The Greatest Gift of Love: Honoring Someone by Letting Them Be Free


From childhood to adulthood, we believe that our childhood and teenage years are the longest period of our lives in human consciousness. We constantly want to grow up and have the power to make decisions. During our teenage years, we constantly think about growing up and being like adults. However, the time of our youth seems so long in our consciousness.

When we reach our twenties, time seems to go by quickly in comparison to our teenage years. As we age, time seems to pass even more quickly, and the older we get, the faster time seems to go.

Why do we feel that our youth years are slow? It’s because we don’t have the power to make decisions. In our consciousness, we have parents who are always telling us what to do. We just have to listen to them, so we’re constantly thinking: when will I be able to grow up?


In our consciousness, the lack of freedom makes time seem longer. It’s like when we take a plane or train ride. We feel like time goes by slowly if we’re not happy or enjoying it. This is the process of our consciousness truly yearning for freedom. So when we don’t have freedom, we feel like time is too slow.

So what is freedom exactly? Freedom is being able to make decisions and having control. We make a lot of effort to achieve this freedom. For example, with our body shape, we want to have control. We want to become thin, so some people exercise, run, work hard, and even diet to achieve their goals.

This goal represents the state we want and the result that we have control over. It’s not a state that we can’t control, where anything goes. While there are some people who think anything goes, they give up more freedom in their lives. Our freedom in life represents a choice.


As humans, our souls need boundaries. You and I need boundaries, and deep down, every person has boundaries. Even between close relationships such as husband and wife or parents and children, there should still be boundaries, or we won’t have independent space. That’s why every child will eventually declare to their parents, “I am grown up, I want to get married and have children.” All of these growth experiences are simply declarations of “I have the right to be free.”

The biggest freedom here is not just boundaries but also having the right to choose. I can choose instead of being like a child, where your mom tells you to wear red today, and you have no choice but to wear red. You say, “I don’t want to wear it.” Okay, then wear blue.


You still have no real choice, and deep down you still don’t like either option, but you have nothing to say because your mom tells you, “We don’t have any money at home. We can’t afford anything else.” But when we grow up, we feel that having the right to choose is great. We have the freedom to decide.


We yearn for emotional freedom. We want to have a smooth emotional connection where we are independent and not trying to please the other person, while the other person still loves us.

In this smooth emotional connection, we have the freedom to choose. We can choose to love the other person as we love ourselves. We say things like “love your husband as you love your son” or “love your wife as you love your daughter.” This means we treat the other person as a child and have no extra demands, because having demands for the other person shows our fear or need for control, and it doesn’t respect the other person’s spiritual freedom.

When we respect the other person’s freedom, we don’t have any extra demands, and we treat them as a child. We see them as someone who is free to do whatever they want. We think they are doing great no matter what they do, and that is true freedom.

In an emotional relationship, we have the freedom to choose, but if the relationship ends, can we confidently say “let’s separate and be happy?” This phrase, “let’s separate and be happy,” comes from a Tang dynasty artifact where men wrote a divorce note to women with that phrase.

Recently, Ma Yili, a famous actress in China, divorced her husband. As a strong and independent woman, we are not worried about her happiness because she has the freedom to choose. She will not be unhappy in her marriage because she respects her own freedom. She will live well outside of her marriage too.

Freedom can be inside and outside of ourselves. Outside, we have the freedom of time and space, and we respect the other person’s freedom. We love our partner like we love our child. We respect their freedom to choose and we love their soul, their original self, and we don’t need them to please us or change for us. Just like a child, they don’t need to change to be what we want, they can be what they want and we will still love them.



Just like my son in Beijing, he says he wants to go abroad in three years, so he goes to an English language school. But every night, he’s actually translating Japanese comics because he loves Japanese and learned it all by himself.

I never criticize or blame him for not focusing on his studies. His English is not that good, but his Japanese is exceptional, all because of his interest.

