Become a Money-loving Spiritual Practitioner

The Contradiction of Spiritual Practitioners with Money

Many people claim to be spiritual practitioners who do not care about money. They say things like, “I am a teacher, a spiritual messenger, a practitioner. I cannot love money. Money is not important to me.” However, I often see that their energy is focused on grasping money, even more than the average person. Behind the mask of their words, there is deception and greed.

This grasping behavior is rooted in fear and insecurity about money. They often say things like, “This is too expensive, I can’t afford it,” or “I already have something similar that is expensive enough.” They measure everything in terms of money and often struggle with it, which creates even more blockages in their energy.

Why is this the case?

It is because an energy of honesty and authenticity is required to maintain a stable and balanced energy. This honesty is not about being truthful to others, but rather to oneself. The universe records all of our thoughts, words, and the energy vibrations that we emit.

As a spiritual practitioner, I am able to see the past lives and karmic debts of individuals. In emotional cases, I am able to see the vows they have made and the kind of soulmate they are seeking. All of these thoughts become energy and are recorded in the universe.

People often say, “I do not care about money. It is too materialistic.” However, the truth is that they are often plagued with worries such as “What about rent? What about the mortgage? What about the car loan? What about my child’s education?” These thoughts and contradictions create energy blockages and cause one to tell even more lies to maintain the facade of being a spiritual practitioner who doesn’t care about money.

In reality, they are driven by fear and the desire for more money. It is important to be honest with ourselves and recognize that money is a part of our lives, but it should not be our sole focus. Let us focus on cultivating positive energy, compassion, and honesty in our lives, and the money will follow naturally.

Being Honest with Yourself

In our lives, if we are not honest with ourselves, whether it is about our emotions, physical health, or wealth, it will create the same kind of energy blockages. It is like a tumor that gradually expands and spreads, just like an apple that rots from the inside out. Even though the surface looks fine, the inside becomes increasingly bitter until it is no longer edible and eventually rots away completely.

Many people say they do not care about money and prefer spiritual pursuits. They say they do not love money and think it is useless. However, when they seek various spiritual practices, they hope that the teacher or practitioner will offer free services or not charge too much. This kind of deception can easily lead to anger and destroy our path of spiritual practice.

The Initial and True Intentions of Life

Our path of spiritual practice is rooted in our initial and true intentions. We came to this world with a purpose and mission. Our true intentions are to live in light and love, to lead more people to live in light and love, and to help more people avoid suffering. We want to stand in light and love and radiate more light and love to others. Love is our true intention and nature.

When there is a conflict, we need to return to our true intentions and ask ourselves whether the conflict is in line with our initial intentions. If we deceive ourselves or pretend to others that we do not love money while secretly being afraid of and grasping for it, we are betraying our true intentions.

If our true intention is to cultivate our souls and achieve higher consciousness, then we want more freedom, which includes financial freedom. Why would we suppress and devalue the energy of wealth to maintain a false image of being a spiritual practitioner? In fact, money and flowers are fundamentally the same in this world – they are all beautiful.

Deception can attack our true intentions and path of spiritual practice, which is called our path of Tao. When our path of Tao is attacked, we easily become angry and blame others for not offering discounts or more generosity. This leads to a state of seeking and blaming, as we try to make everyone live in our image.

However, the initial principle of spiritual practice and the path of Tao is to allow and accept all things in this world, whether they are flowering or not, as beautiful.

The Arising of Anger and Resentment

No matter whether we love money or not, it is still a good thing. Just like all teachers who offer courses, regardless of their fee structure, it is an exchange of energy and a gesture of their heart. Whether it is free or costs a fortune, it is their intention and the way they want to experience the world. What we need to do is to show them respect and acknowledge their ways.

Different people have different ways of playing the game of life. If you don’t want to play along with someone’s rules, it’s better not to join in. But you can’t demand that they follow your rules because your limitations will only limit everyone else. If you start to judge and criticize, then anger and resentment will arise.

