The Key to Wealth Creation: Open Source Strategies

Before you read, a quick review:
Quick Manifestation: How to Use the Law of Attraction
The Incredible Ways the Universe Delivers

If you’re not manifesting what you want, it’s not someone else’s problem, it’s yours. You need to realize that if you’re not manifesting, it’s because you have internal blocks and patterns that need to be resolved. You may still be stuck in patterns of suffering, and your thoughts of abundance and wealth may not be aligned with your inner reality.

People talk about “open source” and “conservation,” but what does that mean for you? It means knowing what you’re good at and focusing on that. Start by identifying what you’re most skilled at in terms of human resources. Then, break it down into two parts: what is effective and what is not.


Let’s start with the ineffective part.

The other day, I saw a young man playing the guzheng in my WeChat moments. His focused expression was very charming, but he is actually a car salesman, which doesn’t seem to be of much help to his profession, unless his clients happen to be knowledgeable about music. Nevertheless, I appreciate his sense of self-enjoyment and feelings.


Ineffective means that, at least for now, it cannot be translated into money or career advancement, though it may become effective in the future if he wants to become a guzheng teacher.

We need to distinguish between the time cost. I have been emphasizing that time is also a cost, which is a part of your expenditure. Therefore, we need to calculate the cost of labor.

Firstly, what do you like to do? The other is what you are currently doing, something you do every day in terms of time and units. Playing with your phone, chatting with others, and playing games don’t count, as they are purely time-wasting and not even considered ineffective.

Therefore, sometimes I don’t add people on WeChat, even if they add me. Why? Because I found that everyone who adds me is asking questions, and I don’t want to answer them. Even in yesterday’s 2.5-level class, a classmate asked if they could still ask the teacher questions after class. I told him directly that my personal time and leisure time are for playing, not answering questions, and I am not a teacher.


You add me, but I won’t answer your questions because I’m here to play. So, sending WeChat messages is a waste of time, it’s just for self-entertainment. My self-entertainment time is limited, I don’t always reply, and I may only reply briefly in the evenings or during lunch breaks.

When I do reply to WeChat messages, it’s usually just a few lines long, either a “yes” or “no”. If someone asks too many questions, I’ll just ignore them.

Why? Because I have a clear goal. Why am I here? To enjoy life, to play in this world, to experience warmth and love, not to be trapped in endless questions and answers.

Even if I answer their question today, they’ll still ask the same repeated question the next time because their consciousness, emotions, and thinking patterns haven’t changed.

Solving problems in the context of problems is not a solution. So, sometimes when people ask me questions, I’ll just tell them to go to a class, as their question can’t be answered in one or two sentences.

Basically, I’ll avoid answering these questions. Why? Because I have other things to do, whether they’re effective or not, I’ll do what I enjoy doing.

I respect every moment of life, not just the moments spent answering questions.


Just now we talked about distinguishing between effective and ineffective activities. Even if you are passionate about certain activities, they may still be ineffective. I have a lot of ineffective activities, like reading books, doing facials, doing enjoyable things, playing games, and having fun. These activities cannot generate economic benefits, but they do bring me a good mood and a good feeling.


So, we need to list out these ineffective activities and measure the time spent on them in our life, in units of time. In terms of human resources, we need to use numbers to calculate and measure.

For me, posting moments on WeChat is a record of my life. Almost all my moments are about self-entertainment, and I am in a state of enjoying the world with a smile. However, this kind of activity cannot generate significant economic benefits.

I know that, but I still like these kinds of ineffective activities.


Just now, we talked about what is effective and what is not. Even the things you are passionate about can be ineffective. I have many ineffective things that I enjoy, such as reading, doing face masks, doing nice things like going out to play, gossiping, and doing fun things for self-entertainment.

So, we need to separate what is ineffective and measure it by the amount of time spent on it in our lives. In terms of manpower, we need to measure it with numbers.

For me, posting on WeChat Moments is just a way to record the bits and pieces of my life. Almost all of my WeChat Moments are about self-entertainment and enjoying the world with a smiling face. However, this kind of activity does not generate much economic benefit.

Effective things are what you are currently working on that can be converted into revenue, or will be converted into revenue in the future. For example, books you have read, purposeful learning, and professional support are all effective.

Today, our guest speaker shared his experiences as a healing therapist and mandala interpreter. He was a member of my speech therapy class, and I was moved by his presentation. As a healing therapist and interpreter, what does he need? He needs to continuously work on case studies, cultivate intuition, and look at pictures to gain a greater awareness and understanding.

If he becomes unfamiliar with the process, his energy level will drop. He also mentioned that he was a high school teacher and that this experience opened up a wealth channel for him. During his learning process, was it effective? Where was it effective? In terms of manpower, he was interested in learning and therefore it was effective.

Similarly, initially providing free case studies to others is a process of quantitative change leading to qualitative change. This kind of incremental process is an effective channel for creating wealth.


There is an important piece of information that I want to share with you: what do you enjoy doing in your free time?

Hobbies, like our guest speaker who is a middle school teacher, a healing therapist, and a mandala interpreter – these things may seem unrelated, but he has a deep sense of self-awareness and a passion to learn. He says, “I like it, so I want to learn. Whether I become good at it or not, I don’t know.”

If you’ve never attended a healing class, you may not understand what I’m talking about. You may not know what kind of healing therapist or interpreter you could become. It’s all a mystery.

In my healing classes, I don’t accept latecomers. If you’re two hours late, you shouldn’t bother coming. You won’t be able to catch up. I speak very fast and say, “I’ll teach you, but I can’t guarantee you’ll understand everything.” If you can’t keep up, it’s not my problem. You can retake the course or leave. I never make any promises about what you will become or achieve in any of my classes.

Every student knows my attitude. They ask me what they will become. The truth is that I don’t know, and I don’t care.

Is this effective or ineffective? It’s effective because I enjoy it. It’s not a waste of time. It’s effective because it gives me a chance to try something new. If there is even a slim possibility of success, it’s effective.



When we like something, we can have direction in our human resources, which is effective.

Another area to recalculate in human resources is: what is your revenue, what are your costs, and where can you cut back? Where can you open up?

You also need to calculate where you may not be putting enough effort or improvement. This may be in your relationships with your company. Does your company need you and cannot function without you? If they can function without you, it may be difficult to negotiate a salary increase.

If you are the boss, and the entire company cannot function without you, the company is too small. As an employee, if the company can function without you, it means you are dispensable.

As a boss, you should not be in the office all the time. Instead, the company should be able to function smoothly without you. Similarly, in human resources, it is not just about hard work and diligence, but also about being professional and dedicated.

After-sales service is an essential part of a company’s human resources, and it generates a significant amount of repeat sales. Are you providing adequate after-sales service? Are you striving for continuous improvement in your service?

Many people are diligent, but do they have a clear direction and goal for their efforts? Similarly, is your level of professionalism adequate? If not, how do you plan to improve it to satisfy your customers?

Furthermore, what is the next chain reaction? When you have improved your professionalism, are you providing adequate service? Have repeat sales been generated? What is your reputation?

(to be continued)

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