How Your Attitude Towards Wealth Affects Its Manifestation

Recap: Why can others manifest their desires while you cannot?

Earlier, we discussed why making money seems difficult or impossible, and how it all stems from the impact of our consciousness, which is often influenced by external factors. This impact is similar to the way illnesses can spread among people through a transfer of energy.

For instance, if someone around you has a sore throat and coughs frequently, you might eventually start experiencing similar symptoms. This is an example of how consciousness can be contagious.

Similarly, when we are exposed to certain energy or consciousness, we might absorb it and start manifesting the same patterns. This phenomenon is known as contagion within the realm of consciousness.


The Secret of Consciousness Attack

Why is your consciousness attacked? There are many rumors everywhere, such as on the internet or in your social circle. Every day, there are many similar things like “Quickly check out the secret of something” or “Healthy living concept”.

However, why do some people not get infected, while others are scared and immediately follow them? Some people are afraid and quickly let go, but why? It’s because what’s in your heart shows up. If it’s not in your heart, even if you see it outside, you can let it go.

Why haven’t you let it go yet? It’s like a monk carrying a woman across a river. Why did the little monk not let go? It’s because he was still thinking about it. Why did the big monk not care? Because he had no attachments in his heart.

Therefore, in our wealth consciousness system, if we want to become wealthy and positive about money, we need to understand what negative infectious and disruptive third consciousness we have, and what belief systems are mixed in our negative consciousness, such as ours, others’, new ones, and even the fourth type, which constantly changes and incorporates others’ new systems, making it hard to know who to trust.

When you are lost, the Three Uncertainties (body, emotion, wealth) start to emerge.

Secrets to Setting Goals for Becoming Wealthy

Earlier we talked about distractions, now let’s discuss becoming wealthy.

The first step is setting goals.

When setting goals, many people tend to aim high, wanting to set goals that are far beyond what’s feasible. “I want so much, I want my future to be abundant and prosperous.”

If you set a goal of 10 million or 1 million, is that not too low? Others set goals of 100 million or 50 million, and even some of your friends have already made so much money. Are you not being a bit foolish setting such low goals?

No, setting goals is about competing with yourself, setting goals according to your own sense of joy and satisfaction.

Why? Because it’s like a child putting on clothes. If you’re six years old, you wear clothes for six-year-olds. If you’re ten, you wear clothes for ten-year-olds. You can go up one size, but you can’t go up too much, because it won’t fit.


So in this world, tailor-made is the most expensive. You need to tailor your wealth energy to fit yourself.

For example, if I want five million now, I don’t compare myself to others, maybe comparing with others doesn’t mean anything. But compared to myself, it’s a huge amount, so that’s what I want.

If you think that five million is difficult, then okay, set yourself a goal of one million by the end of the year.

When setting goals, adjust your desires to be slightly lower. Because we only feel that we can achieve it if we set it slightly lower.

And because our goals are slightly lower, we won’t have that feeling of panic or fear of not completing the task. We might even have less self-blame and guilt.

As humans, we often generate energy of self-guilt and self-blame. “I don’t feel good enough, I feel dumb, I’m so silly, I couldn’t even finish that task or achieve that goal.” We engage in self-attack. Why can others do it, but not me?

Yes, each of us is like a tree, each with a different species. If you’re a pine tree, how can you expect yourself to bloom all year round? So respect your height, weight, and your species.

Not relaxing will hinder success

The second point to becoming wealthy is to relax when it comes to money. If you want to become wealthy, you must have an initial energy – an internal system of memory that says, “I want to play this game.”

Yes, in this world, whether you are poor, in debt, or rich, all these are what is referred to as “Everything with form is unreal” in the Diamond Sutra.


But why is it all vanity? Because it all comes from our thoughts and vibrations from within. It’s like Su Dongpo and Foyin, where Su Dongpo saw Foyin as dog poop, but Foyin saw Su Dongpo as a Buddha.

Once you have set a goal for yourself, ask yourself and even touch your body. Is it relaxed or tense? If it’s tense, it means you don’t believe you can achieve it. You can’t get into the mindset and goal of the game.

So what can you do? Lower the goal. It’s hard to achieve something if you’re too tense. It’s like taking a test. If you’re happy with the subject, you’ll do well. But if you’re nervous and constantly thinking about whether you can do it or not, you’ll make a lot of mistakes.

It’s the same with money. If you’re always thinking about whether you can do it or not, the answer is no. You’re too tense, and your muscles are always tight. It’s like standing next to a swimming pool, thinking about what will happen if you drown, if you get a cramp, if you need a life preserver or if you need to call someone for help. If you’re in that state, would you still go into the water? Maybe you wouldn’t even get in the water.

But if you encourage yourself with your mind, “I want to do this, I want to lose weight, I want to swim, I want to exercise,” you’ll find yourself exhausted. You wanted to swim five laps, but you found you couldn’t even do two because you couldn’t relax.

Have we not met our body’s requirements and standards? Many people want to lose weight, many people want to have a good partner… all for the same reason. Why doesn’t it work? Because you can’t relax.

(To be continued…)

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