This kind of anger and resentment is like sulfuric acid, slowly corroding not the object of your anger, but yourself. Because the other person doesn’t care about your words, your anger is pointless. This kind of anger and resentment is the same as love, like a boomerang, it will eventually come back to you.

If you love someone, that love will come back to you. If you hate someone, that anger and resentment will also come back to you. That’s why you will find that your spiritual state, willpower, and practice are hindered more and more.


It’s because anger and resentment have arisen, and judgment is increasing.

Honesty with Money

We should be honest with money. I love money because it’s the game of this world. Every time I give a lecture, whether it’s in class or out of class, I have a feeling of admiration: I really love money. I love the feeling of money coming to me, even though I don’t spend much money. I lecture every day, and even work on cases at night. I don’t have time to spend money, but I still love the feeling of earning money!

I love the smell and energy of money, and I’m not afraid to talk about money because it brings me joy. I even want to open more healing sessions to teach more students my skills so they can serve others and create wealth. I want to create a platform that allows more people to have more money. I love to see others have money, and I love to see others nourished by money, happiness, and freedom. For me, this is happiness.

I enjoy listening to the sound of the ATM machine. Every time I walk home, I spend more than ten minutes in front of the ATM machine withdrawing and depositing money. I love the sound of the ATM machine counting money because it’s a connection to money.

I never shy away from being a practitioner who loves money because in my view, money is no different from a bouquet of flowers or any other beauty in the world. Practicing can be done well, and so can loving money!

Just like loving flowers and trees, eating and sleeping, they are naturally different things that can make every aspect of them beautiful. I often say that every aspect of the world has beauty, and we can live our lives so that every aspect is beautiful and something we love. This can make our logic and intuition equally strong.

Living according to our true self

Here we find our true self. What is my true self?

My true self is to make myself happy every moment of my life, to be true to myself every moment and not to let myself down!

Since this is my true self, I realized that Money Baby loves joy, appreciation, and the energy of others. So why should I let Money Baby down when he comes to me for fun? Why should I pretend to be a high and mighty person?

This fairy doesn’t need worldly things and money, but in private, I still wonder, how am I going to send my child to school?

No, what I want is real and genuine joy, joy that radiates inside and out. When I was doing a case, a baby from Xinjiang told me: “Teacher, when I started listening to your online lessons, I laughed unconsciously and felt extremely happy.”

At that time, I thought, “Is this teacher laughing a bit fake? Is she trying to create a lively atmosphere and laughing by herself? What’s so funny?”

Then she said, “But as I listened more, I became mesmerized and attracted to you, and then I came to your in-person class.

When I attended your in-person class, I sat in the front row and realized that you were truly happy and joyful. You spoke like a child in class and laughed on your own. Then, as you spoke, your eyes curved up, and you had a smile on your face. You were really happy, not trying to please us or make us happy, you were just happy!

The most important thing is that after attending your classes for five days, I unconsciously began to become like you, enjoying everything, feeling happy with everything, and my eyes would curve up when I looked at things. Being in class with you felt like “happiness”!

Why do I feel so happy after attending your classes?”

She said, “It’s because being with you, I feel too happy, a feeling I haven’t had in many years.”

When I heard this, I burst out laughing and said that this statement was really good, and I could understand it especially well.

I can understand what’s funny, what’s happy, what’s enjoyable.

When you enter the channel of joy and happiness, and have a sense of mindfulness, you must be responsible for yourself every moment of your life, make yourself happy every moment, and love and cherish yourself well. When you have such happy and joyful energy, you will infect others, and people around you will begin to feel joy because of you.


Working hard to earn money

Earning money is tough, and I cannot be too happy. I need to work hard to make money. I must reach a certain standard, even creating an image in my head that I must achieve to make money. I feel that earning money is the price of my hard work. —— The consensus of most people 

During a recent in-person class where I was interpreting a mandala, there was a girl. I said to her, “You actually have a mask on. You have been saying one thing and doing another. You have been living in this world with a fake mask, and sometimes, you have even deceived yourself. But you still maintain some clarity in your judgment. You think that you are good at making money, but you never enjoy earning it. You feel that earning money is tough.”

