Unleash Your Hidden Talents and Wealth: Say Goodbye to the 9-5 Grind

What is sideline income?

It refers to the part of our income outside of our main job. Many students, including those working in banks and government agencies, promote courses and act as teaching assistants in the hope of earning some extra income on our platform. I have always supported the idea that both men and women should have their own private money, which represents a sense of freedom and the ability to make decisions without having to consult anyone else.

Some students do their main jobs and also build a group to promote courses and introduce them to others. There are some agents and assistants who have such employment opportunities, which give them some extra pocket money. I really think that having a sideline income is great.

Some people also do things like direct selling or running a small business outside of their main job. I really admire such talent. Some people may resist wealth deep down inside, saying they love money on the surface, but really resisting it. They even think that talking too much about money is tacky.

In fact, the perception of money as vulgar is not about money itself, but rather our own mindset towards it. When we see others chasing after money, or making a lot of money, we may judge them as vulgar. This judgment comes from our own feeling of scarcity towards money.

In this world, our appreciation, emotions, and pursuit of material things all come from the expansion or extension of our own consciousness. When our consciousness expands and our energy increases, the material manifestation will also happen faster. The more freedom we have in material things, the more wealth we can accumulate.

What is natural talent?

In simple terms, it means doing something that feels like play to you, without feeling tired or exhausted. It’s the feeling of being so engrossed in an activity that you lose track of time and become completely absorbed in it. This is your natural talent.

Some people believe that if an activity doesn’t make them tired or exhausted, it can’t make them money. But can singing, dancing, chatting with people, eating, or traveling be considered natural talents?

These judgments come from our own minds. Can traveling become a sharing expert?

Absolutely! Travel bloggers, as well as those who specialize in food, drink and entertainment, can become very popular. Some even receive advertising investments. I have a friend who is a world traveler, and her travels are so beautifully documented through self-portraits. She is in high demand for endorsements, article writing and copywriting.

I also have a friend who loves to make cakes. She works for an insurance company and has some free time, so she makes cakes for fun, posts them on her social media, and gives them to her clients. She has become very successful, and she sells her cakes online through her social media group. Each time she creates a new cake, she shares the entire process, from the ingredients to the final product, with her friends and family. Her creations are quickly snatched up, and when we ask if she is tired, she always responds, “No! I feel so happy and joyful!”


Write down your talents that make you happy.
Don’t worry about whether you can do it or if it’s reliable or aligned with your goals. For now, just write down the things you like or even the things you have been dreaming about or have always wanted.
As you write them down, you’ll be organizing them, and you’ll realize that you’re placing an order with the universe. The universe will slowly start delivering the goods to you because it knows that these are the things you love, like, and want. Once you start organizing them, you’ll notice that the universe begins to deliver the goods little by little.
When you write them down, you don’t need to bring your conscious mind into it, and you don’t need to think about whether it’s reliable or not. In fact, there’s nothing reliable or unreliable about it. Just write down the things you like and enjoy.

Do What You Love

I have a friend who loves paper-cutting and making window decorations. At first, we didn’t think it was very useful, but we were amazed by her skill. She would twist and turn the paper and suddenly a beautiful rooster would appear. Now that she’s abroad, many foreigners admire her paper-cutting skills and think it’s like magic. What we thought was useless has become something amazing.

As for me, I love meditating. I like to go to famous mountains and sit in silence, sharing my spiritual experiences with others. It’s what makes me happy. I live on the slopes of Wudang Mountain and in the mornings, when I open my window, I don’t even need to pull back the curtains because all I see is mountains. I feel so blessed and lucky to do what I love with people I love every day. It’s such a nurturing and joyful feeling.

You will find that your talents and gifts will bring you many surprises, but it’s up to you to accept them or not. Many people are afraid to accept them, or even reject them, thinking that it’s not realistic or won’t make them money. But in reality, these talents and gifts can bring immense happiness and fulfillment.

This world’s true value is innovation and spirituality

I had a student who, when I was looking at his talents, I noticed had a talent for painting. He said, “I’ve never painted before.” I said, “You can try it. The so-called talent is just being faster than others.” He then went to learn how to paint and now he’s very good at it.

He adds his imagination to his work and many people ask him if they can print his art on fabric or even on fans. He posted his work on social media and many people found it to be truly unique, innovative, and not constrained by traditional education. There are a lot of spiritual elements in his work that belong only to him.