Whenever we talk on the phone, he shares with me what he analyzed from Japanese translations in forums. Every time I listen to him, I am thrilled because I know what the best love for a person is.

It’s allowing them to become who they want to be and to be their original selves. This is the best love, not what I think, because what I think is based on control and fear.

If I have no fear or opinion, then any kind of outcome is good, and the universe has arranged it that way. That’s why I always listen to him.

Sometimes, I ask him if he has any free time, and he says he doesn’t. But he squeezes in some time to translate.

He says that many people encourage him and say that they know how busy high school students are and that he can take his time translating.

The best love is: I respect your original self and you can become the person your soul wants to be.

The best love is giving freedom, so he doesn’t have to lie.

Lies come with a cost and a price. When you have no need to lie, there’s no cost or price, and everything you say is true and real. So my son and I always have happy conversations, talking about whatever comes to mind. Each time, he talks about what he’s doing and what he’s interested in, which is a great show of respect for his soul, his preferred way of being, his love of freedom.

Real freedom is about our choices in life. I agree with your choices, I support your decisions, and I will always be there for you. What is the most beautiful expression of love? It’s not “I love you.” In the past, people used to say “Take it easy, and go slow.” There’s also another beautiful expression of love that I want to share with you all:

“I am here to support you from behind, and no matter what decision you make, it will always be the right one.”

For kids and your loved ones, this support and encouragement mean a lot. And what is behind this support and encouragement? Your freedom. I know that you are free, and I also give you this freedom.

All the support and encouragement come with an implied meaning: you are free. This is the highest tribute and the greatest expression of love we can offer to someone.



The freedom of the body, including the freedom of wealth, is something that everyone desires. What does financial freedom represent? There is a very obvious state, which is that I can buy the things I want, I am free.

There are two types of freedom in this world, one is what I want and the other is what I don’t want. If I don’t want it, I often talk about decluttering, just don’t keep what I don’t want, then what I want, which is our favorite, is kept.

So what I want can be divided into two categories, the first is what I can afford, the second is what I can’t afford. For what I can’t afford, I’ll put it aside. I won’t settle for anything I don’t like! If I can afford it, I’ll just take it home, without asking the price, because asking the price is useless! Once the price comes to mind, intuition disappears, and the choice will be affected. So when buying things, look at it first and then buy it.

Within the limit you set for yourself, if you think you don’t have that much money and can’t just buy anything, then you can set a limit for yourself, such as 20,000, 30,000, 100,000. Or 10,000 or 5,000, within this range, I ask for the price, and if I like it, I buy it.

You will find that when you start to give out wealth, you have more freedom in your choices. All consciousness and energy have a cycle, just like a boomerang. How you see the world is how the world sees you. When you have more freedom in the people, things, and things around you, including your body, the world will begin to give you more freedom in return, and you can choose.


In terms of wealth, when you have more freedom and options, you may even not need to bargain or negotiate.

Negotiating a price falls into two categories:

For some people who have money, they like the feeling of bargaining and communicating with others. In that case, go ahead and negotiate.

For some people, bargaining is driven by fear of money. In that case, try to avoid bargaining as it can trigger a sense of lack.

For me, I do not enjoy the feeling of bargaining, so I tend to be straightforward when buying things.

I have a friend who is very wealthy but enjoys bargaining and likes the intellectual process of communicating with others. That’s fine too.

The root cause is, what is your motivation?

Do what you like to do for that reason.

We all want to have a sense of freedom, such as physical freedom. I want a strong body, anti-aging, and a happy face. I want a good figure, and in emotional relationships, I want the freedom to have a good partner who treats me well. If they don’t treat me well, I have the courage to change.



I have dealt with many emotional cases. In fact, this marriage is no longer working, but the problem is that I cannot leave this marriage due to various practical considerations. I cannot let go of this marriage, so I have to tolerate it. But living like this is very painful. This pain is also because our souls are restricted from their freedom!

