The essence of money: being useful to others

Recap: Money is the combination of matter and energy

In essence, there is a basic exchange, but the variable in the middle depends on your spirituality, perception, and mental clarity, as well as the amount of energy involved.

In other words, money itself contains two parts, namely matter and energy. How can we balance and allocate matter and energy, and how can we make money?

It is actually a process of integrating heavenly and human forces.

Here’s a secret that I want to share with everyone: Making money is actually a very easy thing to do. Why? Because it follows a certain rule.

Loving Someone Means Loving Their Magnetic Field

Life only has three questions: emotional, physical, and financial. Compared to emotional and physical problems, money is the easiest to solve. Emotional issues, such as liking or loving someone, are purely a matter of energy and magnetic fields, as I mentioned during the emotional class the other day.

Do you know what you like about someone when you like them? You may think it’s their knowledge, wealth, appearance, or looks, but it’s not. What you really like is their breathing rhythm, the magnetic field they emit, and the scent that comes not only from their body but also from their soul and spirit.

For example, when a person has been studying for a long time, they develop a certain radiance, and their breathing changes, as does their physical posture. Similarly, a person who has been dancing for a long time will have a unique breathing and body posture. If someone is an artist or musician, their body and physical health will be different, while an athlete’s breathing rhythm, body posture, eye contact, and behavior emit a different type of magnetic field and scent.

What you like is not the physical body but rather the magnetic field inside the person, which encompasses all of their spirit, body, mind, and emotions.

Liking or not liking someone is a difficult thing. Even if you do like someone, changes in the magnetic field that occur over time can cause feelings to weaken. As the Buddhist saying goes, “all things arise from cause and condition and ultimately come to cessation.” It’s impossible to hold onto everything, including relationships. Even if someone deeply loves you, they cannot love you forever, and even if they love you in this life, there’s no guarantee that you’ll meet again in the next life and continue to love each other.

Therefore, while money can be easily obtained, it’s rare to find someone you truly love. In matters of the heart, a genuine emotional connection is more precious than gold.

Your body is not entirely under your control

So what about our bodies?

Our bodies are borrowed. Except for our hands, feet, eyes, and mouth, they don’t listen to us.

You say, “Heart, don’t beat, I don’t want to live anymore!” Does it listen to you? No, it doesn’t.

You say, “I want to sleep early today.” But tonight you toss and turn, and can’t fall asleep no matter how hard you try.

You also say, “I want to lose weight.” But does it listen to you? No, it doesn’t.

You tell your body, “I want to become more and more beautiful, I don’t want to get old.” But it doesn’t listen to you.

You say, “I want to be taller, I want to have long legs.” But it doesn’t listen to you.

You say again, “I want to be healthier and live longer.” But it still doesn’t listen to you.

If you don’t practice, don’t exercise, lack confidence, and have a bad mood, your body will age, grow spots, and more, which is why we talk about the importance of “spirit, energy, and mind” in conferences, and discuss the “four elements” (earth, fire, water, and wind) on the ground. Why? (The conference has begun, please consult the group leader, customer service, or leave a message for more details.)

Because after death, the earth element decomposes first, followed by the wind and water elements, and finally the fire element.


What does this mean? It means that our muscles gradually stop obeying our commands because muscles and bones are considered earth elements.

What about water? It refers to the body’s fluids, blood, and water. If these fluids stop circulating, incontinence may occur.

The wind element refers to breathing. If breathing becomes difficult, the person will only inhale and not exhale.

The fire element is the last to decline. As the body gradually cools down, the temperature drops slowly from the limbs to the chest. If the person’s chest cools down, there is no need to save them anymore.

Can we control any of these? No, we can’t.

If we talk about cultivation, the most it can do is to make the dissolution of the four elements (earth, fire, water, wind) at the time of death less painful. To put it more bluntly, what is the purpose of cultivation for ordinary people? It is to ensure that they can become human again in the next life and have some blessings.

