I will become a rich person in the future, but what about now?

Many people think that in the future, they can become rich. It is a future where we turn it into a dream, or even a procrastination. It is not an affirmation of oneself, but rather procrastination. You must differentiate whether it is your dream or your procrastination.

The whole energy is interconnected, with the past as the cause, the present as the cause, and the future as the effect. Therefore, the most important thing is your current power and energy. If you are joyful at the moment, you have gratitude and feelings towards wealth, then you don’t have to worry about the future. You will definitely be rich. If at the moment, you have a deep love and attachment to wealth, then your wealth is not in the future, but will slowly transform within a few days.

You don’t need to go so far into the future. Your future is more of an excuse to escape from yourself. “I will definitely be rich in the future.” How long is the future? How long is the time limit set? Three months, six months, or ten months? When there is no time limit in your future, it is all an illusion and a fantasy.

There is a time limit, which is when I want to achieve something by the end of the year, spend a certain amount of money, then this future is not an illusion. It is a process of ordering from the universe, with a deadline, where the future and the present are connected.

What you must understand is that if you always think that you will be rich in the future, then behind your illusion is a procrastination energy, avoiding your dissatisfaction with yourself in the present. We often escape, not just from the past, such as my family’s poor conditions, for example, my parents’ family background, their concept of wealth is not good, and they have held me back. Or even my partner is not good. They spend too much money, they earn too little, etc.

I can imagine that I will be very rich in the future, I can feel that I will be very rich in the future. But where is that future? How long is it? All of these are feelings that we have fallen into illusions. The feeling of constantly avoiding and pushing it off.

In fact, many of us will have such fantasies and self-comfort, a bit like an adult pacifier, which is self-comfort!

So when you want to comfort yourself, you must give yourself an order from the universe, set a deadline, and it should be like a step-by-step approach. Don’t suddenly think that if I owe $300,000, I must manifest $400,000. When you don’t even believe that you can manifest so much, you should manifest peace within yourself, even if it’s only $50,000. Start with $50,000.

When you have manifested 50,000 dollars, you will have confidence and start to manifest 80,000 or even 100,000, instead of trying to accomplish everything at once. Because the most important thing is your honesty with yourself. When you are honest with yourself, you will find that your entire energy is also becoming clear.

In your inner world, within the three realms of existence, the middle realm of human existence is where the energy is entangled. When you gradually become steadfast and even feel grateful and joyful towards money, your entanglement will no longer exist.

Slowly, the light energy will rise and transform into heavenly energy. The so-called heavenly energy is when you are doubly healthy and your happiness is worth a fortune. You will discover that every flower, grass, tree, and everything you encounter in life is beautiful, and every day is full of beauty. You will notice the beauty of this world, and it will be just right.

When you discover these wonderful things and have a heavenly realm within your inner world, your energy will gradually become more transparent and clear. When this energy comes out, you will find that the power of your mind to manifest things will come out. These illusions will gradually fade away. If you want to have money, it is actually about the power of your mind. You just need to believe it and set a date, and it will gradually manifest.

Manifestation is like driving. Practice it and you will have it! Everyone has the innate ability to manifest. Everyone can practice it and gain nourishment from it. When you can see through illusions, you will know that the world is open to you. Wealth, emotional relationships, and physical health are all in your mind. When your mind is more open and filled with love and positivity, you will find that everything is getting better and better, especially your wealth.

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