that feeling of being thrilled and joyful.

What does this feeling purify? It’s a feeling of excitement and joy. I often say, what is money? It’s appreciation, joy, and love for seeing the power of others. In fact, this is a power of exchange; when this power appears, I find that there is a great connection between my inner self and money.

What can be achieved in the connection with money is my satisfaction, trust, and joy towards the world, which is actually a feeling. Do you love money? Which part of it do you love? Many people love the part of spending money, the part of feeling secure. Security is the most basic element of human beings, and with just security and grasping, money cannot be created.

Regarding the creative power of money, what kind of feeling do you have towards money? If you don’t have a creative power towards money, and don’t feel passionate and happy about it, then you are not truly in love! You are insincere, and money will not fall in love with you.

Just like between two people in a romantic relationship, if you are not sincere, the other person will not feel good. You are kind to me, but I don’t feel good, and I don’t know why. I’m sorry, I can’t have a relationship with you.

It’s the same with money, you are kind to me, you respect me, and you love me, but there always seems to be a hidden agenda in your love, so I cannot truly fall in love with you. Therefore, in the connection with money, you need to adjust yourself very clearly, how can I truly fall in love with money? What kind of money do I love? Adjust the excitement point of your own feelings.

Cultivate a positive feeling towards money


There are many methods in our wealth morning class that need a little bit of practical application. It’s not possible to go through the entire process here, and it’s not possible to penetrate so much with just one point. However, we can remind everyone that feelings towards people, things, and money can be transformed and created.

Human feelings are actually not reliable; they can be manufactured, and your feelings may not be true. In the creation of wealth, more often than not, you need to create positive feelings.

How to have positive feelings? Have a solid and firm positive feeling towards money, just like in a romantic relationship. I firmly believe that Ta really loves me, and that person is someone I want to spend the rest of my life with.

Just like how I went from disbelief to trying and believing, to finally admitting that I am a wealthy person; until the state of firm belief: I know that I am a wealthy person.

Being wealthy is not about comparing how much money you have with others, it’s not about the quantity; it’s about the energy you create for wealth and your feelings towards money.

If you compare me with my students, there is really a big gap; but I no longer have any fear towards money! Without fear, feeling warmth and comfort, that’s what it means to be wealthy.

Being wealthy is not based on quantity, because quantity can never be compared. There will always be someone better than you, so it can only be based on self-satisfaction.

Do you feel satisfied with having one million dollars? Then you are a wealthy person. Self-satisfaction can be refined and created.

Where does your intuition towards money come from?

In the path of money, intuition represents an instinct. It comes from innate talent, passion for the career, and love for money. It is in between your breaths.


Making money is an instinct, a direct and intuitive feeling towards money. There is no reason, no feeling, personal honor and disgrace, gains and losses are not important, the brain is still, and it is in a state of intuition.

Intuition is a direct judgment on whether something is feasible or not, without a reason, just a question of whether or not to do it. It’s a bit like choosing food in a buffet, whether to take it or leave it, whether to eat it or not.

In money, many people rely on intuition to make big judgments, especially successful people. They often rely on intuition rather than feelings or logic because intuition is the highest, intuition is higher than feeling, and feeling is higher than logical judgment. Many people’s intuition comes from direct judgment and innate talent.

What I want from innate talent is the desire for life and the intuition towards money. The highest state of money comes from intuition, in between breaths, and understanding the feeling towards money.

How to cultivate it? One day I went to withdraw money because I wanted to give my two nephews and my son red envelopes for Chinese New Year. I went to the bank to withdraw new bills, and the bank asked me to withdraw old bills from the ATM first, and then come back to the counter to exchange for new bills.

I wanted to withdraw more and give my mother red envelopes too. I’ve said before that I love my mother as much as my daughter, so of course I have to give my mother red envelopes for Chinese New Year. I heard the sound of the ATM counting money, which was very pleasant to listen to. I felt extremely joyful and happy, especially with a sense of comfort and happiness.

I suggest that you also go and listen to the sound of counting money. You can deposit and withdraw money repeatedly while listening. For a period of time, I would go to the ATM and listen to the sound of counting money for 10-20 minutes after work every day. I wanted to listen to the feeling of counting money with all my senses.

I would also take out a stack of money and smell it under my nose. My son learned this action from me, and every time we exchange foreign currency when traveling abroad, he would deeply smell it under his nose and say it smells really good. Smelling is a sense of smell, and our sense of smell, feeling, and touch cultivate our intuition and intuitive feelings.

The feeling of friction when touching money also brings deep joy. The coins of each country are different and have different textures. Chinese RMB feels the best when touched. Its width, color, and clothing patterns on the coin are all different, and it feels good to touch.

Through our eyes, nose, ears, touch, etc., we can cultivate our intuition. I will give you a brief meditation to cultivate intuition, but it is far from enough. The answer actually lies in between our breaths, where breath exists in our thoughts and instincts.

Is intuition innate?


The instinct for loving, adoring, and cherishing money can be cultivated. Feelings can be modified or created, and instincts can be guided or stimulated.

I didn’t have this kind of instinct or talent before, but I slowly acquired it. It was actually guided and activated.

I sincerely invite everyone to participate in the Wealth Morning Class and develop your own feelings and intuition.

From the perspective of making money, intuition is the fastest. It is full of creativity and links to oneself and the world. It doesn’t require a brain or feelings; it enters directly into the fast lane of intuition.

I always believe that making money relies on intuition. My creative inspiration often comes from intuition, through a direct process.

Since I believed that I am a wealthy person, I have developed a habit of emptying my consciousness, feelings, honor, and gains and losses whenever I make decisions. I completely enter the intuition system: Just tell me the answer, and I will do it or not. How to do it can be figured out later.

I have a lot of intuition, and facts have proved that my intuition is always correct. These decisions and ideas never make me entangled or regretful. I think they are all correct.

Intuition represents an instinct that comes from breathing. It’s a bit difficult to explain this concept in a public welfare course, but if you can understand that intuition is the fastest way to make money, that would be great.

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