The Biggest Gap Between the Rich and the Poor

The value of wealth lies in the ideas and concepts I shared in my wealth and emotional classes, where we emphasize taking things slowly and not rushing. I provided everyone with a framework of thinking, and our platform decided to create some exercises based on it. They found it particularly beneficial, and I further analyzed with everyone about the difference between the formulas used by the poor and the rich.

The poor often say, “Hurry up! Hurry up!” whereas the rich often say, “Take it easy, I’ll wait for you!”

Why is this? It’s because in the minds of the poor, there is a sense of fear, that they must hurry up because they believe that there will be disastrous consequences if they don’t. For instance, when waiting for a bus or a plane, if they miss it, they will have to deal with the repercussions such as finding accommodation, dealing with complaints, or blaming themselves for their tardiness.

Therefore, in this kind of situation, they ask themselves, “How can I bear the consequences of being late? I cannot let myself be late or delay.” They then carry this deep sense of self-blame, as they cannot forgive themselves.

What kind of wealth secret lies behind not letting ourselves off the hook?

In our emotions, when we cannot let ourselves off the hook, what kind of wealth is hidden in this energy of fear?

All wealth must be practical and virtual, but many people have a big breakthrough, feeling enlightened one moment and feeling like rubbish the next. And then they become enlightened again. Every time there is a sense of rising, and indeed in wealth, this kind of unlocking is what brings me joy. Because I can see where everyone’s wealth is blocked and understand why it is blocked, and how to get it through the blocking process. So I really hope that everyone can become richer and richer.

Now in all energy manifestation, money is the easiest to digest. It is faster than the body or emotions. Why?

Because it is material and its energy is relatively lower.

In life and learning, I found that many people who seek quick results, including those in spiritual cultivation, will often what happens when they seek quick results in wealth?

They repeat the cycle of making money fast and losing it quickly, leaking money, and it is actually more of a gamble in consciousness. When we talk about wealth, it is easy to become rich, but can we become noble? Can we become wealthy for several generations, three or four generations, and truly become an aristocracy? For a family that has been wealthy for hundreds of years, it takes time to cultivate an aristocratic atmosphere. What is an aristocracy?

It is not in a hurry, being able to take it slow, and having a sense of cultivation and refinement in any situation.

What is money?

Money is a manifestation of love, joy, and appreciation of others’ energy.

When we spend money, we appreciate, rejoice, and even flow with love. This is why we have this energy manifestation, including giving money to our families and children, which we do only because of the flow of love. Therefore, in the essence of money, its nature is love, appreciation of this world, and the planning for a better future. This includes raising children, which is also a manifestation of love and a demonstration of a better future. I can see a better future.


So, what is love?

It is my attachment to a better world through your vision of this world. Therefore, after having children, I found that I cherish life more. Why? Because you are in this world, so how can I not cherish it?

The difference between the poor formula and the rich formula lies not in the absence of love or appreciation, but in what?

The lack of joy and praise.

What do the poor formula have more?

The exchange mode. So what is the difference between the poor formula and the rich formula?

The poor have love and appreciation, but their joy is only in the enjoyment of material possessions. For example, “How much money did I earn this month? I want to buy a bag or a piece of clothing.” Their joy is in the feeling of material possession. Praise? They rarely praise because they are often in a state of hurry. Therefore, the poor formula is mixed with what?

It is not purely love, appreciation, and joy. How can it be pure? By not being in a hurry.

Some people may say that I have to repay my credit card debt here, how can I not be anxious? So, let me ask you, does being anxious help at all?

Whether it’s worry, fear, or anxiety, all of your emotions can be divided into two levels: one is sadness, pain, sorrow, fear, and anxiety; the other is joy, excitement, gratitude, praise, and so on. There are significant differences in the outcomes between these two levels of emotions.

When you experience pain, fear, or anxiety, what kind of energy is produced?

It’s negative, like a gateway to darkness that opens the whole door.

What is more?

It’s that many people in debt didn’t start owing tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions all at once. It began with a few thousand yuan, which accumulated slowly due to fear. More often, because of this fear, they have to go after more, borrow more money, and then owe tens of thousands, then hundreds of thousands, and some even owe tens of millions or billions. Where is the difference?

It depends on your strength and past abilities, and how many people are willing to lend you money. If no one is willing to lend you money even when you have exhausted all your resources, then your funding chain is broken, and it’s time to call it quits!

How many people lend you money depends on how your past energy is manifested. Therefore, fear, anxiety, and even pain often create a larger conscious black hole and a bigger debt of wealth.

Is debt a form of energy?

Then debt is not energy?


Isn’t it a creation of money?


