The Key to Manifestation: Gratitude and Staying True to Your Word

Before placing an order, you need to ask yourself what type of channel you are currently on. If you are acting in a tragedy, why would you place an order? The channel is still playing a tragedy. If you are performing in a comedy, the order you place and the gift you receive will arrive quickly.

Are you in a state of complaining, fear, control, or are you in a state of grabbing and exchanging energy? If that’s the case, your manifestation will also carry those shadows. Just like a delicious glass of wine that is poisonous, it’s the fear poison you’ve given yourself. Here, what we need to do is to adjust the channel first, and then place an order.


In the process of placing an order, the first thing we need to do is to list our own orders. You can write it down in your phone’s notes or on paper.

First, there should be a deadline, for example, I often place three types of orders. It is now September 16th, and I will place an order for what to do in the near future. If there is nothing special that I want, I will place an order until the end of the year on December 31st.

Then I will place an order for one year until September 16th of next year.

The third order I will place will be for two or three years, for example, an order until the end of the second year.

In the process of placing an order, the first point is to have a deadline; the second is to adjust it clearly and express what you want in a strong and clear way; the third is to act within your means, and make sure it is achievable, rather than thinking it is impossible.

For example, if your current income is 200,000 per year, but you want to manifest 5 million per year, it’s not a matter of more or less, your universe cannot distinguish between more and less, big and small. The most important thing is whether you believe it yourself or not.

And this inner power is that if you don’t believe it, it won’t manifest, and you cannot act within your means.

It’s like lifting weights, it’s not a matter of whether you can lift it or not, it depends on who is lifting it, which is the problem of energy.

If you can’t do it yourself, wanting to buy luxury goods is not a matter of luxury goods, but whether you can act within your means. It depends on whether you believe it or not. If you believe it, then it will happen; if you don’t even believe it, then it will be an invalid order.



When you write down your goals, focus on all of them and take five or ten minutes to imagine all of your beautiful goals and the feeling you will have when you achieve them.

Deepen this good feeling into your mind and let your inner light shine on it.

I will teach you a method. In a state of complete relaxation, allow an idea wall to appear within you and slowly write down all of your goals on it, then shine your inner light on it. As you shine your light on it, let the idea melt slowly. In the process of melting, constantly feel grateful and joyful about achieving it.

I often use this method and find it very effective. In every order I place, no matter what it is, even on cloudy or rainy days, when the sun is shining, when the plane is delayed or on time, including cars and houses, when there are suitable students, and my agents, they all manifest, and I have made every request, even the most demanding ones, but the universe still manifests them for me.

For example, I made a request to my universe that I want to manifest an agent for my ground class, but I don’t want to find them myself, I want them to come to me. They should be particularly diligent, capable, meticulous, and able to do everything for me. Whether it’s publicity or physical work, they will do it all, and I don’t need to manage anything. Most importantly, they can contact others, just like a butler, handling everything.

I also made a request to my universe that they must come to me first, and they should be particularly good to me and appreciate me.

After making so many requests, all of my agents for ground classes are the students from the first course I taught in Dalian last year, and they all approached me proactively, and I don’t know where they came from.

They found me and said they wanted to be agents for my courses. All of my agents have one thing in common: they are diligent, responsible, serious, considerate of others, willing to work hard, and most importantly, they appreciate me very much and are very independent. I found that this is all manifested by the universe, and I am so grateful for it. Every time I manifest, I put a parenthesis at the end that says: “Grateful for it being completed.”

Today in my wealth class, when we wrote our universe orders together, I wrote some orders in my phone’s notes. In the past, I didn’t share them with everyone because they were all just for fun, and some embarrassing moments.

I checked and found that all three things I wrote were the strange and unconventional thoughts of a non-normal human being. I’m afraid that if you learn from me, it might be too difficult to follow. My inner world is already abundant and satisfied, and I can’t think of anything else I want. Because everything I want is fulfilled quickly. I already feel very happy and content with what I have.

If you write down your order and achieve it one day, write “gratitude completed” in parentheses. After you write down your order, firmly believe in it, and let it go. Don’t keep asking for it.

Many people keep harassing the universe, asking if it will work or if they can have it. When I wanted to manifest all of my orders, sometimes I forgot that I had written them down. But when I received the gift, I came back to the list and marked “gratitude completed.”

My first order was last winter when I wanted to give a online-lecture. I felt that the current students were not suitable for the online-course platform. So I placed an order with the universe and provided many conditions.

First, she had to be young and beautiful, preferably a girl. Second, she had to have experience with platforms and the ability to plan and perform specific tasks. Third, she had to have rich imagination and creativity and understand what the students wanted. The next condition was to make me a hands-off manager, so that I wouldn’t have to worry about anything and just focus on teaching.

Then, last year, Sister Cui from Taiyuan, Shanxi, contacted me and said she wanted to be a representative in Taiyuan. I said, “No, I don’t want to accept it.” She said, “Teacher, please listen to me. My daughter saw your picture and said you have a very high energy. She wants to take your course.”


Oh, I heard the universe knocking on my door and I said, “What does your daughter look like? Show me a picture.” She showed me a picture and I felt a strong connection with this spiritual girl. Let her come to my class.

When she came to my class, on the third day, she came to me and said she wanted to talk to me. I asked her what she wanted to talk about, and she said she wanted to be the general agent of my online-course brand and help me build a online-course platform.

I was so happy, it was like she was giving me a gift. I remembered the conditions I had set for the universe. I said, “Do you know how to build a platform?” She said, “Yes, I do. I can do planning, all the specific tasks, graphics, even a little assistant, and I have connections. And I’m creative.”