One of my classmates even said, “Teacher, we have been separated for years. Whenever we talk about divorce, we run into difficulties.”

I asked her, “What’s the problem?”

She said, “We have a house in Guangzhou. We live in this house together. Do you know how expensive houses in Guangzhou are? We are stuck with this house. We have long separated from each other and found our own boyfriends and girlfriends, but we just can’t get a divorce because of this house.”

Everyone in this situation lives in a tangled and painful state. It is also a situation where emotional relationships cannot be transformed. In fact, this is also the pain of having no choice. You will find that you have few choices because too much information is added to your mind.

What we all want most is financial and emotional freedom!

On the other hand, many people are not very concerned about their physical well-being. In terms of financial freedom, many people just want to buy whatever they want. When we have money, we can buy two bowls of soy milk and drink one while pouring the other. That’s real freedom!

In this freedom, there is actually more spirituality, which is how you see the world.

When we talk about money, the purpose is actually to make everyone slowly become wealthy and start to have a choice when it comes to money.

In fact, changing the entire energy from consciousness is the starting point, and then the energy changes the entire material world. In terms of money, everyone wants a sense of freedom, but where is the problem?

The problem lies in our consciousness and energy, one is to take in and the other is to give out.

It’s like the water in a cup. If you want to add new juice, you have to pour out the old water first before the new juice can be poured in.

More people haven’t let go of their existing consciousness, so they can’t integrate new consciousness and energy. There needs to be a process of clearing out old energy before there can be conscious vibrations. How do you perceive the world? How do you spend money? How do you feel about money? Your feelings about money also determine how money feels about you. When you spend money, are you free?

You might say, “I don’t have money, how can I be free with my spending?” Within the freedom of spending, there is a distinction between what you can afford and what you can’t. When I can afford something, am I free? Do I buy things to save money or because I enjoy them? If you’re saving money, you’ll find that money comes to you very sparingly.

Money is like a boomerang: it comes back to you with the energy you put into it. If you don’t give it the freedom of choice, even in your thoughts, feelings, and intentions, it vibrates with a lack of joy and a lack of respect for its space. Money has a core and deserves respect. Do you respect money?

You might say, “I really respect it. I pray to the god of wealth every day. I already respect it.” But this is actually called fear and grasping, lack of confidence, and even wanting to have more. This is not respect. Respect is equality. I respect everything that happens to you, all the changes in your time and space.

In terms of money, it can better reflect the operation of our consciousness, energy, and material. For this freedom, we impose our own consciousness. We think about how money should come, but how does money’s energy actually work? It’s about love, joy, and appreciation for others. When it comes to making money, I don’t like it at all. I’m so scared that I can hardly be happy. I’m always worried about losing it. And you’re telling me to be happy? I’m too scared to be happy.

In reality, we have no choice. We have no freedom. When we lose this freedom, money can’t come in freely either.



Freedom is reciprocal. Today, everyone can write a small assignment to sort out themselves. Look at the three aspects of your life, such as wealth, emotions, and body, where you have no freedom and always be constrained by it. Write down when you feel not free, and then look at yourself.

What happened to you in those moments? For example, control, blame, inner commitment, and even a lot of unwillingness. No matter what, you will find that the energy you receive is also like this. How do you view the world? What is the meaning behind it?

The meaning behind it is that I allow the people, things, and objects around me to have their own trajectories. They are free, and I allow them to be free to live their lives. They are free, so everything else and other people will also think that I am free. This is the rule of the return mark, there will be a flow, and the flow is that I am also free.


The biggest pain between couples is what? We are a demolition team, we are both from a construction company. Why?

I want to change him, I think he’s wrong, I transform him, I love him, I’m good to him, I think he’s not good, I have to change him, I’m very good. So we have a kind of goodness in our family, which is for your own good.

We are the same with our children. You are not bad, but you are not good in certain aspects. I want to help you improve and become better. So we will control others in the name of love, control their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, and let them feel deeply suffocated and painful.