From a numerical perspective, it may appear negative, but for the universe, there is actually no distinction between positive and negative. What you call negative, is similar to the differences between the ocean floor and a mountain top. From the perspective of the universe, there is no real distinction, and it’s all the same.

Therefore, the entire process of accumulating energy depends on what kind of emotional vibration you put out and what results it produces.

As a financial coach, I have seen many people who start off with debt, and sometimes even accumulate more along the way, like running backward before taking a leap forward. But eventually, there is a turnaround. If someone is in debt for a couple of million, what typically happens?

They experience a several-fold or tenfold turnaround. Some people even manage to turn their debt into tens of millions of profits.


The Two Functions of Debt

Sometimes debt has two functions for us in terms of money:
One is a reminder, reminding you to love money; The other is to expand your feeling of wealth. It expands your state of wealth. Even negative debt is still money. You start to cherish and love money, and it reminds you to come out of debt and fear.

You might ask, can I not be afraid? Yes, that’s the state you need. It’s like swimming in water. The more you worry about drowning, the more your muscles tense up, and you will sink. The more dangerous the situation is in the water, the more you need to relax completely. Only then can you truly float freely in the water.

So what’s on the other side of money creation? On the other side is relaxation, joy, love, light, and appreciation for others. When I lead the Health 365 morning class, I also include a meditation on wealth, as well as a meditation on the body, emotions, reconciliation with parents and friends, and so on. This morning class is a comprehensive process.

First, you must enter a relaxed state, where you completely relax all of your cells, and then there will be a process of magnetic field resonance.

So, money is a material manifestation. What is all manifestation? Consciousness determines energy, and energy manifests matter.

What is consciousness?

It is called intention when you are aware of it, and consciousness is the recognition system of the alaya consciousness.

So, what is energy?

Energy is the combination of all electrical and magnetic, magnetic and electrical, heat, molecular, and even atomic, particle, and quantum entanglement energies in a closed space. They form a vibration pattern, which we call energy.

Once energy forms a fixed pattern and its vibration pattern reaches a certain quantity, the quantity becomes quality, and material is manifested.

So in this world, all trees absorb sunlight. When they reach a certain point, they grow into towering trees. When these trees reach a certain point, they become furniture such as tables and chairs, transforming from energy into matter.

So how does consciousness transform into energy?

For example, if I want to renovate this house now, after I bought the house, I walked around in this empty room, thinking about what I wanted and where I wanted it, including bringing a design company to do it. This is the process of consciousness changing energy.

There is money in energy. If I don’t have enough money, my renovation will not be good. If I have enough money, my renovation may be done according to my own way, and the result will be manifested. Here, consciousness determines energy, and energy determines material, forming a pathway for the entire three-dimensional world.

When we talk about consciousness determining energy and energy determining material, material is low frequency, and consciousness is the highest. What is the highest state of consciousness?

What is the Aristocratic Temperament?

It takes generations for an aristocratic family to emerge, while wealth is actually easy to come by. Why is that? Because once your consciousness stabilizes, the energy pathway no longer fluctuates and becomes constant.

It’s not about being here today and there tomorrow, or practicing one form of diligence in one place and another form in another place. The meaning of diligence is to generate sufficient heat energy and magnetic transformation in one place, much like a mother hen hatching eggs. During the incubation process, the mother hen stays in one place and generates constant temperature energy, which is necessary for new life to be born.

Therefore, when we practice our thoughts and intentions, we must have constancy. With stable energy output in this one-way energy pathway, our material existence can be stabilized. Energy is not just about wealth and affluence, nor is it just about money. It cultivates a sense of social responsibility, family duty, and the nurturing of knowledge and culture.

The highest state is our mind, which is how you perceive the world.

We divide it into two levels, both of which can create money:
One is our fear and anxiety, which can create negative debt;
Similarly, in the high frequency, our joy, love, happiness, and beauty can create a greater stability and a noble atmosphere.

What is the Aristocratic Temperament?

It takes generations for an aristocratic family to emerge, while wealth is actually easy to come by. Why is that? Because once your consciousness stabilizes, the energy pathway no longer fluctuates and becomes constant.

It’s not about being here today and there tomorrow, or practicing one form of diligence in one place and another form in another place. The meaning of diligence is to generate sufficient heat energy and magnetic transformation in one place, much like a mother hen hatching eggs. During the incubation process, the mother hen stays in one place and generates constant temperature energy, which is necessary for new life to be born.

Therefore, when we practice our thoughts and intentions, we must have constancy. With stable energy output in this one-way energy pathway, our material existence can be stabilized. Energy is not just about wealth and affluence, nor is it just about money. It cultivates a sense of social responsibility, family duty, and the nurturing of knowledge and culture.

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