Body’s Signals: Understanding Detox Reactions in Spiritual Development

I have discovered that exploring life, from where it begins to where it ends, is a joyful thing. It is a process of awakening and enlightenment, and learning how to become love and light. I want to hold hands with more people and bring them into this space, to become more love and light.

I am very grateful that you are willing to put your hand in mine and let me lead you here. I am extremely grateful for your trust, and I am willing to accompany you on the longer journey of life, slowly bringing this layer of light in and filling our subconscious with this light and love.

One morning, while exercising by the West Lake, I met a classmate from the talk therapy class. She came all the way from Urumqi in Xinjiang, which is far away and took a long journey.

She told me: “I couldn’t listen to the teacher’s class at first. After listening to one lesson, I felt extremely nauseous, vomiting, and couldn’t get up.” I told a friend, “Don’t let me listen to this teacher’s class anymore. It’s too uncomfortable.”

After a month or two, my friend underwent a significant transformation, and exuded a likeable feeling. I asked her, “How did you change?” She said, “It was by listening to the teacher’s class that you recommended, which also had a lot of negative energy release, but this time, I stuck with it.” After sticking with it, she doesn’t even know what the teacher said, but whenever she listens to the class, she falls asleep.

Even if she doesn’t know what I’m talking about, she knows that releasing negative energy makes her body more flexible, and she found that her relationship with her husband and colleagues improved. Her personality is more cheerful, and her temper is not as explosive. She decided to come and listen to my offline training course and talk therapy class, feeling that this is a guiding light in her life, and brings her happiness.

Because my sound waves naturally carry healing energy, anyone who gets close to me will not feel too comfortable, and listening to my online lessons will lead to negative energy release reactions. Some friends even exaggerate, saying that every time they listen to my online lessons, they either have a nosebleed or end up in the hospital. They stay there for half a month and then come out, and listen to the micro-lessons again, and they end up back in the hospital. This goes on for two or three months.

She asked: “Why is it so severe?” I said, “It’s because the amount of emotions you have will determine how much negative energy needs to be released. After two or three months of release, it will almost always be better, but the process of releasing negative energy is indeed very difficult.” Some friends experience nausea, headaches, back pain, bone pain all over their body, and other symptoms.

Emotions are located in the stomach and heart chakras, and when they are congested, the energy will surge, and the reactions will be more severe. Some friends even fall asleep constantly and feel nauseous. Some even run to the bathroom to vomit during my case studies. All of these reactions are normal. It’s okay if you can’t listen to it all, because what I’m talking about is meant for the soul to hear.

After two or three months of clearing negative energy, you can start the training again. Although the content is different each time, the healing effects of these sound waves gradually increase, and your soul will be very pleased.

In my ground practice class, the detoxification process is more severe because the class focuses on energy. After each session, many of my friends would lie down for half a month or even twenty days, feeling like they couldn’t do anything and even experiencing some emotional outbursts.

These emotions are like murky water. When clear water is poured in, the murky water will be forced out from the bottom. Slowly but surely, the person becomes clearer and even slimmer.

In my classes, many students have become slimmer, whiter, and even their blemishes have faded. It’s all part of the energy cleansing process, which gradually improves and even some classmates joke that our class is like a beauty or reverse aging class.

Listening to my courses will gradually cleanse all the negative imprints in our lives, unconsciously changing our subconscious beliefs, our script, and many other bound beliefs. It includes clearing our ignorance bit by bit, slowly but surely.

Whether you take my ground practice class, online lessons, talk therapy class, premium class, or high-end class, they all have the same effect. At the beginning, you may not notice much change, but when you look back, you realize that you have changed without realizing it.

In my ground practice class, on the fourth day, you will suddenly become a divine healer, able to sense other people’s energy and find the source of their ailments. By the fifth day, you will be able to remotely sense their energy collapse points and physical illnesses. You might even develop a small skill such as sensing someone’s emotions, life, and health by their wrist beads.

In the talk therapy class, you will unconsciously sense someone’s family problems and hidden wounds, and within half an hour, forty minutes, or an hour, you can penetrate and heal their subconscious. By healing others, you can also heal yourself.

In my online lessons, you will unconsciously find your consciousness starting to change, becoming happier, and improving family relationships. You won’t even notice when your thoughts and mind start to change.

All my courses have this unconscious effect. You don’t need to do anything but open up and relax completely without setting any standards for yourself. If you fall asleep, then you sleep; if you’re awake, then you’re awake, in a state of complete enjoyment.

When your heart is full of joy and relaxation, you will find that your consciousness becomes more and more open, and the door to your mind will become wider and wider, allowing you to absorb new information faster. When high energy comes down, our bodies will resist it, and this resistance may feel uncomfortable and prompt us to avoid the change.

But after the detoxification process, the body undergoes significant changes, and the heart becomes more joyful, happy, and capable of achieving one’s desires. Relationships with others improve, and you may find that you are less prone to anger and more joyful.

Therefore, if you experience detoxification reactions, the best approach is to ignore them.

Reactions to energy clearing

The following table provides a reference for the reactions that may occur when meditating or connecting with energy:

Drowsiness, sluggishnessEnergy dissolving old viewpoints and beliefs
Falling asleep during meditationEnergy clearing, dissolving old viewpoints and beliefs, and raising body’s energy frequency
Tingling, numbness, soreness, and acheEnergy flowing, clearing the body’s energy pathways
Pains in the bodyEnergy blockages, softening and clearing
Nausea, diarrheaClearing the lower chakras’ energy
Acidic, bloated, and painful stomachReleasing repressed emotions such as fear, anxiety, and desire
Pain in the lower abdomenClearing energy blockages regarding sex, gender judgment, and relationships
Sensation of energy flow in sacral chakraClearing judgmental views regarding self-awareness and money
Weakness and soreness in the legsClearing connections with life and family
Pain in the left brainClearing inherent thoughts, beliefs, and viewpoints with logic and judgment
Pain in the right brainRelated to the connection with higher dimensions and is being cleared
Sore throat, coughingSuppressing emotions, clearing repressed energy
Feeling cold all over the bodyReleasing negative energy
Feeling hot all over the bodySupplying energy and adjusting the body
Feeling cold and weak all overLow energy leaving the body
Sweating all over the bodyLow energy leaving the body, body adjustment
Chest pain, heartacheReleasing repressed emotions such as hurt, anger, and injustice
Pain in the upper backClearing external pressures not belonging to oneself
Pain in the middle backClearing self-awareness and judgmental views of relationships
Pain in the lower backClearing tension and judgmental views regarding money and life
Soreness and bloating in the left half of the bodyAdjustment of yin energy
Soreness and bloating in the right half of the bodyAdjustment of yang energy
Emotions flowing, feeling sad, angry, and wrongedReleasing suppressed emotions
Feeling weak all over the bodyLearning to relax, reducing control and tension
Tingling, numbness, or energy flow in the left handAbsorbing energy
Tingling, numbness, or energy flow in the right handGiving energy
Vivid dreamsBringing subconscious thoughts, fears, and anxieties to the surface
Seeing various images and visionsHigh self communicating through intuition and feelings, seeking guidance
Difficulty sleepingReplenishing energy, reducing resting time
Emotional flowOld energy releasing

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