In this world, duplication is not valuable. What is truly valuable is innovation and spirituality, which are unique to you. You will find that when you are determined to continue doing what you love, the universe will start delivering goods to you, even big ones. You will receive gift after gift every day, and sometimes you will feel bewildered by it.

When you anchor your consciousness, you will find that your energy vibration is always in a playful state. When your energy vibrates rapidly, the materialization of everything becomes faster and more stable.

So please write down what you are good at and what you don’t like. Try to minimize what you don’t like and focus on what you love. Life is precious and you don’t need to spend time sorting yourself out. Just continue to play with what you love and let your imagination run wild.

What to do if you have achieved nothing?

Many people say, “Teacher, I feel like I have no skills or talents. What should I do?” You can search on Google or other tools like ChatGPT for career classifications and write down the ones that appeal to you, the ones you like.

Even if you list hundreds or dozens of them, it doesn’t matter, because the first thing you need to do is to determine which ones you like. There is a very clear rule: you cannot do well in things you don’t like.

Many people say, “I am doing a job I don’t like.” When you do a job you don’t like, you will find that your energy levels decrease, and the quality of your work suffers. For example, if you are a chef or a homemaker and you don’t want to cook today, if you force yourself to do it, the food you make won’t taste good.

Once I went out with some friends, and they ordered a bottle of wine. When the wine was poured to me, I said, “I won’t drink it because the young man who woke up today is in a bad mood. He had a fight with his lover, and his anger is in the wine.”

My friends laughed and said, “Well, we have to ask if it’s true.” So they asked, and it turned out that the wine was indeed made by a young man who had a fight with his lover.

We then discussed the importance of likes and dislikes, as well as a person’s emotions, such as anger or happiness. They can act as conductors of energy waves and can influence the quality of material things. Therefore, if you are unhappy, don’t force yourself or repair yourself. Life is short, do what makes you happy, do happy things with your loved ones, and do what you like to do with a group of people you like. This is the beauty and happiness of life!

Make a big list of what you like, and it doesn’t matter if there are dozens or hundreds of them. You can list your favorites, the ones you love the most, and even the ones you love less. You will find that in your strong interests, there is a part that you are willing to invest your consciousness, energy, and frequency in. This is the starting point of your life, even if you think it is useless.

Steps to Confirm the Universe Order

Many people say, “My mom thinks it’s useless, my dad thinks it’s useless.” But you don’t need to worry about them. You only need to focus on your own inner joy.

When you lock in your consciousness to the thing you want to do, what are you actually doing? You’re communicating with the universe, telling it, “I want this. I have an order for this. You can take this order now.” This is the process of making a reservation. First, list out your favorites, your second favorites, and your third favorites.

Follow the landing steps to make the reservation. The second step is, when you find your favorite thing, write down how long you plan to learn it, how much energy you plan to spend on it, and how you plan to use it. Don’t think about the outcome yet.

Because our human brain logic will first consider whether it’s useful or not, what if the result is not good? What if others don’t agree? What if my family doesn’t approve? Don’t consider these questions for now. Turn it into a vacuum and just think about whether you like it or not, whether you’re willing to do it, and decide how long you’ll spend, how much money, and how much energy you’ll invest in it to make it better. In other words, decide how long you’ll play with it.

Also, write down the value of joy you get from it, and the value it contributes to your life. On a scale of 0 to 100, how happy are you playing with it, and what is its contribution value to your life?

This contribution value can help you gauge how much energy and time you should spend on it. Not only do we contribute to society and the world, but also those things that interest us, make us feel good, and make us happy, they all contribute their own value.

Look at how much contribution value it brings to you. Through this contribution value, you’ll discover what makes you happiest.

I discovered that what makes me happiest is giving lectures. I’m even happier when I give lectures in the mountains. The energy there is so intense, and I like to be in places where the energy is intense. This makes me very happy, and the contribution value for me is more than 90 points!

So when you see this contribution value, mark it down, and you’ll know what you want to do.

Implementing Your Cosmic Order

Once you have identified three or five items, it’s time to implement your cosmic order. You should allocate your time, energy, and money towards each item, and write down your commitment to each one. You must decide how much time and money you are willing to invest in pursuing what you love. Don’t worry about the outcome or what others might think.