As soon as I heard this, I knew that every single one of my strict conditions had been met, including the first one: young, beautiful, and creative. The universe had fulfilled my every request. I realized my universe is so good, so I told her to go ahead and do it, but there was one condition: I don’t want to do anything, I don’t want to manage anything.

She jumped up and said, “Teacher, you’re so kind. You completely trust me.” I wanted to say, “Or am I just lazy?” She is my platform’s Xu Meng. We’ve been together since last year, and we’re now on the seventh course. She uses her heart, her words, and her graphics to build this platform, and teaches all the agents how to manifest, promote, and do everything.

I haven’t managed anything, and she’s always worried I’ll lose my way. She sends me a message before every class, “Teacher, don’t forget what you’re teaching today.” I’ve never had to worry about anything, because I know she is the gift the universe gave me. That’s why I call her an angel.


In the process of receiving gifts, I believe and trust completely, turning around and letting go. I don’t dwell on when the gift will come or when it will manifest, I just know that my universe will show it to me, and so it begins to manifest.

One example of this is my “Talk Therapy Class”. In this class, we use a bloody term, which is “blow up with one shot”. When I had the idea for this class, it was to clear the pain from our original family. Whether you are a healing teacher or doing self-healing, you should clear your subconscious.

When I had this idea, I said to the universe, “Can you help me manifest this? I want to create this system.” Immediately, someone came to me with their emotional issues from their original family, and we created a platform to address these issues. Now, we’ve had two sessions of this class, and all of my students are excellent, they are like sharpshooters, and they enjoy blowing up the issues. Most importantly, it has brought them income, a sense of achievement, and helped others. It’s really interesting to have another wealth channel in this world.


Because in my Talk Therapy Class, I demand that everyone must successfully blow up within three minutes, knowing all the energy collapse points in their original family, finding one point of collapse, and then finding the underlying reasons behind all the stories. All “talk therapy” teachers have this ability. Under our five to eight days of intensive training, everyone has found it to be very enjoyable and valuable.

In this Talk Therapy Class, it feels great to blow up and solve other people’s pain. The pain of our original family is what inspired this class, and I didn’t do anything, the platform was not built by me, and the students were not recruited by me, it was all from my order to the universe.

Later, I opened up a high-end class and boutique class, also inspired by my thoughts. I couldn’t handle the volume of individual cases and it was always fully booked, and I had the idea of doing collective cases, where 20-30 people could gather and spend three days together, with me unlocking the secrets of their past lives and resolving their karma. When I had this idea, I also asked the universe not to let me handle anything, from students to enrollment, system content downloads, I could only appear.

So when my idea emerged, the emotional boutique class system quickly appeared again. Following that, we held two wealth boutique classes in Guangzhou and Beijing, and each time everyone felt like they had a blast.

During the high-end class in Sanya, a student said to me, “Teacher, these two months have been really worth it. I paid 80,000 yuan in tuition, but I manifested 8 million yuan back.”

In the wealth boutique class in Guangzhou, a classmate told me, “Teacher, it hasn’t even been 10 days yet, and I’ve already manifested over a million yuan. I really feel like it’s a great value.”

In this process of rapidly manifesting wealth energy, I taught everyone to place an order with the universe, and quickly clear the blockages and karma.

I found that, just like playing with toys, I created a new toy again. I was the happiest person, I thought it was really fun, just need to have a new idea, and the universe will immediately deliver my order.

Just like when I first taught my online-classes, I placed an order with the universe that I don’t want to draft for each issue, and I don’t want to prepare for each issue. My universe has always kept its promise and provided me with last-minute downloads. No matter what I teach, there are almost no repeats because I don’t remember what I taught before. Every time is a last-minute download.

After the order is completed, in the process of manifesting from every universe, you must be grateful and cannot complain. The delivery speed will become faster and faster. If you are not satisfied, you can place a new order, but you cannot change your mind in the middle. If you change your mind, your universe will be confused about what you really want, which will delay the delivery.

In this energy, we must always keep our promises. Every day, we are in a joyful process and feel that we are receiving gifts every day. These are the gifts that the universe has sent us and the universe is helping us fulfill our orders.

I’ve been talking about placing orders with the universe and today’s wealth course was all about it. Despite speaking about it for a whole hour, I always feel like I have more to say.

I welcome everyone to join me and attend my ground-level courses, including Level 1 and Level 2. I also welcome everyone to participate in my high-end courses, including the Wealth and Emotion Masterclass. Because group cases are much more effective than individual cases, we continuously work on clearing karmic blockages and old belief systems for three days straight, with noticeable effects throughout the process.

I also welcome everyone to enroll in my most powerful Talk Therapy Course (Sniper Course). The Talk Therapy Course is really powerful and is always clearing our original family background. It’s very satisfying and fun. It’s really a lot of fun.

I also welcome everyone to enroll in my online-course. In the online-course, no matter which chapter you are working on, the subconscious content is always different. During the clearing process, we clear all aspects of our original family relationship, wealth, and body consciousness, and each section has a different vibration.

If the economy doesn’t allow you to attend ground-level courses, then place an order with the universe and let the universe help you manifest the tuition fee. You must listen to the online-courses continuously and systematically for three to six months. In the continuous process of vibration, you will find that your subconscious becomes more and more transparent, and the speed of manifesting your thoughts increases.

The reason why thoughts don’t become things is because the energy is too low. The reason why thoughts become things faster and faster is because the energy is higher, so cultivating energy is the way to success. You must increase your own energy to speed up the manifestation of your thoughts.

I welcome everyone to continue listening to my online-courses, listen to the complete system version, and clear your subconscious system step by step and in all directions. Only in this way can you achieve a complete increase in energy. When you have the opportunity, please participate in the ground-level courses. This will allow your thoughts to become things faster and faster and make you more and more free and healthy, and your relationships smoother and smoother.

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