Becoming human itself is a kind of blessing. When the four elements dissolve, it is not so painful that one forgets about life, loses their clarity, and forgets that they are a human body. Therefore, it is easier to go to other paths when reincarnating.

If one has practiced the four elements, it is easier to not be so painful during the dissolution process. This is the real foundation of cultivation. At least when dying and the four elements are dissolving, one will not suffer too much and can still guarantee that they will be reincarnated as a human.

You see, how difficult it is to control this body? When to die, how to die, and not being in too much pain during the dissolution of the four elements. You probably think it’s complicated when I explain it like this, right?

Therefore, you should practice the four elements. If you can understand and master even one of them, it’s already remarkable. And you have to practice it throughout your life. Cultivation is an all-day, everyday thing. It’s not something you do today and forget about tomorrow. You have to practice every day, just like singing or playing an instrument. You have to hone yourself every day.

Is it difficult? Of course, it’s difficult. I have been practicing for over 30 years, meditating since I was a teenager, never stopping day or night. Why? Because if I stop, I feel like something is missing in my life. Like right now, when I give lectures, it’s all accumulated from my 30 years of practice.

Money is the Easiest of the Three Problems to Manifest

In the previous section, we discussed how difficult it is to cultivate emotional relationships and train the body’s four elements, and we don’t even know if we will own this body in the future. We don’t know its expiration date, which part will break down, how to fix it, whether it can be fixed, or if it will be painful. This is really challenging!

Why is that? Because the four elements of earth, fire, water, and wind, are originally empty and they will naturally dissipate in space. They will return to their original state of emptiness. We are originally one with the world, but we cling to the idea of self in our consciousness. In contrast to the emptiness of emotions and the body, the emptiness of the universe gives rise to all things. We must empty ourselves to create all things.

It’s not easy to achieve this. We must first empty our body, then our emotions. Emptying emotions does not mean we have no emotions, but rather understanding their nature, cherishing them, rather than possessing, suffering, and pursuing them.


Now let’s talk about why money is relatively easier. It’s because it follows the laws of the universe – the law of unity between heaven and humanity, where energy comes from heaven and human effort comes from material exchange. Once you understand this law, making money becomes like driving a car, a technical skill that you can master with practice. You will realize that you can earn a lot of money if you practice consistently.

Therefore, if we consider the three problems of life, the easiest one to solve is the problem of money. How can we become wealthy? I’ll simplify it for you: first, rely on the power of the universe (heavenly energy), and then on human effort (material exchange). Why? Because this conforms to the “way” of money, where material and energy are unified.

The Essence of Money is Being Useful to Others

If you don’t have money, there are a few situations that may arise. Firstly, you may have a fixed mindset that earning money requires constant effort and exchange through personal labor. In the process of exchange, there are two possibilities: either what you exchange is useful, and your product or service benefits others, or it is not, and you might be holding onto something that you deem valuable, but others do not need or want, such as overstocked inventory that is not selling and even causing losses.

So what is the essence of money? You must understand that the essence of money lies in being useful to others. Usefulness can be categorized into two types: material and spiritual.

Material usefulness refers to products or services that benefit us physically, such as light bulbs. Every household needs light bulbs, which makes them useful and necessary. The same goes for basic household supplies like rice, flour, and oil. These are essential items that we must purchase, but we might have preferences for certain brands or types that make us feel more comfortable, and this preference is intangible.

Therefore, the world is divided into two parts: tangible and intangible. The usefulness of material items can be evaluated through how it benefits others, whereas intangible usefulness requires a different measurement.

We can measure the usefulness of something through how it benefits others. For example, if you are a carpenter and you build a house for someone, the level of usefulness you provide can be evaluated based on the physical work you have done. Additionally, you can provide intangible value by improving the aesthetic quality of the house.

In terms of spiritual value, we previously mentioned that it is essential to have a certain level of spirituality and wisdom, which is what truly helps you accumulate wealth. Being useful to others through spiritual means is what helps you achieve a higher quality of wealth.

(To be continued)

Do you want to know the rules for making money? Stay tuned for the next part…

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