Who is suffering?

Their soul and emotions are suffering. Why are they suffering?

Because they have lost the right to choose freedom, and when they lose the right to choose freedom, they suffer even more from the loss of the right to relax in this world. They have difficulty relaxing in this world, and there is hidden hostility and inferiority towards this world, either attacking oneself or others. Why?

Because our souls begin to have unclear boundaries and lose the right to choose, and there is no relaxed exchange process with this world. We are constantly exchanging consciousness, energy, and material things, but we only see material exchanges, but not spiritual energy conversions.

What is material exchange? It is the exchange of our money and things.

What is energy exchange? For example, when we are teaching a online lesson, it is actually an exchange of energy, and I will give everyone more energy support.

What about consciousness exchange?

From scientists to theologians, including the scriptures we speak of, these are actually exchanges of consciousness energy. In the field of science, even the results of papers are consciousness.

When we read books, we exchange more knowledge, including energy. When we enter a field or a collective, we call it corporate culture. Corporate culture is actually an exchange of consciousness and energy, and then material transformation occurs.

But we think that there is only freedom in material transformation; actually, more events occur in our consciousness, that is to say, our souls begin to have freedom and choice, and then we start exchanging energy. This energy is what we call emotions, such as sadness, sorrow, inferiority.

Even self-pity, complaints, joy, happiness, calmness, excitement, which frequency are you in? The frequencies of energy vibrations generate different materials.



At the end of the day, all material exchanges we care about are just surface-level choices, and affirming the right to choose for the soul is true freedom. You can choose, and you are free.

For example, when my son was young, I often told him one thing: you are free. No matter what he chose, I would say I don’t care, you are free, so he developed the habit of being independent. When he decides what to buy or where to go, he always says, “This is what I want, and this is what I choose.”

In the energy of consciousness, you will find that you have more choices and choose less in normal consciousness, especially when interacting with others. You tend to please or dominate out of fear, invade others’ boundaries, or lose your own boundaries. In the soul, there are fewer choices, so there are fewer choices in material manifestation.

If you want material abundance or emotional smoothness, what should you do first? It is to respect others’ boundaries and give more respect to their choices when consciously flowing your own energy. The most important thing is to respect your own choices, no longer blindly following or pleasing others, and love yourself! Because one can only give others what they have, such as love. If you don’t have love for yourself, how can you give love to others? That is to please. So when you have it, you can give it to others.

Is this love for yourself, giving yourself more choices and the choice between gain and loss without infringing on others?

Regardless of emotions, body, or wealth, I respect my inner voice, I respect my choices, I respect myself. There is a foundation to this: I love myself so much, and I often say to myself, “I love myself so much”. I feel that everything about myself is great. Sometimes I look in the mirror and praise myself, thinking how beautiful and good-looking I am. Every time my husband asks who is knocking on the door, I say, “The most beautiful person in the world is back.” He always laughs. It may sound self-absorbed, but it’s actually just loving yourself a lot.

When you truly love yourself, you will find that you have more freedom to choose and respect every choice you make. We can only give others what we have. When you are truly yourself, you will find that others can truly be themselves too, and you are not trying to please them, but to respect them.

I am free, and so are you! I am happy, and so are you! This freedom comes from love for yourself! I hope all the babies out there start loving themselves, giving themselves freedom and choices. I also hope that all the babies out there can have emotional elevation and more physical freedom.

Your body is always young and happy, reverse aging, which is a very happy thing. This world is beautiful and good, it depends on how you see it. The way you see the world will determine how the world sees you. Therefore, every time I wake up and go to bed, I have a deep sense of gratitude and sigh. How can it be so good, how can it be so happy! It’s such a beautiful feeling!

I am grateful for everyone, and I am grateful for this opportunity to accompany you! I am also grateful for the opportunity you gave me to bless you deeply! I love you deeply. And please allow me to see your original abundance and wealth.

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