The Origin of Life: Exploring Worlds Beyond the Third Dimension

About the origin of life:
Who am I?
Where am I going?
What are we here in this world for?

This body is called the “karmic body” in Buddhism. The body that is obtained from the fruit of karmic causes and effects is called the “karmic body”. The “karmic body” is actually a kind of entanglement in quantum balance. In some of these thoughts and causes, these karmic imbalances exist. We come to this world mainly to balance the past causes and effects.

What I said before was that I came to do homework, but actually it was to balance the imbalance in the quantum entanglement of the past, so what I got was only this “karmic body” in the cause and effect.

In this “karmic body”, we have the heavenly soul, human soul, and earth soul. The heavenly soul is the symbol of our wisdom. It is assigned to an energy body during the moment of fertilization in the mother’s womb.

The human soul is the DNA that we inherit from our father and mother, which is commonly referred to as the family arrangement. These arrangements are a combination of inheritance.

As for the earth soul, according to Buddhism, it is our record keeper, which records what we have done, as well as the blessings, good and bad deeds of our previous lives. It is the soul that is reincarnated.

When we humans die, the heavenly soul returns to heaven again. This heavenly soul carries many talents and talents, but each life is not necessarily the same. In this life, only the divine light and the part with inspiration are distributed, which is called the heavenly soul.

The human soul is inherited from our parents’ genes, and even from our ancestors or the blessings that we receive. We call it “yin de”.

In the earth soul, our ancestors often say, “There are gods within three feet above your head”. The three feet above your head is not really the gods above your head, but the causal body recorded on our head, which is connected with our earth soul.

After a person dies, the heavenly soul will directly dissipate and return to heaven. The human soul will directly dissipate. Your appearance, gender, and even your past preferences will gradually disappear. However, the earth soul will forever record your likes, hobbies, including some consciousness, states, and even some special death aura that were present in your past souls.

Does reincarnation really exist in this world?

What kind of state is our life in? The truth is that our soul is immortal. Our soul is constantly in the process of manifestation, and each manifestation is actually a cycle of reincarnation. Not every manifestation is necessarily as a human being; sometimes it is in the form of an animal, sometimes in the realm of the Asura, and sometimes in the realm of the gods.

Therefore, many people say that it is difficult to obtain a human body, and it is true. In our cause-and-effect karmic body, it takes a lot of cycles of reincarnation to obtain a human body, and there must be a karmic relationship and involvement. This karmic relationship is the cause, and the more important part is the fruit of that cause, which must be balanced.

Both our body and our soul are actually energy bodies, and in our three-dimensional world, this latitude is actually a world of energy, where the systems running in our energy interface are all energy systems.

For example, our three meals a day, the food we eat is actually transformed into heat and energy to nourish our physical body. We need to constantly drink water to nourish this physical body, and sleeping is also a way of nourishing this physical body, which is replenishing the energy we have consumed.

Even so, our human body will slowly begin to age with the passage of time, and the concept set by our collective consciousness is that we will gradually age when we reach fifty years old, even if it is ten or twenty years different, this collective consciousness agreement will slowly awaken the inner alarm clock of each of us, which is the process of aging.

As I have said before, this consciousness is a state of collective consciousness, subconsciousness, and unconsciousness, and they are all energies, just like an inner alarm clock that will gradually awaken you when it’s time. In all of my courses, I will slowly sort out these ideas.

The world we live in is a three-dimensional world, and in this three-dimensional world, it is actually a world of energy constraints, where all worlds are set by an inner alarm clock for our life.

What is the 3D world?

The 3D world is a space defined by length, width, and height with concepts of time and space, such as longitude and latitude. It is the world we live in and experience as humans, where the soul enters as a point.

The 2D world, on the other hand, is the world of ants, where they move from one point to another.

What are the other worlds beyond the 3D world?

In the higher dimensions of the 4th and 5th dimension, it is a causal realm that affects our 3D world.

In the 6th, 7th, and 8th dimensions, it is the realm of gods and celestial beings, where there are other invisible interfaces such as the dragon race, the phoenix race, extraterrestrials, and higher-dimensional beings such as arhats.

Beyond that, it is the world of 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th dimensions, which include Buddhist countries, Taoism, as well as heaven and gardens in the God’s realm, all of which are created by high-energy entities.

What do you believe in the consciousness space?

When you grow old, your entire consciousness space will return to that space. That is to say, if you believe in Buddhism, then you will return to the Western Pure Land; if you believe in Taoism, then when you return to the light of consciousness, you will go to the interface of the Three Pure Ones in Taoism; If you believe in God, then you will go to God’s heaven, and angels will come to guide you. In other words, what you believe in is related to your light of consciousness.

So, what is fate?

Belief is fate, which is a pull. When you believe in something, the gateway of your thought space will be opened. They are just a makeshift raft to ferry you across the river. What you believe in will determine which raft will come to ferry you across the river.

Some students will ask me, “Teacher, is it better to believe in Buddhism or Taoism or God?” I often reply that it doesn’t matter what you believe in, it’s like when you go to Beijing or Shanghai, which airline do you choose? Whether it’s Air China, Southern Airlines, Xiamen Airlines, or Hainan Airlines, it’s just a matter of convenience. There are 3,000 paths and 84,000 Dharma doors, and it’s up to you to decide which door suits you best.”

In the eleventh dimension, there is the world of the Creator, which we often call the Creator or God in the Western world, while in the East, it is Pangu, who created the world. This is a interface that can create life. In the twelfth dimension, there is the light of the origin, which is full of light and love, as well as sound, light and music, and a lot of heat and love, which is a process of continuously dropping energy and nourishing other energy entities.

Behind the light of the origin, there are more interfaces and worlds, but they are not in our current interface and world. In our current interface, the dimensions range from zero to twelve. However, many people know that there are spaces of thirteen and fourteen dimensions. Because I have not explored further, I only know that there is more behind, but my consciousness has not seen further, so I cannot share more with everyone here.

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