Therefore, on the one hand, you enjoy the glory and pride of making money; on the other hand, you feel that it is excruciating. However, you cannot take off this mask. As soon as I finished speaking, she burst into tears.

She told me, “Teacher, you hit the nail on the head. Especially when you said that I say one thing and do another, it made me realize the truth. I have been saying one thing and thinking another for so many years. I am always inconsistent with myself.

I teach people using words that are flowery and grandiose, but I know that I am not that kind of person. The more I look down on myself, the more judgmental I become of myself. No one knew about my disguise, but suddenly, you saw through it.“

I laughed and said, “Because the mandala’s painting is an extension of your body cells, I can see both the inside and outside layers.”

Why Work So Hard to Earn Money?

Many people ask themselves, “Why do I work so hard to earn money?” The answer is simple: if you don’t enjoy the process of earning money, you’ll be draining your own energy, both physically and emotionally.

I once had a young mother approach me, saying, “I work hard to support my husband and child, but my husband refuses to listen to me. I feel so frustrated and unhappy.” When I heard her story, I laughed and said, “Why are you so miserable? Don’t you work to achieve happiness? Is having a servant-like husband your definition of happiness? Does his obedience determine whether you’re happy or not?”

If you view money only as an exchange, without any enjoyment, it will affect your emotional and physical well-being, as well as your relationships. You’ll feel like you’re wasting your hard work, your physical and emotional resources, just to earn money.

I have a friend who owns several companies across different industries, and is highly successful in each one. But he’s never happy. He feels like earning money is an arduous task that requires his utmost effort.

When I called him one day, he told me he was sick and had been bedridden for five days. He said, “I can’t afford to be lazy. What if something happens to my companies while I’m not around?”

I sighed and said, “When are you going to change this mindset? You need to slow down and take care of yourself.”

But he replied, “I can’t afford to be complacent. I need to keep pushing forward.”

If you have this mindset of “earning money is hard work” and “I must suffer to earn money,” it will affect your relationships, your physical health, and your self-esteem.

So, what are you really gaining by living this way? You won’t be happy, nor will you be fulfilled. You’ll find yourself constantly saying one thing and doing another, causing a rift between your true self and your external persona, as well as your self-evaluation to become lower and lower.

Because when our inner self is not in harmony, we cannot truly appreciate and love ourselves. If we cannot even love ourselves, how can we expect to find true happiness and fulfillment in life?

The Essence of Wealth

In the process of earning money, what do we truly want? We want joy.

We don’t want money itself; we love the love, joy, and appreciation of others behind the money.

The essence of wealth is love, joy, and appreciation of others.

We don’t love money for its usefulness or its appearance; this is just the tip of the iceberg. We love money because it embodies love, joy, and appreciation of others!

Because we ourselves have love, joy, and appreciation of others, money resonates with us on the same frequency.

So I love that little baby, the one whose family’s money came to play with me! We are of the same kind, and I find joy, freedom, and the energy of blessing in it.

So I want to wish you all to become wealthier and wealthier, and I wish all my friends around me to become wealthier and wealthier, because the essence of love is the energy of blessing and joy!

When we gradually learn to communicate with money and start feeling joy from money, the energy of wealth starts to flow slowly.

Why Are We Alive?

There are many stumbling blocks to wealth, and this is just one of the conflicting blocks between wealth and spiritual practice. For us humans, it is very easy to flip wealth by removing these stumbling blocks one by one because we are here to experience the beauty of this world, not to suffer.

We are alive to experience the beauty of this world. Why are we alive?

You have two or even three choices:

  1. Live a beautiful life.
  2. Live a difficult life.
  3. Live a life of mutual entanglement and energy pulling without much excitement. All the days are the ones you want to experience, and you choose them.

When you are financially free, you will find yourself becoming like a whimsical child, buying what you like without considering the price, only asking your heart, do you like it or not?

When you find what you love, you discover that whoever and whatever surrounds you in your life are the things you love the most, and there is no second best because you are becoming more and more like a child, returning to your true self!

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