When you focus your attention on your desired outcome, you are essentially communicating with the universe, informing it of your order. This process is like making an appointment, where you list out your favorites, your second favorites, and so on.

Once you have identified your favorites, write down how much time and effort you are willing to invest in each one. Don’t focus on the end result yet. Instead, focus on your commitment to learning and developing your skills.

Our logical minds tend to think about whether something is useful or not, what the outcome will be, how others will perceive it, and whether it will be approved by family or loved ones. But at this stage, put aside these concerns and focus on your own inner joy.

Write down the value that this pursuit brings to your life. How happy does it make you feel? What is the value of your contribution to yourself and others? Score your contribution on a scale of 0 to 100. This value can help you determine how much time and energy you should devote to this pursuit.

When you have identified your favorite pursuits, it’s time to implement them. Write down how much time and money you are willing to invest in each one. Again, don’t focus on the return yet. Focus on your investment. How much are you willing to put into this?

The return on investment is your time, energy, and contribution multiplied by a factor of 10 to 30. For those who are truly passionate, this factor can be multiplied by a hundred or a thousand. The more you invest, the greater the reward.

However, many people start to have doubts and begin to divide their investment among other pursuits. This leads to a lack of investment in both time and money, resulting in a lack of productivity.

In the pursuit of what you love, you must be willing to invest both time and money. Learning is fundamental, and just like drawing, playing an instrument, or dancing, you must invest in the learning phase. The more you invest in the learning phase, the more significant the payoff.

Once you have determined how much to invest in each pursuit, you can calculate your potential return on investment. The more passionate you are, the more you invest, and the lower your expectations, the greater the return.

When you are truly passionate about something, the investment in time and money becomes a joy. However, if you are only lukewarm about it, your investment will be half-hearted, resulting in a much smaller return.

Your investment in time, energy, and contribution produces a vibration and energy that affects your consciousness. When your consciousness is focused and your intentions are clear, the universe responds by giving you what you desire. The universe is willing to give you whatever you want, as long as you are willing to invest in it.

When you write down what you want and commit to it, you are essentially telling the universe that this is what you want. The universe will give you what you want as long as you are committed to it. The more committed you are, the more the universe will give you.

Your investment in time and energy determines the depth of your consciousness, which in turn determines the strength of your vibration and energy. The stronger your vibration and energy, the more visible your material manifestation will be. When you do what you love, your material manifestation will multiply exponentially.

The most important aspect of implementing orders

The most important aspect is to pay attention to your income. Some people say that their income is not good and they spend too much money. To make your money more abundant and powerful, there is a big secret – focus on the income. Every time you receive income, spend 10 minutes feeling joyful regardless of the amount. Have a secret to yourself that you have received income, and cherish the happy feeling that comes with it.

When you are happy about your income, you will notice that it increases and becomes more obvious. This is the channel of consciousness and energy. Many people focus on their bills and feel unhappy when they spend money. The secret is to always focus on your income and cherish the joy it brings.

Regarding the issue of negative emotions, instead of feeling helpless and negative during tough times, actively look for things that bring you joy and happiness. Don’t just lie there and wait for it to pass, but take action and find something that you enjoy doing. It’s important to keep yourself occupied and engaged, and not indulge in negative emotions.

During the integration and healing period, it’s essential to find things that make you happy and give you a sense of purpose, including contributing to others and your community. Listen to positive audio and continuously improve yourself and your career. Celebrate every additional dollar earned with 10 minutes of joy, and you will notice that your negative periods will start to become shorter.

Key Points:

The first part: List out the specific tasks you do and create a table to highlight your positive achievements. You should aim to earn more money in your current job.

The second part: Focus on your innate talents and abilities to earn more money.

The third part: Focus on your internal negativity and use positive energy to overcome it.

The most important secret is to focus on the money you earn, and feel happy for at least ten minutes each time. The more positive and happy you feel, the more money you will attract. Therefore, it’s important to manifest your desires in the material world.

Since we are talking about the material world, there is a visible manifestation of wealth, and you will find that your money is increasing rapidly because abundance and prosperity are natural states for everyone. Just like love, it will only grow more and more, so as long as you focus on the money you earn, you will have more and more.

We are getting closer to the essence of life, and we are naturally abundant and prosperous. Everyone should happily earn more money, allowing us to have freedom in the material world and more freedom in our spirits and consciousness.

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